He's not getting away with it ANYMORE!

He's not getting away with it ANYMORE!



Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

Sam has a limited style and he's way overrated here

fuck off sam kys

Not clicking any of that shit. Fuck yourself to death, faggot.


>the Atlantic
>reporting Info from a buzzfeed article

Top Kek mate

Isn't this old shit? I don't like Sam Hyde because he's like 4 inches taller than me and at least 40 pounds heavier so even though he's a weird looking flabby fag in his 30s I feel intimidated by him and I'm envious that I'll never be so big that I can say whatever I want whenever I want and not get people trying to fight me simply because I'm bigger and heavier than them.

Fuck Sam Hyde and fuck the alt-right


link me the video where he adresses this. I can not find it.

fuck off sam

does anyone else feel kind of bad for him? no trolling, dead serious. i've always gotten a vibe from him that he's had a really hard life.

Only manlets hate based Sammy


I'd say he's lived the same life any of us have.

He's gay.

hydewars is the channel name

Yeah! Fuck whatever I don't agree with!

and fuck catholics and FUUUCK the pope

Yes, that's generally the reason as to why people tell others to fuck themselves.

damn, true.

No, he just fucked a tranny.

Being a rude edgy cunt into his 30s really rids me of any pity I might have felt.

Yeah! Fuck!

Just so everyone knows how retarded OP is.


>david duke

he went to college

And FUCK Brexit and FUCK nationalism

then dropped out, I think.

He also lives in an Upper-Middle class neighborhood in New England.

He lives there for free iirc, at least it's not his house or his family's house.

Reminder that Sam is a chad irl

Both of those things are great desu

>it's another Sam generates minimal buzz with viral thread

>sam will never be your big brother

And FUCK the Police and FUCK CAPITALISM.

I would beat the shit out of him daily, he'd never have grown into the man he was today, he'd be another bottom bitch.

And FUCK Fox News and FUUUUUCK sexism. PERIOD.


And FUCK Transphobia and

I hope people dont actually think sam is a white supremacist.

Racial tensions are at a huge high right now, and a lot of people are trying to profit off of it by pretending to be bastions of equality and shit, while Sam is doing the opposite to generate attention.

Controversy Creates Cash.


Look at it's fingers.

t. Eric Bischoff

that shit is only relevant in america, and in your head. You fucking pfaggot

notice how the bottom button isnt buttoned

>tfw not even custom made clothing fits

preach it, xister!

You're not supposed to button the bottom button.


I don't get it. So we're supposed to go down without a fight? This is why youre a cuck


Brett Gelman BTFO


It was probably the Jews rule skit.

can't these faggots be sued for making this shit up?

I want to see Sam beat Tim heideker to a bloody pulp

/leftypol/ never could into memes, and it never will


Lmao Sam and his crew are total madmen, grown up nihilist babies for sure. I don't think they give a single fuck about Adult Swim except for that it gives them a platform to broadcast their art. I love em for it though. Would never want to hang out with him in real life though, what a fucking asshole.

god i want to destroy that face (in self defense)
just rain down heavy blows onto her fat stupid dyke head (in self defense)


Reminder that this is the same guy from this interview


Its like trying to get rid of roaches.
Hogan sued and literally bankrupted the entire gawker media gestapo and its goons, but it was immediately bought by someone else and back to business as usual within a month.



There is a hole to go with the button, the only bottom buttons you don't button are extra ones they sometimes put at the very bottom where they don't put a matching hole.

>when you hate yourself so much that you start hating your own race

>but it was immediately bought by someone else and back to business as usual within a month.


Are you kidding? I dream of having Sam as a friend. He reminds me so much of myself.

My god, the dude's a modern fucking Andy Kaufman and I can't understand why nobody sees this. He satirizes the whole alt right movement while poking fun at the left. He isn't the best comedian, but he's the only one showing some fucking creativity. I'd rather have Sam Hyde than that bearded scream-comedy guy.

Buy the book

Those diabetes shoes are the only things she can wear for an extended amount of time.

I think he would be too much of a hipster for me

Yeah except it isn't satire. Sam is openly alt-right.

>Sam is openly alt-right.

no he isnt.

Sam would fucking hate me. He's always pursuing his passions in full-force and improving himself while I'm doing nothing with my life.

>i take everything at face value

getting really reddit up in here

Is 'alt-right' the new gamergate boogeyman?
Or is it actually a thing?

>Still, there are plenty of sketches in Million Dollar Extreme that seem to exist only to shock and offend. In one, a man trips a woman and sends her flying head-first into a glass table, covering her face in blood— simply because he deems her too unattractive to marry his brother.
>simply because he deems her too unattractive to marry his brother.


>sam openly discussing ethnic issues
>its all just an elaborate satirical performance art, theres no way someone could hold a different opinion than me

I've met him, he just seems hyper sincere to me. He pokes fun at himself and people like him by exaggerating to the nth degree,
It's the same kind of humor I have.

I don't know how you pay attention to Sam Hyde in any capacity and manage to come to the conclusion that he's a nihilist.

its rebranded white nationalism, see Radix, American Renaissance, and Occidental Observer (or dailystormer and the right stuff if you want to see the edgier youth side)

Like how does this dude miss the point so hard

>leftists getting insecure about the fact that they like a right-wing comedian
You know that it's possible to separate an artist from their works? You won't lose any lefty street-cred for liking Sam.


The writer is clearly mentally handicapped and we should take pity on them and try to help them function in society.

>he's happy to be branded under an umbrella term that liberals use to demonise the right-wing

Stay on Sup Forums a bit longer, friend. You've got some learning to do

Im not a leftist. Sam isnt alt-right

Where did I use the term "alt-right'?

>white supremacist
>trump supporter
>racial realist
>anti institution (jews)

>not alt-right

What did you mean by this?

Dude, Sam sometimes says things but actually means the opposite of what he said! That's like OVER NINE THOUSAND LAYERS OF IRONY!!!! You literally can't even take ANYTHING he says or does at face value because he's sarcastic sometimes. Saying something that is the opposite of what you actually believe in a funny voice or sometimes poking fun at yourself is nihilistic, impenetrable post-post-post-post-post-post-post-post-post-post-irony. This dude is truly on the cutting edge of irony, just like the really poorly compressed pictures of Spongebob I see on Facebook.

>was in birdemic 2: the resurrection as Beach Goer
birdemic considered kino?

its amazing how deeply people read into a little self-deprecating humor, trying to find a hidden dogwhistle that does not conflict with their worldview.

you could barely see them

Man, you are retarded. Do you know what cuts the line between irony and sincerity? Knowledge. When you have in-depth knowledge of something you're clearly serious about it, and Sam has time and time again shown that he delves deeply into politics, literature and general knowledge about the worlds, not excluding conspiracy theories from Sup Forums.

If you've watched that HydeWars video he loudly and clearly mentions bear bile as an argument against the Chinese, how on Earth could you interpret that as ironic?

Did Kirby eat Tyler Oakley?

I was obviously being sarcastic, you fucking goon.

If you still think Sam is just ironically alt right leaning you might literally have some form of mental retardation or disability

Sometime I've noticed about redditors is that they're incapable of seeing sarcasm.
Why can't you see it son-reddit?

hes not a stormfag user. You are projecting your own newfaggotry onto him, as you most likely did with Trump


It wasn't about being attractive she was the one not laughing and being a dead eyed cold bitch.

>hes not a stormfag