Can you guys tell me what you know about antidepressants?

Can you guys tell me what you know about antidepressants?

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dont take them. they kill you from the inside. you will feel like a robot.

Its bullshit

They work for me, I'm taking olanzapine.

I know everyone on Sup Forums says don't take them, but are there any success stories?

Jew mind control. They try and prescribe them for anything these days.

I had depression and my mother forced me to go to the doctor. I explained my life had been shit for a while and I was just reacting to that, she instantly tried to give me anti-depressants.

Being depressed is awful but sometimes it's necessary. Some people are hopelessly depressed and need pills I suppose but, through working through my depression without them I feel so much stronger and happier now that I'm on the other side.

It can, and often does, get better. Just keep going.

Taking that shit right now, double that dosage. Feel like puking sometimes and feel like a moron. My IQ has probably dropped 10 points already.

been on 20 mg of Prozac for 5 years now + .5mg of Xanax.

They have made me void of many emotions, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.
I can now walk out of my house and be 'normal'. Used to be scared to shit of walking outside and talking to people.
Now i can do shit like a normal.

Cant Orgasm until 2-3 hours of action. Which is a bummer because althoug women complain about men finishing fast, they dont like it to last hours either.

i have stopped caring about many things, which has led to less stress and more enjoyment of life.

Are there success stories about people that take them?
Antidepressants won't cure you. It's basically taking drugs.

Focus on self improvement and everything will become clear again.

It is compromise in pill form, directly against the values of masculinity.

I take 10mg of paxil and it works for me. I can now live my life again.

>I have stopped caring about thing=I have much more enjoyment
Jesus nigger you need your priorities fixed


They are dope.
Most of them can get you high af.
Specially Benzo's.

I can't function without them, sadly. Most people don't need them, but there are people like myself with chemical imbalances in their brain chemistry who do.

I really wish I didn't need them, I hate having to take pills to feel "normal" but I can get near suicidal when I don't.

I get depressed just thinking about them, OP.

i know more people over 40 on some form of antidepressent or another than anyone younger who uses illegal drugs.

Not true.

Bullshit. People like you need to distinguish between "being depressed" and "being sad".

I have no sideeffects like that. Been taking them for almost a year and feeling as clear as ever, although...

I had the same problem. Switched meds and now I can cum again just fine.

That's not how it works. Trust me, I lost 100 pounds, had a nice girlfriend and still have a stable job, but that won't cure your depression.

Anything in particular you want to know, OP?

>may increase depression, suicidal thoughts, and may cause unusual changes in behavior

Get an adderall or dexedrine prescription for depression. I'm on 30mg dex a day. Love waking up and having a full day of focus. I can study hours and hours straight and have had this script for two years. Started out depressed but got my life together and I am happy. Antidepressants mask the problem and ADD meds make you stop being a fucking NEET.

fuck pills. they make you into a robot.

It just neuters your sex drive and makes you complacent with being a loser until you wake up one day after missing a dose and you get drunk and blow your head off with a shotgun

Yes. I strongly believe these are another Jewish trick. Can you convince me otherwise, Hans?

I only get depressed when people tell me to be positive.

Everything else in social life is about being indirect and polite but apparently not messages of positivity cos they're real - like i'm going to fall for that.

Add meds are God tier just saying. I faked it for my diagnosis two years ago lol. Currently have a 3.8 GPA and on dean's list. Life is good.

when you bombard your cells with neurotransmitters, they lower the amount of expressed receptors resulting in a lower current than before for the same stimulus

I was talking about improving yourself as a person not only as a meatbag.

You may have many problems that you keep ignoring like addictions.

Sure burger, thanks for not calling me Achmed. :*

How should I convince you? Try them for 2-3 months (thats how long they usually take to kick in). And see for yourself. I'm pretty sure I would have done something stupid by now, if not for those "jewish" pills.

Btw they tried putting me on them

Turns out I was actually dying of multiple auto immune disorders but they're so fucking clueless I had to figure that all ou myself then had it confirmed with blood work

Also I was raised tweaking the fuck out on ampetamine just so I would get better grades, but it made me deluded and nearly mute, but they told me it was medicine and I was ill so I kept taking it for years and they kept increasing the dose which made my life shittier so my grades would slip and they'd increase the dose again

Fun shit

Fuck American doctors

This is what I was afraid of. I have a layman's understanding of pharmacokinetics. I'm on two antidepressants simultaneously, at high doses, and I still think about killing myself almost every day. No, every day.

I decided to stop taking mine. And I've been doing fairly well without them.

Like I said, already taking them, still miserable. I tried to get off them about a week or two and went insane with rage and spent the weekend in the county jail. And I'm still miserable. What I'm trying to figure out is if I'm just better off in the long run without them, even if I have to go through a period of craziness coming off them. Or will I just be even more miserable?

have had ok success with ECT. but you know, not everyone is that extreme.

To everyone here, I used to be an ex addict. However, I still enjoy kratom every once in a while and it's great for depression and energy and relaxation.

Google KRATOM right now and order it and thank me later.

Can confirm, this will give you bipolar disorder so now 50% of your time is spent being a maniac

>been taking them for almost a year
HAHAHAHA, kid, sooner or later this will happen to you. It is only a matter of time, because your body adapts to new environment and the setpoint for receptors in depression is lower, so taking these meds triggers the brain to lower your receptor count even more (to adapt and revert back to normal). You need to work on your whole brain development. Aerobic exercise is the best way for that, but if you want a shortcut, throw those meds away, get pic related, do 2-3 cycles and cure your depression permanently

read this whole reply, Russians found the way to cure the cause, not the symptoms

Sorry man, but I don't think I can help you with that. I can just speak for myself and tell you that they help me. Good luck anyway, I hope you'll make it through.

By the way I was addicted to meth and honestly the ADD meds got me off. But look up kratom and Canada bros Google madam kratom they are the best in Canada.

My nigga

It makes me wonder why alcohol even exists, this is so much healthier and feels better

Thanks Deiter

They work.

Thing is, they dont fix the problem. Take the pills, wait for them to start being effective (several months iirc) and work on your life.

Then drop them ASAP.

Meth head faggot. Fucking Canadian degenerates I swear..

Step Sister takes Lexapro, she Tosses and turns all night. Also complains of Nausea, so I'd say it really messes with your insides, to say the least

As anyone in medicine can tell you, "it's like using a sledgehammer when a scalpel would do."

I've tried Kratom dudes, and It's just like heron for me, some pleasure then I'm even more miserable than before.. I have a high opiate tolerance and my receptors are fucked.

exercise more

Alberta is literally meth central you'd be surprised.

Yes, they definitely helped me. I was severely depressed though. My understanding is that they may not be as effective with mild to moderate symptoms.

Depending on what you're prescribed, the withdrawal can be unpleasant, but for me, the unbearable emotional pain was way worse, so it was worth taking them.

Good luck, mate

You might as well smoke weed or take kratom then. I mean I guess it's between smelling like shit, getting brain zaps, or feeling cold

Them brain zaps are fucked, I don't think id prefer that to even the cold sweat of opiate withdrawal

Kratom is like a weak opiate and a cup of coffee but smooth. If you did heroine it would be like just a tease. I've taken it four years on and off and there even if you do use it too much the withdrawal is less than caffeine.

I haven't researched this in a while, so there could be more information available.

SSRIs and SNRIs have poorly understood mechanisms of action. There's still so much about the brain and neurotransmitters that science has yet to reveal. Their purported activity in the brain is largely speculative, as are their effects.

Look through this thread. They tend to suck the life out of people and make them want to kill themselves. They're especially dangerous for adolescents, but that doesn't stop "doctors" from pushing them on anyone they think will take them.

Ayahuasca and mescaline are the best antidepressants desu.

>all these broscience discussion between people, but no one replies to my scientifically backed arguments
guess you just choose what to believe in

Kratom is really good for school and homework too.

Tgey work pretty well for me.

They don't really give you ambition, but it smooths things out and keeps the lows shorter and less intense.

But, withdrawals are no joke. A few days without my 'zac and I've got night sweats, nightmares, and and the depression ccomes back.

The nightmares are crazy shit, kinda enjoyable in their own right, like living through fucking Jacob's ladder.

I mean, not at all enjoyable at the time. Like, you wake up and you stay scared for the entire morning head fucks.

But months later it's kinda neat.

>Them brain zaps are fucked, I don't think id prefer that to even the cold sweat of opiate withdrawal
opiate withdrawl is worse. the only problem with ECT is temp memory loss, so you dont really remember the majority of the few weeks you're getting treatment.

brain zaps

the weirdest shit you will ever feel

ill never take them again

Look up tiantipine. Could be spelt wrong. It's a antidepressant that is different and you get online and it's much better than typical antidepressants.

Xanax does wonders for me. Not an antidepressant but I guess my point is simply that if it makes a positive difference for you, then there is nothing wrong with it. On the other hand of course, if you try them and have results like some of the bad ones being described here, then you should probably stop.

Xanax withdrawals are fucking retarded and worse than heroin. You are playing with fire.

The best antidepressants are nootropics and certain strains of kratom. With nootropics i take oxyracetam, phentylpiractem, or pramiracetam. and kratom i suggest taking indo strains for depression.

Antidepressants caused me to become more of a loose cannon and it dulled my senses. Not caring about my girlfriend, my job, or my family.

Also, stop drinking alcohol.

this is why I smoke weed

not bad side effects and it helps keep me stable

They make you impotent.
Also this.

A trip could make it worse if it's bad. Which is likely to happen to the people who need it the most. So if they do it they must have an antipsychotic or anxiolytic like seroquel or Xanax to stop it rhe second they feel the no longer have control and it's becoming a nightmare

For me Xanax = blackout and jail cell within 12 hours

benzo withdrawl can kill you because of seizures just like alcohol withdrawl

their mechanism of action is what gave them names in the first place bro (Selective Serotonin/Noradrenalin Reuptake Inhibitors) which means that they block the presynaptic-cell transporters and therefore increase the amount of neurotransmitters in the synaptic crack, generating stronger signals.

The effects exist but are temporary (as i explained in this thread). It is known that they're bad, it's not a mystery as you wrote. And yes, the doctors prescribing it so easily are idiots.

Ayahuasca, mescaline, DMT, psilocin, LSD and such are better alternative imo (for a one time use), because they can rewire your brain and make new Serotonergic pathways resulting in greater overall happiness in life afterwards

man do you think they can take out the anti-depressant and just give me a pill tha will make me last for hours?

who cares what she wants. she wanted to get boned by me. she's gonna get boned.

they don't work op. it;s like taking asprin to fix a gunshot wound. don't be stupid

What does work?

I ended up in jail multiple times from benzos, mainly etizolam.

Many anons are recommending Kratom.

I don't see how people can take that shit. Every time I try it I get so nauseous. I'll usually throw it up. Even if I make tea, and strain out all the plant matter, it barely has an effect but still makes me sick.

How do you faggots take it?

I'll stick to my fentanyl lollipops thank you very much

>guy posts good info with source and links
>gets ignored

If you can't toss and wash down with water do what I do:

Mix into favorite yogurt


Mix into half melted ice cream

explain that you cevapcicic

i guess that's Sup Forums :^)

it always happens

he is right though but people just care about memes

that's because you are dosing way too high.
it affects your mu-opioid receptor and if you have no tolerance then it will make you throw-up.
i make tea but also eat 500mg capsules if i want it to last longer and dont have to taste it. But you will burp up the taste if you eat the capsules. its a lot more forgiving though than drinking the tea.

I take ADD pills and they make me feel the same. I'm emotionally dull.

Anybody else here take ADD meds? 80mg straterra


i take a really low dose of citalopram and it stops my social anxiety from being so overwhelming that i cant function.

without it, my physical tics come back and i start craving alcohol or opiates... ive been clean from opiates for 7 yrs but on SSRI that whole time, it helps.

I'm going through opiate withdrawal right now, I do it all the time, feeling a little cold and sweaty is a reasonable price to pay to get rid of so much anxiety and soreness at the perfect times I desire. Brain zaps are fucking scary and extremely uncomfortable though, I woke up with like an electric clock violently ticking inside my brain and kind of zapping it, and jumped out of bed looking for what the fuck was going on, until it stopped and I realized it was in my head. Luckily it went away fast

Yeah, I've been looking into kava, seemed like a miracle substitute for alcohol but then I saw it can block bile from getting out of your liver and give you weird skin rashes

shit feels amazing and doesn't do damage to my digestive system at all like alcohol, but I'm afraid to keep taking it for those other reasons

depression exists for two reasons, those reasons are the same in the TWO populations that are predisposed to it

whites and asians developed depression as 1. a mechanism to suppress ingroup violence. when the brain has a fight or flight response, depression generally chooses to flee. this same response cycle is responsible for other behaviors as well
2. one such behavior is the ability to slow down. living a slow life allows one to study an object in greater detail. not inteligene per say, but the capacity to utilize intelligence over greater periods of focus. the existence of depression ALLOWS intelligence to be a selection actor in evolution by enhancing the expression of intelligence.

oh, and 3. you're depressed because you live in a mentally ill society where people watch tv for 5 hours and look at phones for another 5 hours, and niggers and spics wave knives in your face and you can't fight back. oh, and you have no job, AND you can't get married.

THAT is why you're depressed. guaranteed if these thngs weren't problems you wouldn't be depressed.

That's not even a real add med get your ass on vyvanse, Addy or dex. Ritalin sucks

It is a peptide needed for expressing neurotrophic development factors such as BDNF and NGF which they reborn your brain. There's nothing similar in the west because of Jews.

i just remembered i have kava kava in my pantry. thanks for reminding me. its a good feeling but i think its hardly comparable to alcohol.

not all of them

Psychedelics can most definitely make depression worse if you take them irresponsibly. You're not gonna "drop some L" and go to the club and get cured of depression.

Set and setting are paramount. The point can't be stressed enough. I'm heading to Iquitos in a few months for Aya and Huachuma ceremonies, and I have very little doubt that it's going to work miracles for me. I've suffered from severe depression most of my life. Psychedelics have offered lengthy repreives, but I'm seeking something much deeper and more substantive.

Yes, I am aware of the meaning of the acronyms. After a search, it does appear that they are better understood than I thought they were.

I am still very skeptical that their effects on consciousness, neurology, and physiology in the long term are comprehensively understood. I know my anecdotes are meaningless, but I was on a few different SSRIs as a teenager, and my experience on them ensures I will never get on another one.

Don't fall for this meme.
And if your doctors says
>hurr this study shows only 1 out of 100 testers had side effects
don't belive him, they are all faked and altered.
basically this:

Do not take them.

Five to six grams is my average dose. Do it on an empty stomach right when you wake up and drink a coffee. Also a small meal like an hour after you eat kratom and a small amount of weed really kicks it up

Fuck off cunt, I didn't leave the house for 3 years you cunt.

Kraut motherfucker too weak to work through it. Enjoy your shitty depressed brain, keep taking schlomos pills so you can function you fucking failure.

Strattera is shit. Just an annoying dopamine drip all day.

>Brain zaps are fucking scary and extremely uncomfortable though, I woke up with like an electric clock violently ticking inside my brain and kind of zapping it, and jumped out of bed looking for what the fuck was going on, until it stopped and I realized it was in my head. Luckily it went away fast
nigger, wut? if you're talking about ECT they put you under first. you dont really experience anything or remember anything that happens.

>A fucking leaf


what the fuck is that? the only thing that works for ADHD is amphetamines

>indo strains

Nigga wat

Why do people go by only all this "indo" or "Maeng da" or "Bali" shit based on location, when the most vast differences depend on whether its red, green or white vein, and they all seem to grow randomly in all those areas...

I mean just look at the color. If it's got some orange tinge to it, it's gonna have mostly opiate effects, if it's more a pape whitish green, it's gonna be like coffee

can semax really cure depression or severe depression??

I may try that. I tried mixing it into applesauce once, and it was so nasty I couldn't finish it.

I hope this is the case. I tend to go ham when I take drugs. I'll try lowering my dose.

Strarerra is a death sentence I wouldn't get paid to take that shit. It's not even a stimulant.

"Using properly" doesn't mean not having a bad trip

The worst trip I ever had was from a way smaller dose and a safer feeling setting than the best trip I had

yeah six grams is pretty high. i take about 3-4 grams. and i have noticed that eating about an hour later enhances the feeling of the kratom. its unusual and only lasts a few minutes. its like a short feeling of acute euphoria.