
in american culture, what the hell is mansplaining?

As far as I can see, it seems like your opinions are degraded or worth less because you identify as a cis white male.

is this true?

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wow rlly makes me thnk #goosebumps

>irrelevant manplaining

>I have a very weak and easily exploitable foundation plz no to the break it.

It's not a thing outside of college campuses.
More specifically the liberal arts department.
Bring it up anywhere else and you'll be laughed out of the room.

For a while i thought mansplaining and manspreading were memes Sup Forums came up with to make sjws look like idiots, like the ban fathers day hashtag. When i found out these were legit sjw things, i lost all hope for humanity.

It's when a man makes an argument based on logic and reason, but a woman dismisses it because she's a bigoted cunt who hates men.

a way for sjw to dismiss men who point out their autism and poor reasoning

No one takes it seriously except retards

Appealing to facts and reason over emotions and feelings is seen as an attempt to look smarter.

The same as lecturing.

no, that's not true
as a result of a variety of societal factors men generally have higher self esteem and tend to talk shit about things they don't know much, this has been noticed and called mansplaining
you're suffering from persecution complex


Mansplaining is a term used by "some" people , that one individual should avoid communicating with.

mansplaining is a sexist term used to silence men through gender shaming

They put it in the dictionary.
That's the problem with all of this insane shit. It might not be taken seriously be normal people, but it's still going to taken seriously by the media, by corporations and by universities, in an attempt at brainwashing the next generation.

It's supposed to be a hybrid of MAN and EXPLAINING. It's when a man explains something to a woman because she isn't smart enough to grasp the initial concept.

In reality, taking time aside to explain something that shouldn't need explaining is tedious and no one likes doing it. It's just a word feminists scream to try and silence male opposition to their arguments

Technically mansplaining originated to illustrate that sometimes men will just re-explain shit because it wasn't a man explaining it, as supposedly happen during mixed gender conversations. Supposedly we have a bias that if a man says something we naturally attach more weight to it. Hence men are more listened to. Hence men are more likely to interrupt women without sanction from the audience and get more attention when explaining shit, especially to women.

Mansplaining then became everytime a man says something that goes against a feminist or tries to prove them wrong.

I imagine the person that invented this word was a teenage girl because there is already a word synonymous in meaning. It's called being patronizing and both sexes are guilty of this rudeness.


Its not that simple, yes some people will consider a white males opinins invalid because they are a white male, but only spics, niggers and roasties would and of course it doesnt matter what they think. A white man will consider anothers white mans opinion more important than that of some degenrate, and this is what really matters.

tldr white men dont invalidate white mens opinions, and thats all that matters

its equivalent to grade school "shit head" when you hold infantile prejudices like against girls/boys/adults/etc

it originated from feminazis who wanted a "shut down" word/phrase for any male who said something they didnt like

>men generally have higher self esteem
Overally speaking that's true though.

But hey, here we're on Sup Forums so I guess we can't really represent men as far as self-esteem goes.

I'm not contradicting that this is the way it's used now, but that's not what it was intended to mean.

According to SJWs, if you hold non-leftist-approved opinions, your opinion ought to be silenced.

it's just a convenient way for feminists to silence opposition

Speak for yourself.

women can't compete with men physically which pisses them off so they use words to try and fight back since they are good with words.

I just ignore bitches who use words like this.

The original use of 'mansplaining' is the condescending tone when talking to a woman as if she didn't know what she was talking about...because she was a woman. I know for a fact that actually happens, but I don't know how common it is. If they don't know what you're they'redoing, it's just being condescending dickwad, and nobody wants to work for one of those. If they DO know what they're doing, you're being a condescending dickwad and the reason why "the feminazis" have pocket HRs, now.

Are you guys retarded?
It's when you explain something to a woman in a condescending tone like they are too stupid to understand it any other way.

>what the hell is mansplaining?


Woman detected.

An Australian female senator recently used the term "mansplaining" against one of the members of the opposing "conservative" political party and he destroyed her.

Video -

(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing:

Literally made up by women

Maybe if women weren't wrong all the time they wouldn't need things mansplained so often.

nice ad hoc ex-post-facto (sp?)

Using logic.

Nope, an employer who needs to keep up with this shit because the one woman in my employ might end up as many more women, and I didn't build this shit up only to piss off good employees and wind up with nothing.

If you talk to women as if they're a child, it's not gonna end well.

I understand what "mansplaining" is and the funny thing is I've never had it happen to me by a man. I've only had it done to me by females who were in power positions over me (bosses, family).

If you're having a hard time wondering what it is, imagine you're at a family picnic and your retarded cousin comes up to tell you he made the baseball team or whatever. And you respond with "that's great Tommy, I'm so proud of you!"

Take that "that's great Tommy" way of speaking and now apply it to another adult who isn't retarded. It feels degrading and shitty when someone does it.

He's so sassy, I like it.

Mansplaining is when women get cuntfused by men not agreeing with their bullshit.

Its just an easy deflect.
>oh you proved me wrong with facts, well you're MANSPLAINING, now I win the argument.

Its a kafkatrap.

>youre mainsplaining
No I'm not, I'm just-
>see! You're mansplaining again!

Its a no win game for guys

Mansplaning is refuting a argument that's absolute bullshit, and explaining why said argument is bullshit... Typically you'd call this 'debating' which is a way of sharing ideas and opinions.

However in Feminist culture, Mansplaning is just a way to shut down a man's rebuttal or argument, simply because they are close midned hypocrites who follow a cult of lies, and think men shouldn't have a right to speak for themselves.


Yes. But I'm glad it came about. It is just this type of feminist leftist overreaching that is destroying their credibility.

you tell us I think one of your faggot illegals made it up

Yeah, same I've seen female managers do it before.
I think its because they are insecure about how their power is respected, so they compensate by adopting a super domineering role.

Men can deal with minor workplace disruptions without having to crack the whip every time.