>corporate media blantantly shilling for neoliberalism yet again

Not surprising. What is surpising is Obongo's claim that it will create high paying jobs at home, which just simply isn't true.


I haven't followed TPP nearly as closely as I should be all things considered, but doesn't it effectively make it easier for companies to operate across countries with the expected result being a loss of more western jobs to cheaper overseas competition as that practice is more codified into law?
Or am I 100% off the mark?


oh oh we knew it'd be back, rearing again its ugly corporate head. the fuckers just wont let it go, they want that deal

It's fucking eerie to see Jimmy Fallon shilling for the TPP.

These globalist fucks will stop at nothing.

It does more than that; it makes multinational corporations virtually immune to legislation in any one country, effectively making them exempt from the rule of law. The way it's written is like someone binged on cyberpunk shit and used its depiction of corporate government as the basis for sweeping international legal reform.

Yes, we all know that Obama is a leftist cuck. News at 11.

Americans are so tired of his bullshit that we're willing to elect a fucking reality television star who has built his entire campaign by insulting sensitive cry babbies, making menstruation jokes, and shitting on brown people. Let that sink in.

All I know is that our markets will be inundated with your shitty food. No thanks.


>shitting on brown people
Where are the proofs?

>The way it's written is like someone binged on cyberpunk shit and used its depiction of corporate government as the basis for sweeping international legal reform.
kek. You're right though, user.
Nationalists on both sides of the spectrum have huge reason to be worried. They'll sell out our sovereignty to make a quick buck for their corporate donors.

If Putin did this type of shit, or Russian media was this shit, they'd be kicked out of the UN and laughed at.

thank god trump's against it

wow... really makes you think

Eurofaggots have "American" sections in their supermarkets and most of that shit isn't even American food. You're a dumb ass.

You guys slap "America Big Texas style" or some shit on a random frozen pizza or pickled hotdogs that are manufactured in Europe. Nations that actually do import some of our food, like the UK, just import random junk food that children eat.

That's far worse than I expected, thank fuck President Trump is against it.

"Someone's doing the raping, Tom. Someone's doing the raping."

-Trump, on the Mexican question

He hasn't actually claimed "X race of people suck shit," but he isn't afraid to proclaim that illegal aliens love to murder and rape. This is one of the reasons why I'm voting for him.


He doesn't ascribe to the forced implication (by adversaries) that criticism of some is criticism of all. Talking shit to Megyn Kelly? He hates women, not just one women but the entire gender. Talks shit about mexicans illegally crossing the border? He hates all mexicans as a people, no gray area because 'racism'. He doesn't want to accept the same flood of people that have caused Europe so many problems? He's xenophobic, he clearly hates ANYONE who isn't white.
The constant implication used to shut down so many conversations, but he gives zero fucks about the conversation being framed that way and speaks more plainly than is generally "allowed" on TV in front of millions. It's working, too.