Who is the biggest sellout of all time?

Who is the biggest sellout of all time?

Wtf? I love star wars now

Kiss and Aerosmith come to mind

Your favourite artist

probably Kanye

Why is this little robot making everyone so mad?



I like grimes

They deserved to be a huge band


Snoop Dogg

I can't deal with the fact that they're all 40+ and dress like autistic 14 yo.

Chumbawamba went from making anarcho-punk to Thumbthumping.



they're way past 50, m8. except for their current and former drummers, somehow they were always about 10 years younger than Noodles

the one on the right

how exactly is this selling out?

because people dont like the robot so it makes them upset when they see thom having fun with it

Weezer or Snoop Dog

Kurt Cobain.
But that was literally the aim the whole time.

>following Kmart

Coldplay. Their first record was actually listenable, but everything after that was garbage.

>they became good

Rush of Blood was good shit wtf.
That albums a guilty pleasure.

The Beatles
>started as a poppy boy band
>invented beatlemania
>become a merchandising empire for decades

Alright I'll conced that rush of blood is good, but I'll still judge you for liking it

Well they kinda always were in it for money dude

Therefore, they are likely the biggest sellouts of all time

Clocks is by far their best track. They never came close afterwards.

Parachutes, Rush of Blood, and Viva la Vida are their three best, with Viva la Vida being at the top. And even then, none of these three albums are great. they're just decently good, respectable pop-rock albums.

Every other album by Coldplay is mediocre.

I haven't listened to their post viva albums because the tracks I've heard were so stale and awful.
It's lost the soul of the early albums.

I agree with this.
Sonic Youth and Jawbreaker are my picks. That grunge/alternative Sonic Youth era was awful, if it weren't them people would be more critical about it.

I didn't know Thom was a tranny


Because the whole video is just promotion for Star Wars and hes probably just being paid by Disney to be in it. Literally selling out

But are they really selling out if they aren't compromising their original artistic integrity?