Which Sup Forums meme do you actually believe in real life but would never say it...

Which Sup Forums meme do you actually believe in real life but would never say it? I actually believe meme in pic related is the reality, in all my school years I don't remember even a single case when a Mizrachi kid excelled at anything, all the straight A students weren't even mixed race, and even at sports all the serious athletes were Ashkenazi.

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That people who look like southern europeans are smarter than aryans, I associate their whiteness with lower intelligence

>We should gas your ass bitches again

You can't even protect your own country from Asian invaders kek

Stop making this thread.


You can't make this shit up

shitty repost

The meme you posted is 100% true

Why is sephardic so bad


That jews are a foreign body destroying white civilization and they should be eradicated.

>Which Sup Forums meme do you actually believe in real life but would never say it?

Jews did WTC

We're not. ashkenazi like to make themselves feel superior.

Even Jews know that Whites are the master race.

White jews = best jews
White europeans = best europeans
White arabs = best arabs
White asians = best asians

>like to make themselves feel superior
By being more successful?
You're a literal arab m8

Spharadic are 95% Morrocon Jews, Morrocons are considered the shittiest immigrant group by Europeans too.

no it means a jew from spain or south europe in general

jews don't even know their own kind, fucking hilarious

Khazarian clay

I'm not going to fight with a fellow. I will say that you are wrong though.

>leeching indo-european blood

you are """"superior""""" to those others, but still a degenerate inbred kike for the most part.

I'm not even attacking you personally. I'm just saying, as a group, they are shit, at least here in Israel. they are generally lower class violent morons, with some exceptions.

Sephardic is Spain, Portugal, that is a true one. Then many of us went to Greece, Turkey, some even went to Northern, Western Europe after the inquisition.

Slavs are worse than Moroccans

What about Ethiopian Jews and the other groups?

And they spend almost $40B a year on military, even we can't replicate this much stupidity.

lmao@u op, I bet you're israel scum. Cohen master race. Lick my boots, israel pleb.

Divide and conquer.

You are objectively worst than arabs.
Human scum.

there isnt much difference between mizrahi and sepharadi. the only brown jews who are good are iraqi and persian

Dude, you are not even Semite, the ashkenazi are descendants from the kazhars, there's almost nothing Jewish from the ashkenazi, they don't even believe in Judaism, they believe in talmudism.

You fucking racists should be gassed, again

You have no idea what youre talking about abd youre trying to eductae people who know much more about this than you. Back to the shed, sven.

Ourselves? ok
Alright, maybe that's why they're more successful. I'm personally only 25%~ ashkenazi and I'm christian so I'm a goy anyway

Okay. I will now cry. Thanks for you highly esteemed input. btw, the term is *worse, not worst.

Your memes can't contain the height and power Ashkenazis are in real life. They're the polytheistic gods we should be worshiping, all 10+ million of them.

Hes just a dumb russian, ignore him Jamal Cohen

9/11 was an inside job, the 6 million figure is exaggerated, negroids are a different subspecies of homo sapiens, a cabal of elite Jewish bankers control the world, Hitler was a hero and a very good person despite doing a few things that were wrong in an attempt to fix the world, and Arabs tend to be rapists.

Sephardi means "people from the sepharat", sepharat means end of the world, or edge of the world aka the Iberic peninsula, they have true Semitic blood, they came all the way from Israel after the diaspora in the 77 a.C.

Ashkenazi inferiority complex alive and well I see.

>a fucking mexican tries to educate me on jews
I know what sepharadic means. I also know everything there is to know about them. I know why jews of north africa are sepharadic. I know much, much more than your stupid spic brain can possibly contain. Build a wall and fuck off

Jews :^)

They are all assholes, seriously, I know a lot of them, not funny, hypocrite, get mad with everything, they are weird in general, hell, i'm not even racist, but Jews, at least Talmudist are fucking disgusting.

Are Romanians concerned Ashkenazi?

Let us not forget we are one people.

lol not true. North africans top the charts

>tfw we have more séfarades than anyone except Israël

>at least Talmudist are fucking disgusting.
On this I absolutely agree

The sepharadic jews of france are relatively decent people because they are educated, unlike the ones from morocco

I am from Jewish blood myself, at least 30%, the rest is basque and greek

I do know a lot of European and middle east history, at least more than you do

>tfw when we have frencies here
Please gas jews so they won't get here
God I hate the french so much

everything from morocco is shit except the oranges, i like the orange

Kek religion.

You are forgetting the Niger Jews
(Beta Israel, Black Jews, Ethiopian Jews)

Mizrahi or Niger Jews → Which are the worse?

A lot of French Jews are going to emigrate to Israël because of the high number of Muslims in France. Brace yourself, 200 000 French Jews are coming :')
I grew up in a cité with a lot of Jew kids, and the Séfarades were actually way nicer than the Askhenazi. The Askhenazi were very communotarist and hateful towards the non-jews, the Séfarades were normal kids

I knooow shut uppp

There's no such thin as Mizrahi, that's just a stupid movement supported by the false jews (ashkenazi) to try to divide Sephardim. Sephardim are the original ones that have stayed in the their original lands and the Western Sephardim that used to live in Spain share the same rights as the "Mizrahi." No one called themselves Mizrahi until all you fake khazari fake Jews that should have been burnt in the oven started invading the Middle East. Sephardim lived in relatively comfort settings along with mudslimes and christcucks it wasn't until you untermenstch inbred scum ashkenazi came here that you started causing trouble. Probably because you're all germanic barbarians.

Is that actually a Sup Forums meme though?

Most people here don't distinguish between the different Jewish ethnic divisions.

To them we're all just dirty kikes that are only good for kindling.

Ashkenazi are the most intelligent race on the planet, right? OP's pic makes sense to me.

Also if any Israelis could tell me, can converts become officers in the IDF?


Good....Jerusalem is rightful Christian clay.

This is simply not true. Most people on Sup Forums masturbate to the thought of being 1/16th Jewish. Some ethnicities are special, and people from common countries tend to be jealous. It gets extra salty for Jews, because in addition to inventing Sup Forums's sweetheart religion, they also are the world's leading ethnic group.

It's an Israeli meme with Sup Forums undertones
Damn straight. Someone needs to keep the peace

Not to mention that we are a right wing ethnic state - Sup Forumss wet dream

Is this like a fuck marry kill situation? Cuz as far as im concerned theyre all jews and should be tossed in the kiln...

>serious athletes were Ashkenazi

Y-DNA of Ashkenazi Jews
27% J2&G: Khazar
19% J1: Close to Persian
16% E1b1b1: Close to Sahara Arabs
10% R1b1: German
7.5% R1a1a: Russian

Source familytreedna.com/pdf/Behar_contrasting.pdf

Fuck off
Sephardis are bros
pic related, most based (((sephardi))) jew in hueland

Senor Abravanel

>all the serious athletes were Ashkenazi.

Hahaha! Jewish sportsmen.

That's an oxymoron, the only athletic jews I've seen are always mixed Russian's or American.

>mixed Russian's or American

Y-DNA of Ashkenazi Jews
27% J2&G: Khazar, include Rothschields, Rockfellers and Stalin
16% E1b1b1: Abraham Lineage, the true Jews, include Einstein & ironically Hitler.
19% J1: Close to Persians
10% R1b1: Germanic (German, British, Norse, Dutch, ...)
7.5% R1a1a: Slav (Russian, Polish, Serbian, ...)

Source familytreedna.com/pdf/Behar_contrasting.pdf

Source familytreedna.com/pdf/Behar_contrasting.pdf


(OP) (You) Y-DNA of Ashkenazi Jews
27% J2&G: Khazar, include the Illuminati Banking Elite (Rothschields, Rockfellers) and Stalin
16% E1b1b1: True Jews, Abraham Lineage, include Einstein & ironically Hitler. Higher amount among Sephardi.
19% J1: Close to Persians
10% R1b1: Germanic (German, British, Norse, Dutch, ...)
7.5% R1a1a: Slav (Russian, Polish, Serbian, ...)

Source familytreedna.com/pdf/Behar_contrasting.pdf

From personal experience the Ashkenzim are either super orthodox and talmudist scum or super liberal and communist tier. Sephardim tend to be more based.
I will say that Ashkenazim more often fit the whole doctors/lawyers professionals and those who go into professions that aren't talmudists from birth are pretty nice.
Sephardim are more business oriented.

חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח מתה

> business oriented.
you mean more nigger tier jobs oriented, like moving

Mizrahi spotted

Holy shit is this a coordinated invasion ?

There was always a bunch of Israelis here man. My friends(who live here, in Israel, the land of the Jews) introduced me to this site around chanology.
You're just a bit autistic, it's ok

Genetically you are not though.

My theory is that Ashkenazi Jews are descendant of Carthaginians. The ones that were spared by the Roman Empire.

See related pic of an ancient Phoenician (the people of Carthaginians).

Most of them go to like community college for like a year, drop out and do that kind of shit. I was trying to put it lightly but fuck it you hit the nail on the head.

I believe the Ron Paul meme because it was the biggest Sup Forums meme ever.

Yep, Ron Paul is gonna be President.

>the people of Carthaginians
the citizens of Ancient Carthage

>Sup Forums (((meme)))
>Believe in
Good goyim

What are the opinions on pic related kikes?

You're kidding right? Jews are garbage. Sad liberal fools, go, waste your vote on Shillary. You're a lost cause.

Fuck him for attacking the good part of the country 2bh

Even his glasses are sweating.

If I'm 3/4 ashkenazi but my grandpa is persian and am I a subhuman jew. All the persians I know in Vancouver are engineers or doctors and the like :(((

Am I a subhuman jew*

He has his moments. Its been a while though

No, you have a little bit of semite blood but mostly european, choose a goy wife and your kid will be pretty much clean.
What do you think about him? Also, Muslim or Christian?

Do you guys lump Arabs and Persians together? Or do you make any distinction?

I don't, but other do, at least from what I read here from other Israelis. For me all shitskins are the same.

There is a big distinction, Persians have a huge amount nationalism for US.
I have Persian family members and if you call them Arabs they get pretty offended. And if you call them Iranian instead of Persian they get mad.

You dont even have to be jewish to be an officer in IDF. Fuck is wrong with you. We have a druze in charge of one of our largest infantry brigades

Christian, i like seeing him bully the sunnis. made a shitstorm war in 2006 though. He is very popular nowadays especially with the isis shenanigans


cant make this shit up , jews are nazis,
end of toystory

U gotta be careful abt those druze, they are the least trustworthy atleast here

Your druze are very shitty, our druze pretty much hate yours

I just want to go one day without hearing about Jews, without seeing Jews, without having to think about Jews in any way shape and form.

Just go away and leave me alone.

u guys think u'd come back north anytime soon?