Gary Johnson is a much better choice than Trump or Clinton

Gary Johnson is a much better choice than Trump or Clinton

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>open borders
into the trash it goes

not an argument

By the time Barack Obama leaves office, the national debt will be $20 TRILLION. That is not just obscene, it is unsustainable — and arguably the single greatest threat to our national security.

Responsibility for the years of deficit spending that have created our debt crisis rests squarely with BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats. The debt doubled under President George W. Bush — and doubled again under President Obama. During that time, both parties enjoyed control of Congress, and the deficit spending just kept piling up.

It doesn’t have to be that way, despite what the politicians say. But the idea that we can somehow balance the federal budget without cutting military spending and reforming entitlements is fantasy. What is required is leadership and political courage. As Governor of a state with an overwhelmingly Democrat legislature, Gary Johnson stood up to excess spending, vetoed 750 bills and literally thousands of budget line items…and balanced the state’s budget.

Governor Johnson has pledged that his first major act as President will be to submit to Congress a truly balanced budget. No gimmicks, no imaginary cuts in the distant future. Real reductions to bring spending into line with revenues, without tax increases. No line in the budget will be immune from scrutiny and reduction. And he pledges to veto any legislation that will result in deficit spending, forcing Congress to override his veto in order to spend money we don’t have.

No excuses. No games. A REAL balanced budget.

Gary Johnson is the best! I too want open borders after the immigration issues like in Europe!

Today’s federal tax code does all the wrong things. It penalizes productivity, savings and investment, while rewarding inefficiency and designating winners and losers according to political whim. For far too long, tax laws have been used not just as a means to collect needed revenues, but as a weapon with which to manipulate our behavior, create and destroy industries and fulfill politicians’ dreams of social engineering. The result is a tax code that is more than 70,000 pages long enforced by a government agency with almost 100,000 employees.

It is nothing less than a massive deployment of government force on our lives, our finances and our freedom.
Governor Johnson advocates the elimination of tax subsidies, the double taxation embodied in business income taxes, and ultimately, the replacement of all income and payroll taxes with a single consumption tax that will allow every American and every business to determine their tax burden by making their own spending decisions. Taxes on purchases for basic necessities would be “prebated”, with all other purchases taxed equally regardless of income, status or purpose.

Many leading economists have long advocated such a shift in the way we are taxed, and Gary Johnson believes the time has come to eliminate the punishing tax code we have today and replace it with a system that rewards productivity, investment and savings. The IRS as we know it today would no longer be necessary, and Americans would no longer need to live in fear of the force of government being wielded under the guise of tax collection.

During the 2012 campaign, Gary Johnson was lauded for having the best “job creation” record of all the former governors running for President. His response: “As Governor, I didn’t create a single job.” His point, of course, being that government doesn’t create jobs — except for itself. Entrepreneurs, growing companies and a robust economy create jobs.

Government’s role is to create and maintain a regulatory and tax environment in which private job-creators can prosper. Gary Johnson did that as Governor, and would do so as President. Government regulation should only exist to protect citizens from bad actors and the harm they might do to health, safety and property. Regulation should not be used to manipulate behavior, manage private lives and businesses, and to place unnecessary burdens on those who make our economy work. Eliminating unnecessary regulations and applying common sense to those rules that are necessary will free up capital and allow those who want and need to create jobs to do so.

Likewise, adopting the tax reforms Governor Johnson advocates will literally create millions of jobs. While most politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, suggest that modest reductions in business taxes might create jobs, Gary Johnson believes eliminating income taxes on businesses will transform the U.S. into the “job magnet” of the world. Why would any corporation move its operations off-shore when the best tax “haven” on the planet is right here at home?

When you ask Americans today what the greatest threat to their individual liberties is, far too often the response is: “The government”. That is simply unacceptable in a nation that was literally founded on the notion of liberty.

Imagine the disgust of the Founding Fathers if they were to see the national government spying on citizens’ private communications, monitoring financial transactions, photographing license plates, and even demanding to know what a person is doing at a public library — all without warrants or due process of law.

Imagine their shock to learn that the government has decided it is appropriate to tell adults what they can put in their bodies — and even put them in jail for using marijuana, while allowing those same adults to consume alcohol and encouraging the medical profession to pump out addictive, deadly painkillers at will.

The list goes on, but the point is clear: Decades of ever-more-intrusive government has steadily eroded personal freedom in this country. Adults are no longer free to make their own decisions, and virtually no part of Americans’ private lives are today safe from government scrutiny and regulation.

Gary Johnson believes government should be truly limited — limited in the way the Founders envisioned. Responsible adults should be free to marry whom they want, arm themselves if they want, make their own decisions about their bodies, and lead their personal lives as they see fit — as long as no harm is done to others. And they should be able to do so without unconstitutional scrutiny by the NSA, the ATF, the DEA or any other government agency.

Actually it kind of is.

Open borders will hinder the Libertarian movement because coloured people love to vote for Democrats. You'll have a few outliers but a majority of them will continue to vote for people who will offer gibsmedat. You can say that you'll remove the welfare state but it'd be impossible with them voting.

The objective of both our foreign policy and our military should be straightforward: To protect us from harm and to allow the exercise of our freedoms.

Looking back over the past couple of decades, it is difficult to see how the wars we have waged, the interventions we have conducted, the lives sacrificed and the trillions spent on the other side of the globe have made us safer. The chaotic, reactive military and foreign policies of the past two Presidents have, if anything, created an environment that has allowed these threats to flourish.

Many military and political analysts conclude the rise of ISIS can be traced back to the instability to which our actions contributed. While our leaders have thrust our military and our resources into regime changes, failed nation-building and interventions that have strained valuable strategic relationships, the murderers of ISIS, Al Qaeda and other violent extremists have found new homes, established a state to implement their warped dreams and secured the resources to become very real threats to the stability and security of the Middle East.

As President, Gary Johnson will move quickly and decisively to refocus U.S. efforts and resources to attack the real threats we face in a strategic, thoughtful way. The U.S. must get serious about cutting off the millions of dollars that are flowing into the violent extremists’ coffers every day. Relationships with strategic allies must be repaired and reinforced. And the simplistic options of “more boots on the ground” and dropping more bombs must be replaced with strategies that will isolate and ultimately neuter those violent extremist groups.

Having served as Governor of a border state, Gary Johnson understands immigration. He understands that a robust flow of labor, regulated not by politics, but by the marketplace, is essential. He understands that a bigger fence will only produce taller ladders and deeper tunnels, and that the flow of illegal immigrants across the border is not a consequence of too little security, but rather a legal immigration system that simply doesn’t work. Militarizing the border, bigger fences, and other punitive measures espoused by too many politicians are all simplistic “solutions” to a problem caused by artificial quotas, bureaucratic incompetence and the shameful failure of Congress to actually put in place an immigration system that matches reality.

Governor Johnson has long advocated a simplified and secure system of work visas by which willing workers and willing employers can meet in a robust labor marketplace efficiently and economically. Aspiring immigrants would undergo a background check, pay taxes and provide proof of employment.

Making it simpler and efficient to enter the U.S. legally will provide the greatest security possible, allowing law enforcement to focus its time and resources on the criminals and bad actors who are, in reality, a relatively small portion of those who are today entering the country illegally.

How is it that the United States, the land of the free, has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world?

The answer is simple: Over time, the politicians have “criminalized” far too many aspects of people’s personal lives. The failed War on Drugs is, of course, the greatest example. Well over 100 million Americans have, at one time or another, used marijuana. Yet, today, simple possession and use of marijuana remains a crime — despite the fact that a majority of Americans now favor its legalization.

More generally, mandatory minimum sentences for a wide range of offenses and other efforts by politicians to be “tough” have removed far too much common-sense discretion from judges and prosecutors.

These factors, combined with the simple fact that we have too many unnecessary laws, have produced a society with too many people in our prisons and jails, too many undeserving individuals saddled with criminal records, and a seriously frayed relationship between law enforcement and those they serve.

Fortunately, a growing number of state and local governments are taking steps toward meaningful criminal justice reform. The federal government must do the same, and Gary Johnson is committed to bringing real leadership to this long-overdue effort.

Gary Johnson has often said, “There is nothing wrong with the Internet that I want the government to fix.”

The Internet has literally changed the world, and has done so largely without interference from the government. It is no coincidence that the unprecedented innovation and entrepreneurship — and the resulting improvements in our quality of life — that has occurred in cyberspace has happened in one of the last refuges of freedom.

It needs to stay that way.

Yet, there are increasing calls for government regulation and intrusion into the Internet. From some politicians’ suggestions of a government “kill switch” to recently-passed so-called Cyber Security legislation, the government is determined to insert itself into our freedom to communicate, conduct business and seek information via the Web.

The government is even demanding that it be granted special “back doors” into encrypted, private information held and moved by Internet providers. The excuse is security — a laughable concept from a government that has proven time after time to be incapable of protecting even the most basic data.

Gary Johnson has consistently opposed these attempts at government interference with the Internet, and as President, would return the government to the side of freedom and innovation — not regulation.

The environment is a precious gift and needs to be protected. Gov. Johnson believes strongly that the first responsibility of government is to protect citizens from those who would do them harm, whether it be a foreign aggressor, a criminal — or a bad actor who harms the environment upon which we all depend.
Consistent with that responsibility, Gary Johnson believes it is the proper role of government to enforce reasonable environmental protections. He did so as Governor, and would do so as President.

However, Gov. Johnson also believes that it is NOT the proper role of government to engage in social and economic engineering for the purpose of manipulating the energy marketplace or creating winners and losers in what should be a robust free market. Such efforts have failed in the past, and are doomed to continue to fail. Preventing a polluter from harming our water or air is one thing. Deciding in Washington, DC, that one source of energy should be subsidized and others penalized is a different matter.

In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators and personal choices will ultimately bring about the environmental restoration and protection society desires. Conversely, destroying prosperity and innovation through government intervention will only harm the environment.

When it comes to global climate change, Gov. Johnson believes too many politicians are having the wrong debate. Is the climate changing? Probably so. Is man contributing to that change? Probably so. The important question, however, is whether the government’s efforts to regulate, tax and manipulate the marketplace in order to impact that change are cost-effective — or effective at all. Given the realities of global energy and resource use, there is little evidence that the burden being placed on Americans is making a difference that justifies the cost.

Governor Gary Johnson was one of the first governors in the nation to propose and advocate a universally available program of school choice. He did so while governing with an overwhelmingly Democrat legislature and while facing a powerful teachers’ union. He was well aware that his proposal would not be enacted and would generate fierce opposition. However, he believed it was important to raise the issue and force the teachers’ unions to defend a clearly failing status quo.
More broadly, Gov. Johnson believes there is no role for the Federal Government in education. He would eliminate the federal Department of Education, and return control to the state and local levels. He opposes Common Core and any other attempts to impose national standards and requirements on local schools, believing the key to restoring education excellence in the U.S. lies in the innovation, freedom and flexibility that federal interference inherently discourages.

As Governor, he saw first-hand that the costs of federal education programs and mandates far outweigh any benefits, both educationally and financially.

Gary Johnson has the utmost respect for the deeply-held convictions of those on both sides of the abortion issue. It is an intensely personal question, and one that government is ill-equipped to answer.

As Governor, Johnson never advocated abortion or taxpayer funding of it. He supported a ban on late term abortions. In his personal life the Governor believes in the sanctity of the life of the unborn.

However, Gov. Johnson recognizes that the right of a woman to choose is the law of the land, and has been for several decades. That right must be respected, and ultimately he believes this is a very personal and individual decision. He feels that each woman must be allowed to make decisions about her own health and well-being and that these decisions should not be dictated by the government.

Further, Gov. Johnson feels strongly that women seeking to exercise their legal right must not be subjected to persecution or denied access to health services by politicians in Washington or elsewhere who are insistent on politicizing such an intensely personal and serious issue.

Austin Petersen was the superior of the two, and those furry little weirdos picked Johnson. Of course.

Damn shame. I've hopped on the Trump Train since then #MAGA

fuck off

he's got some good policies but i can't get over his open border policy.

Gary Johonson =/= letting in millions of undocumented Muslims.

He wants there to be a system in place that allows people to more reliably get here on work visas, and to legally immigrate.

I'm all for that, but it doesn't seem as if he has a strong border policy. Legal immigration wont matter if a whole bunch of illegals can keep flooding in.

I had a feeling i would start seeing this guy on the rise, trump is trying to be too extreme after the mexican judge thing he turned me off

clinton is too extreme as well

im really starting to want the johnson now

he is pro weed and im into it.

he reminds me of my gf parents that live in Laguna Beach, they are doctors and lawyers that surf and get high. and are old. chill people


they dont keep flooding in tho, and if you knew less mexicans are actually coming here.

he posted, from the Midwest, in his 95% white community

I'm not even American, but this is such obvious shilling.
Burgers, wtf?

is there anything wrong with wanting to keep it that way or do you guys just stick to your feelz>realz argument while posting pictures of sad mexican children as per usual?

You can't be that cucked when it comes to immigration and be better than Trump, let alone be a good choice at all.

hes a liberal who is part of some half assed 3rd party. he supports sjw shit. you should be comparing him to clinton. thats where most of his votes will come from any ways






Gary Johnson isn't even the best choice in the libertarian party. kys you authoritarian kike

His VP is anti-gunner.

Libertardians are fucking shitheads. All of them.

Legal immigration is just as bad as illegal immigration. Spics vote left overwhelmingly and there's not a shread of evidence that that will ever change. This is how we turn the US into a banana republic.

>the government creates jobs
>it just controls policies that make it easier or harder for jobs to be created by others

fucking lolbertarian "philosophy" about "muh liberted gubbermet" is retarded

>no philosophical foundation for his beliefs
>no deep understanding of libertarianism
>unacceptably impure version of libertarianism
>lack of passion
>poor at communicating his ideas
>does not inspire

shoulda went with Autism Petersen

>all this Johnson shilling
Reminder this is what you get with libertarians

It was worse than I could have expected.

I hate borders and think all Muslims should move to America to work so they can vote out the libertarians the next election and vote in the muslim brotherhood.

>so offensive it was a violation of the non-aggression pledge
Top kek


If you elect a libertarian government, I will move to the states to work and eventually become a citizen and I promise you I will vote for someone like Bernie Saunders.

They wont come if you remove the welfare state.

And btw: unatainable idea =/= bad ideas

>diversity is so great I'm gonna move to Africa and live amongst the peaceful natives
>oh wait, no I'm not

Half the planet would move to the states even without a welfare state. You can make the most money in the states out of anywhere in the world. My family and most I know would be booking our flights tomorrow if you opened the voters and none of us would vote libertarian.


>Half the planet would move to the states even without a welfare state. You can make the most money in the states out of anywhere in the world. My family and most I know would be booking our flights tomorrow if you opened the voters and none of us would vote libertarian.
Holy fuck stop it with the misinformation!

He's talking about giving the 'undocumented' a chance to get a work permit. Not citizenship, a work permit. People that are already living here and working here and in many cases have been for years, give them a chance to get a legal work permit and start paying into the system. Part of the proposal is a one-strike rule where anyone that's caught trying to cheat the system is right out.

You sitting in Canada wouldn't just be able to up and move here. You'd still need to find a job first, and go through the proper procedure and get your work permit. Oh, and you wouldn't be able to vote either.

It's a realistically workable proposal on immigration, something no other candidate can claim.

Fuck trump, let's all get on the Gary train!

who is this ugly kike

The throwaway vote candidate

Johnson is pro-open borders and pro-gun control. He's no better than Clinton.

>multinational corporations are ruining our country and the globe
>hurrr lets give them an unrestricted market and no taxes

Open borders. Possibly the only issue that matters.

yea fuck off faggot multicultural cities are hell on earth

t.fag who use to live in nigger city near apelanta

>Johnson is pro-open borders and pro-gun control. He's no better than Clinton.
He is neither. Fuck off, Shillary,.

>Remove taco
>Financial collapse cause we ignored our debt
>A-at least were a-almost 70% white now!

>implying this asshat is representative of all libertarians
>conveniently forgetting that he was banned from the party immediately after this event

>i want non whites to exist

the cucksh-er i mean reddit is down the hall and to the left

>believes in forcing christians to bake cakes for fag marriage
>chooses VP who believes in "reasonable" gun control, which means taking away all but hunting rifles

this guy is as libertarian as joe biden

supporting Johnson is supporting Hillary
He has no change and siphons votes away from Trump