There are people in this very board who think humans and dinosaurs coexisted

>there are people in this very board who think humans and dinosaurs coexisted

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They did

We used to sing and dance together in NY back in the 90's.

No one believes this except for a few thousand American creationists similar to the few thousand west african descended retards in the US who follow the Afro-Revisionist movement of European,North African and Levantine history.

Is it possible that a few surviving dinosaurs still walked the Earth at the time of humanity's arrival? Possible for sure. We're still hearing stories and find strange corpses in dense jungles and coastal communities. From pterodactyls in South America to Plesiosaurs in Scotland and the Congo. 93% of the worlds oceans are unmapped so there could be some mutated aquatic specimens deep beneath the water.

Is it possible humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time in abundance as creationists claim? Not a fucking chance.

Also this has nothing to do with politics or political global events. Stop the shitposting please.

We call them americans

Anyone who's a Christian believes they existed with humans

Theres people on this board that believe that jews are the problem to literally everything wrong in this world.

I even know under what flag they are posting


This, scientists claim the dinosaurs went extinct but then claim animals like crocodiles and coelacanths are living fossils and barely even evolved. So which is it? We evolve after millions of years or we don't?

What are dragons?

How do you explain the prehistoric art then?

Aves = dinosaurs
They don't have the same bone structure as Aves so they're not dinosaurs. Also, cold-blooded and reptiles like crocodilia are cold blooded.


I hate to be that guy, but alligators and coelacanths are dinosaurs; those of the Cenozoic era.

But certainly, the idea that we lived amongst those from prior eras shows a concerning lack of insight.

Some dinosaurs could have been dragons
Evolution never happened

You got it half right, but this just proves my point even more. If scientists agree these creatures are largely unchanged from supposedly millions of years ago then how can we say that everything else evolved but these? It makes no sense.

Seventh Day Adventists are the only loonies that believe this in 2016

Is it so far fetched to think that dinosaurs could have survived in small groups in isolated areas on earth?

Not every organism evolves, that's why we have living fossils, they have reached some sort of optimallity, I don't know how biologists would describe it.

>Not every organism evolves
keeps evolving*

So there's a point where everything just stops evolving?

OP is a retrad. The world is only 6000 years old and "scientists" who claim otherwise are agents of lucifer.

Of course humans and dinosaurs coexisted you retard.
In fact, we still do, pic fucking related you complete asswipe.

lets laugh at them now

>you will never ride your trusty steed out the front gate of your castle, spear in hand, to slay the local dinosaur

Even the church has been infiltrated by satan and he is spreading his reach far and wide using the government, the church, etc. to spread degeneracy so he can have more people in hell.

Not really, but if there is no environmental pressure or sexual selection, an organism will not evolve any further

Earth's environment is too variable for that to happen in the long run, catastrophes like volcano erruptions and meteors are quite common

Mutations still happens, but new traits are basically all bad since the organism adapted to an optimal level to its environment and get weeded out.

That's why the "changing the environment accelerate evolution" meme exist, after all, as demonstrated after all great extinction events.
Incidentally, that's also why people claiming "evolution stopped for humans" are such giant retard. Like sedentarity, civilisation, complex political organisations, industrial revolution and now the information age aren't huge environmental changes, KEK

Or maybe evolution is just a myth

Twist, the steed is a dinosaur.
The spear is from a dinosaur bone.
The gates is made from dinosaur scales and skin, and operated by dinosaur.
You are a dinosaur.
The local dinosaur is a [spoiler]dinosaur[/spoiler].

All mainstream christian churches are subverted. The cathloics have thus far resisted the call for female priests but theyre evened out by the marxist priests who preach equality.

Obviously those specific animals are so incredibly suited to their specific environments and roles in said environment that they have no need to evolve any further.
Evolution, like invention, is bred by necessity. Without the need to evolve an organism wont evolve. Just as a human wont invent something new without the need or desire to change something in life.

You have freaks. If a freak performs much better than normal individuals, he produces other freaks, which produce other freaks, at a greater rate than normal individuals.

For example, humans didn't evolve to have small baby legs, because when a freak is born with them, they don't provide him with any benefits and greater chance to survive and procreate.

Of course I am greatly oversimplifying and using gross, huge leap mutations to make the point obvious, its much more subtle than that, and over a much longer period of time.

Yeah, and maybe the whole planet didn't get a turn on your mother, it's just that all evidence points to the contrary.

It isn't familia, it's been observed in real time on the Galapagos

I've never looked into it or anything, but is there definitive proof that we didn't?

They are huge environmental changes, but there's no environmental pressure to select for certain properties, the only way humans are still evolving is through sexual selection, and not even that, because there's too much mixing

There is absence of proof that we did.
When something can't be proven to be true, and would not fit anyway if it were assumed to be true, its probably not true.

We don't "know", in the same way that we don't know almost anything, but we are pretty convinced, and by assuming it, we come to other pretty convincing conclusions that fit everything, so we go and accept it as fact.

Also this

Which I guess constitutes as proof that we not only did, but currently do

I think for Catholics it depends where you are, here they are not much different from Protestant churches.
Or evolution never happened
she's an atheist who would do something like that unfortunately.

>Or evolution never happened

Or your jewish fantasy novel isn't entirely based on true events.

The bible is 100% fact the only argument atheists have against it are theories which change every decade.

Praise be.

Oh Fuck...

Fucking leaf...

>there are people on this board that think sanders would make a good president.

That's a mint album, mate. What's your opinion on Shards of Silver Fade?

Turtles too

Sorry I don't worship your false prophet


but jurasic park told me that the dinosaurs didn't die out but instead became birds so

When people read shit like this, how do you expect them to think you would know anything about basic biology, let alone genetics?

There's a reason you people are laughed out of every evolution / biology / history thread on every other board, and this thread is a painful example of it.

> inb4 "we wuz just trollin hahaha"

No. No you weren't.

Evolution is known to halt under curious circumstances. Natural selection and intraspecies eugenics are the two most feasible catchment theories prior to objective proofs - the latter being the most effective. Genetic mutation and its symbiosis within the framework of its surrounding nature is a very large and active topic and should provide some awesome insight in the near future.

This isn't how evolution works.
You genes don't just decide to stop mutating.

The bible is an amalgamation of different religious practices and beliefs that were utilized to build a business out of religion.

Well it kind of is to an extent, there are organisms that have not changed very much due to there being no different selection pressures on them for millions of years, like crocodiles, though that's not to say they have stopped genetically mutating or anything.

Satanist lies.

Or maybe evolution isn't real
This is wrong

Well, they managed to make it longer than Astral Sphere, didn't think that was possible. I hate the intro, but I like the rest. Still though, Astral Sphere is better.

Their demos are awesome too. If you haven't listened to Firmament yet, you should.

There are shutdown processes observed and active within every living cell in your body. It's why you didn't get riddled with cancer within the first month of your life. Mutations themselves can indeed mutate.. it is an ongoing, essentially chance-based, process; resilient lifeforms have mutated to form contingency processes as observed in apoptosis mechanisms.

You just keep ignoring everything that doesn't conform with your beliefs

I gave you an example of evolution being obseved in real time

>or maybe it isn't real
You can speculate all you like without evidence; nobody of importance and certainly nobody of education gives a fuck unless you show your working.

Jesus christ you are dumb. Dinosaurs are in a whole other genus that those reptiles. The closest living relative is a fucking chicken, you twat.

They have barely evolved, but they weren't, and aren't, fucking dinosaurs.

Enjoy committing your entire life to a Jewish plagiarization of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

They still do, tbqh senpai


No you didn't, because evolution never happened and it never will happen. God made us
Why don't humans high up on mountains evolve wings and fly? Why don't humans living near the coast evolve gills and swim? Why don't humans on plains evolve to walk on 4 legs to chase animals better?

If anybody is miraculously interested, look up "programmed cell death"

It is quite possible to be a Christian and not a fundamentalist YECist.


>a fucking leaf

It's not wrong, you just can't fathom that you were fed lies. You're worse than a high school science teacher that doesn't want to accept that everything they learned in college has been thrown out the window and replaced by new research.

No it's not, if you don't believe the bible you aren't a Christian. Do you believe a man can be a woman because he puts on a wig and woman's clothes?
The reason Christianity is dying is because Christians spread this idea that the bible is false, that it's all meant to be seen as symbolic and not reality. When you just pick and choose what is true and what is false people stop believing.

Emus are the direct descendants of velociraptors they're fucking savage

We have technology that makes it so we don't have to evolve in those ways.

Not only that, but most people don't want to breath with some freak with wing stubs.

I did my research and realised I'm not an atheist I am a Christian. You're right though, I have been fed lies by the school, by the government, by the media.
Today we learn pre marital sex is okay, masturbation is okay, lust is okay, sodomy, homosexuality, polygamy, bestiality and hundreds of other horrible acts and then people wonder why society is on such a huge decline.

I believe you're a retard

Why don't humans high up on mountains evolve wings and fly?
Why don't humans living near the coast evolve gills and swim? Why don't humans on plains evolve to walk on 4 legs to chase animals better?
The answer to all of these is because the delta in the strain of successive mutations is too great for the allocated timeframe you wish to observe it within, and that the surrounding nature hasn't/won't allow for it. There will also be unapproachable physiological dualities because of how far down the line we are in our evolutionary path too.

Your fantastical examples seem to imply that you fear evolution has some kind of conscious quest to evolve. It doesn't. It is chance-based, stacked phenomena that incrementally lead to observable change.

I might as well throw a spanner into the works because I reckon you think I'm some edgy atheist faggot. I am an Orthodox Christian.

The world doesn't have four corners like the bible says. The clouds are clearly not the dust left from gods feet.

Someone that mauls a children with bears for calling someone bald is not worth respecting.

There are thousands of translation "errors" between the current english editions and the oldest known hebrew version.

The bible is okay with polygamy, though.

The earth is 6000-10000 years old. I'm sure they cohabited.

You can believe what you like
You can be a monk and still practice sodomy, your faith is irrelevant when you seem to imply God made some mistake when he made us and has to continually change us.
That's why you compare multiple translations to get the best idea

It is adultery though

We did, and still do now. Birds, alligators, crocodiles, sharks. and even some fish are prehistoric era living fossils.

I "believe" that God let whatever happen and is observing everything around him.

I also suspect that He looks at almost all human life as a pitiful waste of fucking space; who speculate instead of study, assume instead of measure and judge instead of conclude.

You fit all three of those in one single spergposting thread. Congrats. And if He really is watching at the moment, He probably thinks I'm being more of an arsehole than I need to be, but it really is a struggle to talk to stupid people sometimes.

Why did your god create dinosaurs in the first place if he was going to change his mind later and delete them?

>conpare multiple modern translations to get a good idea of what it probably means.

Ffs at least muslims require the original text and don't permit translations.

It isn't adultery if they're all married, and the sinple fact that the bible has rules for polygamy spoken by god himself shows that he's okay with it as long as you don't marry any of your wives siblings.

He even gave someone multiple wives.

Actually it is generally accepted in my area to be between 7 to 12 thousand years old give or take.

Maybe he decided they weren't necessary anymore?
And God created all the different languages in the world, it's unrealistic for every person on earth to learn Hebrew so they can read the bible we are not like Muslims who conquer and force the customs, culture language etc. to change in fact this goes against Gods wishes. After the flood he asked us to spread to every corner of the globe, we ignored him he punished us by creating all the different languages and sent us to every corner of the globe.
>Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Also yes it is adultery, you would be cheating on one of your wives

Christians pushed their shit all the time. Especially the catholics, or did Rome never exist?

>that quote

Man marries women, they are one flesh. Man marries another woman, they are now also one flesh. Go roll some play-doh on the carpet, and I gauranter you'll manage to get more than one piece of dust stuck to it at a time.

Did Rome ever go to another country slaughter it's people and replace them with Romans? There is nothing wrong with spreading Christianity.

Idiot. Try reading the bible yourself for once. You'd quickly see that most 'facts' in the bible are very clearly just metaphors.

>there are people in this very board who think driving to work magically changes the weather

No they aren't

Rome went and killed pagans and forcibly converted them.

So how about that celestial dragon and the lack of any evidence that Egypt ever kept hebrew slaves and had them all escape all at once.

Well that was wrong
And they did

>there are people on this very board who think dinosaurs existed

And did god also kill 100% of Egypts livestock in Exodus and then go on to rekill the already dead first borns of said livestock?

Yeah, they were pretty chill back in the 80s, until the dinocaust...
The indoctrination is ridiculous though, "muh 65 million". Fuck off.

Could have been an exaggeration, that none of the first borns would be safe even the the cattle. Like how when someone says "he was running so fast he was going a million miles an hour"

So the bible IS symbolic.