SJW hit

I'm fucking furious Sup Forums, my favorite channel on just permanently banned me from chatting because I wrote the word "nigger" with no warning.
Some other chatters were doing a gorilla/kid copy pasta and also were permanently banned.
I bet if I wrote "redneck" or "hillybilly" I wouldn't get perma banned.
Fuck this SJW's ruining all the free speech I have on the internet.

Well, maybe you shouldnt be a racist.

Can't be racist to blacks but I can be racist to whites?
Also I see many black people call eachother "nigger" with no repercussion, hell, even if the streamer is black he can just say out loud nigger and he won't get banned

its ok for niggers to say/call eachother niggers.

You know what you have to do user, hack the twitch streamer and lock them out of their account as revenge

>banned from chat
You have to be 18 to post here.


>Coming from Ireland

He's either really young or really old

When you get in twitch you have to agree with their code of conduct. So sorry.

Man you white people sure get mad when we tell you not to say nigger. It must really be important to you.

You know you're the lowest kind of shitposter, right?

they arent getting rid of any freedom of speech you fag. if youre using their platform then follow their fucking rules you moron. if you cant follow their guidelines then you probably shouldnt use it

Shut your trap, nigger.

what channel ? please tell me it wasnt leauge?

it is. fuck you nigger.

Shut up nigger

And nothing of value was lost
>Romanian poster gets banned
In fact, they did something good


he makes me laugh because he is so retarded

thing is it wasn't like that, you wouldn't get instantly permanently banned, hell, you wouldn't really get banned at all, maybe just warned or something

dude league is the biggest sjw tumlblerinas offcourse u will get banned

We say nigger because we hate niggers, nigger.

but it wasn't like that a year ago...
that's why I'm pissed

See, I never understood that. If niggers think that slavery was bad, and the word nigger is connected to slavery, then why are they calling themselves niggers? It's like Germans calling each other Nazis. Both nigger and nazi are supposed to be bad words, connected to history. So niggers are once again prove that they have shit tier brains since instead of letting the word become a thing of the past like Germans did, they use it like it's an achievment.

dude you are from romania. Fucking gipsy paradise. why tha fuck are you a racist? pic related. Your queen.

Nigga != nigger

Stop being racist, shitlord

>being on Twitch
Well, "gaming" is for fat-ass ladymen. Kill yourself.