Why don't we just go after companies/individuals that hire illegal immigrants?

Why don't we just go after companies/individuals that hire illegal immigrants?

Why should we hold them responsible for sneaky beaners? How about we just throw every entry employer in jail

>No jobs because every crooked fuck is scared to hire you
>You fuck off back to Mexico


>Why don't we investigate H-1B abusers too?

How about we just round up and gas all the illegals?

"I swear your honor, I completely and truthfully thought that Paco Escobar Hernandez was a legal American citizen. When he first entered my office approaching me for a job, his translator had a very convincing American accent. I saw his children and thought he was someone with strong, conservative family values, and great work ethic."

Also a sensible option.


What if a sneaky beaner gave you a deceiving document? Should you get assrammed in prison? You should be assrammed just for being as stupid as you are

Because they make the laws and pay for candidates' campaigns.

Because das racist.

>hey is this man in your employment? he's an illegal! you're in big trouble!

>no sir I have never seen that man in my life

Because they donate to political elections.

because conservatives don't really want to get rid of immigrants they just want those blue collar votes. It's just like how they complain about blacks but never get the courage to kill them. I mean sure they'll shoot up a church or two, but they won't dare fuck with a crack dealer

white people would rather blame a minority tbqh

case in point

>Go after the employers
>Go after the landlords
>Remove automatic citizenship for newborns
>Deny fed funds to any school that educates illegals

Would be nice, but it will NEVER EVER happen.

because those companies have the government in their pocket. anyone that would dare touch them will quickly find their political career over

I don't think he means actually arresting people. You can always change the law in a certain way, make it not as profitable, or fines.

The real reasons are:
It's a bad idea getting to the bad side of people who actually matter in an election.


What is the Chamber Of Commerce?

How would you describe its operation, influence, and bias?

Overall, is the Chamber Of Commerce pro or anti American?

Feel free to use extra paper.

>(((Chamber Of Commerce)))

thank you for making this topic