Why are all Mexican posters so smug and self entitled...

Why are all Mexican posters so smug and self entitled? Is it overcompensation for the fact Americans permanently ruined their reputation?

I want to PUNCH a Mexican in the face

mexico is a shit country, its the same reason why the most nationalistic countries are shit. I.e russia.

They have a complicated relationship with the US where they both admire and hate us, and as such copy our arrogance.

But user we're also a shit country too and we throw shit at ourselves 24/7, and so do most sudacas.

It's because they're jealous of

Chauvinism mixed with a blind nationalistic upbringing.

Why are all Spanish posters so smug and self entitled? Is it overcompensation for the fact Americans permanently ruined their reputation?

I've noticed this, I think it might be because they consider themselves North American, whereas most of the world associates them with South American countries more than the US.

Poland is arrogant too for no real reason.

And I've noticed that South East Asians really, really hate whites.

They have to choose between /lat/ or being the odd one out in /cum/

What the fuck are you talking about??


Well you unironically have the exact same posting style as Americans. I'm not the only one noticing this but I think it's weird af.

Also what reputation can ruined a bunch of niggers,you seems to insecure t. a shithole

We're all self-deprecating and resentful, not smug in the slightest. We have nothing to feel smug about, when we've lost every war we've ever fought and have been turned into a slave state by our overlords up north.


post more Azusas

Lol nice proxy you broke fuck

But OP, i have no idea either of what are you talking about.

I fucking hate Mexico

>an american
??????? Thats ridiculous, since i only write in english, in this case everyone here act like an english just cause write english worlds. I never seen a mexican act like this

Wait what.


Nel bato, mejicanos somos caracterizados como gente violada que trata demasiado para parecer mas grande de lo que son, y no soy el unico que piensa de esa manera. Varios escritores critican fuertemente nuestra propia cultura bastarda y eso se refleja en nuestra ciudadania. Somos auto-depreciativos, y guardamos rencores a la larga. Ve tu y preguntale a alguna persona cualquiera que piensan de USA, la mayoria del tiempo te van a decir que les cae gordo.

>I'm not the only one noticing this
Yes you are, thats rare and has no logic

Can't tell if ambriento or amerifat, but good proxy anyway.

spain is (mostly) white, that makes it 100x times better than mexico..

>trata demasiado para parecer mas grande de lo que son
A eso me refería, siempre parecéis enfadados y con delirios de grandeza.

me too, lets burn it.

>spain is (mostly) white
Sure thing.

Lo ha dicho el pirata también.

Guys, guys, calm down. All spanish speakers are filth, so stop fighting amongst yourselves.

This is what he means

El pirata tiene la ignorancia metida en el culo, dice que el mundo nos asocia con Sudamérica, obviamente nosotros hablamos el mismo idioma como alguien puede ser tan idiota , dice que Norteamérica y eso pero ¿Quién dijo que N.A es solo Canadá o Usa? Hay muchas islas y paises norteamericanos independientes no sólo son ellos o nosotros ,me imagino que su geografía esta por los suelos

>Is it overcompensation for the fact Americans permanently ruined their reputation?

Underrated post

>Spain is mostly white

t. Hernandez de Cabeza