Why do so many movies for women end with her about to marry one dude when another dude shows up at the wedding and...

Why do so many movies for women end with her about to marry one dude when another dude shows up at the wedding and rides off with her?

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It's the female fantasy equivalent of having two chicks sugg yo dicc at the same time

Most women don't want to marry their spouse and are only settling for him because they are rapidly aging and usually also need his money

cause women are fucking whores

i hate women so much


King of Queens did a funny version of this.

This. Women ride the cock carousel and then are pretty much stuck with a beta numale provider to make their lives easy. But deep down they just wish Chad would come sweep her off her feet.

Women love grand gestures and love that overcomes all odds. A guy pouring his heart out at a wedding ceremony, and the girl picking him despite being on the altar one second away from becoming unavailable forever just tickles their lady boner.

and the fact that the girl is completely humiliating their groom-to-be doesn't bother them at all?

They want Chad, that fling they had back when their bodies were younger and more beautiful.

You're weak to them. You're an embarrassment to them, especially after they've seen the masculine alternative, after they've seen a man who actually /acts/ like a man and doesn't constantly care about upsetting her or getting in trouble.

Really, this type of fantasy is going through your girl's head if you started dating at any point past 25 years old. It's why you should only date virgins.

women don't have empathy like we do

Was it the episode where Spencer chicken out when it came to stopping his past gf wedding?

This is projection because in the chick flicks the fiance is always fucking incredible too. Rich, handsome, talented, successful, then he gets cucked by a guy that's basically a loser dork compared to him.

>Reminder that Stacey will happily dispose of you for popularity
>"I thought you wanted to do this. The time is right and you're ready, you just need to do it!"
>"You can't think about it. You just have to do it. You said you were gonna do it. Like I don't get why you aren't,"

Ever been worried that you weren't as mentally stable as Chad, in addition to being physically inferior too? Well, don't worry, Stacey is here to help rid the world of your genes, and she'll even get extra friends and community support because of your help! Isn't that wonderful?

Yeah, that one another guy shows up at the end but the road trip itself was pretty funny.

that seems like a great example of a romcom that would work as a dark psychological thriller
>he'll do anything to get the groom out of the picture

Actually, that's kind of interesting.

Do you think they intentionally write the groom-to-be as being beautiful and successful to an unrelatable level, just to make sure boyfriends and husbands taking their girlfriends/wives out don't get the wrong idea? I wonder if they try to write the new guy as a self-insert for them. That brings up all sorts of underlying implications, though. Is Hollywood trying to normalize poly relationships and unfaithfulness, or are they just trying to make us comfortable with the idea of our female partners being happy with other men?

Every time I hear about a general movie concept like this I think "Would this be better if it involved lesbians?"

I haven't been able to think of a single movie yet where the answer is no.

You know the saying "women always go for bad boys"? Well, it's true. I can't really put into words why, but they're just so arousing. And I think every girl secretly wants to tame the bad boy but with time it becomes evident that such a possibility doesn't exist so we settle for a nice guy, someone that won't cheat and that will always put your feelings over yours.

Why do you think the groom is often presented as a douchebag?

Women really are disgusting animals.

Its sympathy. They dont want to make the groom to relatable because the audience will sympathize with him once the girl ditches him.
At least in this movie the groom punches the guy. But still.

They're usually rich, successful, and perfect, but also a douche. They treat others like shit and women like property.

The new guy is always extremely good looking, smart, successful but easier to relate with, treats the woman like a queen, is generally a good person.

Basically the perfect man who also lives for this woman, vs. a man who lives for himself.

War movies, user.

Women love the concept of "love overcomes all odds". Making the groom a wealthy, succesful, attractive and intelligent alternative but without a spark, in contrast with the everyman (who in the end is algo generally succesful, attractive and smart) who just oozes chemistry with the pluckly female lead, is also something that tickles women's lady boner.

They liked danger and excitement, and the everyman/rebel is like a power fantasy of those tropes in contrast with the "too perfect" Mr. Right.

Are they? It's been a while since I watched a chick flick

Half the time the groom is a great guy

Is there such a thing as a chick film? Or chick kino?

More often than not. It's either.

>The groom is a douchebag but the woman doesn't see it


>The groom is a pretty nice guy, but the spark with the female lead just isn't there.

If it's the former, the groom will be totally humilliated and everyone will cheer for his pain. If it's the latter, the bride will let him down gently and he'll find love in someone else, usually the female lead's best friend or something to that effect.

I guess Aimée & Jaguar sorta count.


>implying you wouldn't watch a bunch of cute lesbians storm up Normandy Beach while cute lesbian nazis machine gun them

I like how everyone here is blaming women instead of pointing out the obvious - that it's a male power fantasy.

My Best Friend's wedding was the exact same premise, but where the the one getting married is the guy and the woman tries to break up the wedding. She fails and the movie presents a positive message about letting go and being happy for your friends.

Meanwhile the producers, director and writers behind Made of Honor (all men) probably hated the idea of a guy going through so much trouble only to accept loss in the end so they miss the point entirely and have him succeed in breaking up the wedding and getting the girl.

Pretty basic really.

Wait whaaaaaaaat? What's the tldr?

There has got to be an anime about that somewhere

>the bride will let him down gently and he'll find love in someone else, usually the female lead's best friend or something to that effect.
This had a rare Double Cuck Manuever where the prince and the doctor stole each other's unwanted fiances simultaneously

No, because women have no sense of camaraderie.

Are you implying that "My Best Friend's Wedding" didn't have a male director, male producers and male writers?

when a woman knows that you expect to marry her, she begins to resent you for it.

It did, and that's why they were more willing to have the woman learn the important lesson of "You can't always get everything you want." while the men behind Made of Honor wanted to send the more "affirming" message of "Yeah brah, you wreck that wedding and take that pussy! Who cares if it's the happiest day of her life and you claim to love her, she'll come around!"

You act as if the bridge going away is only confined to "Maid of Honor". It's endemic to the genre, with "My Best Friend's Wedding" being one of the few subversions.

Das sexist yo.

Except people here act like it's women perpetuating those themes instead of being byproducts of it, same as men. It's a really shitty message to send to women that they can expect guys to still fight over them even when they're approaching menopause, and it's a shitty message to send to men that they should try to muscle in on another man's fiance or fuck up a female friend's wedding because they were too chickenshit/complacent to make a move when they had the chance.

The villain literally won and we're somehow supposed to act like he isn't a total asshat, and I don't know a single woman who watched that movie and didn't tell me that if a guy did that to their wedding, they would stop talking to him (except for the most ditzy whores who also liked Episode 2 Anakin).

Two guys fighting over the girl is the epitome of drama for a woman. They all want that. It's no biggie. Just like you want a threeway with your 2x waifus.

That seems oddly personal now.

Who hurt you, user?

It annoyed me ever since I watched it, especially because I watched My Best Friend's Wedding only around a year before, making the ripoff and copout even more glaring.

>>This is projection because in the chick flicks the fiance is always fucking incredible too. Rich, handsome, talented, successful, then he gets cucked by a guy that's basically a loser dork compared to him.

It's simple. Women want two Chads: one is "daddy" Chad who is rich, powerful, commands respect and is a family man Chad basically, a father surrogate, and another is "bad boy" Chad who is also rich, powerful and commands respect, but is also strong, aggressive, unpredictable and dangerous.

You will find this in practically every chick flick: Edward and Jacob in Twilight, Mr Darcy and Hugh Grant in Bridget Jones, etc.

It's just the classic "Betty & Veronica" set-up

>The nice option, who is caring, tender, loving. Pure bliss.

>The edgy option, who is wild, fun, dangerous. Pure lust.

Because all women are disloyal monsters in human skin.

Madonna/Whore Complex is the general name for it

Thing is men actually want this in one woman, whereas women don't care how many men it needs to satisfy all their wants.