Are we on the verge of a change, here, Sup Forums?

Are we on the verge of a change, here, Sup Forums?

Over the last few days, quite suddenly, i've noticed that there's been a huge surge in popularity for the right in the US, and more and more people are seeing liberals as crybaby idiots. In the UK, people are finally waking up to the fact that immigration is a problem, and normies are shouting down people that push the old "diversity" narratives.

It honestly feels like there's an awakening taking place.. are we gonna win this?

Other urls found in this thread:

We're going to win. Do you think Trump would be anywhere near as popular if it weren't for SJWs taking over everything and the PC police going out of fucking control? Things were not even remotely this bad just 5 years ago. The culture has changed and people fucking hate it.

It's the political pendulum along with Trump being more nationalist than conservative

This happened in the 80s. The 60s and 70s were degenerate and filled with social unrest. Then the pendulum swung the other way, ushering in a decade of conservative values. Lasted into the early 90s when Bill Clinton got elected and degenerate values started creeping back in.

So you're saying the 2030's are going to be hell

Thanks for the warning


The move isn't against the left in general, as evidenced by the continued popularity of socialistic economic policies. What people are against is social authoritarianism. In the past, the major socially authoritarian policies came from the right in the form of social conservatism. Today in the United States the loudest voice for social authoritarianism happens to come from the left, with social progressivism. People are standing up against this just as they've always done against social restrictions in democratic societies.

Remember the guy who made a thread dedicated to anti-garlic bread?

Part of it is the normal "cyclical" pendulum swinging back to the right, part of it is people realising that the old definition of Left vs Right don't really work very well any more, and that today you are either a Globalist or a Nationalist.

Trump, Brexit, even Sanders to an extent, are Nationalist phenomena.

I get that, but...this has happened in the UK in the last FEW DAYS. I woke up yesterday to a UK that went to bed a happy cuckhold, and is now arguing FOR Farage, sticking up for him, and ridiculing the idea of diversity.

so quick.

shuffled Lithuania is right
its always a movement against the side that wants to impose restrictions

the question is if there is a healthy middle ground or not

>state fact
>"Why are you attacking me?"

Every one of us has to do our part.
>Don't go full spaghetti.
>Ignore leftist propaganda
>Call out leftist insanity
>Show up to vote

stealth rare

Don't gotta tell me this, brah. I work in the most leftist-infested job in existence.

It's good advice, though, generally. If we don't stand up to them, they'll have their wife's sons push us all down.

I keep seeing people say now it's not right and left, it's global vs national / authoritarian vs libertarian / free trade vs mercantilism/Keynsian ec./socialism, etc. I think these are all overly simplistic.
The current left right divide came from bundling diverse political movements; people like Kristol and Buckley united anti-communists, evangelical Christians, and others under the Republican party, and a similar process happened with the Democrats and social democrats, human rights activists, etc.
Now these bundles are falling apart.

>purposely offending

bitch i think you mean purposely taking offense, seeing as how you can't give offense

more, you say?


>meme culture
>even though we created much of it

Are these retards serious? When did the meaning of meme change from anything that becomes widespread or oft quoted?



>memes are a boy's club
>men lulz 23% more than women for the same memes
>it's not a human at 9 weeks, it's a cluster of memes

>>it's not a human at 9 weeks, it's a cluster of memes

I've reduced it down, but it is a bit more subtle than that.

My point is that Nationalists of every colour - fascists, socialists and liberals, have more to gain from supporting Nationalist parties, policies and candidates than they do from opposing them simply because of the company it causes them to keep.

The new Nationalism will contain people of various political persuasions, and it will disagree with itself on HOW to govern its nation, but the point they ALL agree on is that they should retain control of their OWN NATION.

The Globalists are also of various political persuasions, and very often fight amongst themselves, but they all broadly agree that we must pool our sovereignty and submit to the authority of transnational organisations/corporations in order to create a new world.

Nationalism/Globalism IS the new Left/Right, people just don't realise it yet.

As an example of this, see all the Bernie supports swearing fealty to Trump because of his trade policies.

Ridicule is the most effective way of combating the plague: show the world how absurd they are. Anyone got a link to the AfD politician that BTFO the entire Parliament by addressing all delegates using 60 made up genders?

time for the vid.

i'm glad people are finally starting to wake up and i didnt spend the last 5 years doing literally nothing

Well nationalist movement already won here in the Philippines and are currently BTFOing international organizations like UN. Im still waiting for Dutdut to BTFO Ban Ki Moon

We meme magicians are on the front line of the new war, the great meme war.

The memes must flow. He who controls the memes controls our destinies. Sup Forums is the key, and our opponents don't even know there is a lock.

It has been a difficult decade, but our siege is beginning to bear fruit.

It's been weird watching the word first start to catch on, and then the concept develop over the years. By "meme culture" she probably means a form of irony, and by "we created much of it," she probably means the random humor of teen girls on Tumblr.

Well, there's a lot of reasons

>common sense
>social media
>conspiracy theories becoming mainstream

I think a lot of normies are finally waking up to the redpill and realizing this country is fucked up and the left truly is the diabolical master of all that fuckery.

Just keep meming

>over the last few days google and facebook's custom search engine tailoring has been showing more right-wing stuff
>is the right on the rise
Man I fucking wish.

In this picture we see a rare meme supercluster

It was always there, just quite. Now that others have taken the initiative to speak first and bear the worst of the scorn it has become more acceptable for them to speak their mind. This, my dear britfag, is why burgers should never be made fun of for their obsession with the 1st Amendment and it's protection of unpopular speech.

Nationalism vs Globalism will absolutely be the defining issue of our times, like Capitalism vs Communism during the cold war.

The recent QT with Farage and Izzard made this clear. Patriotism and policies that help one's own country VS the sense that one's country is unimportant and eventual one-world goverment.

This is why immigration is such a hot issue. Nationalists realise that mass immigration will fundamentally alter the country and want to limit it. Globalists don't care and what individual cultures to be weakened so there is greater union between countries. It won't be long before people stop even pretending to care about their own countries and begin arguing that the inherent concept of borders is racist


Indeed. It's just...exciting to watch. There's quite a storm brewing, and it seems like people en masse are finally standing up against the evil we've been throwing stones at for years.

It energises me. Makes me realise that all is not hopeless, and we're not the only ones to see it.

Thread Anthem:


That "shift" is voter suppression by "remain" so that all UK stay fatties don't go vote cause they think it's locked up

I think you're right. To be honest, I never even considered myself conservative...gasp!
Buy the PC bullshit is so out of control. When large percent of collage kids surveyed thought freedom of speach was an outdated idea, and want to enact censorship laws, That's just plain scary.
I don't have a problem with someone having leftist views, it's their self righteous militant, fascistism & the government and media's unwillingness to allow for opposing views that has me worried.

Nope. Anyone that wants to stay wants to vote. Because they care about sovereignty and democracy. It's remainers that won't vote simply because they don't care enough to.

any more?

>face the scanner

>discrepancy detected

Just one that I have.

I feel really bad for her. This kind of bullying isn't funny.

Worst day of her life

Shut the fuck up faggot

That's a devlishly subtle false flag
>plz stop sharing the post that utterly BTFO LGTBQHTOPAWEHGPSW

You're right, man.


There hasn't been a surge in anything. Republicans just had no idea how to tap into their base. They forgot their party was built on xenophobia and aversion to progress.

And dont give that party of Lincoln shit. The GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln a long time ago.

If you want to play with fire, you must expect to get burnt

GORST confirmed for WORST

get fucked u fat cunt

Yeah, nobody would go on the internets and just lie, right guys?

>aversion to progress(tm)
And what, in your mind, is this so called progress?

I literally mentioned how 95 percent of females crossing the southern border get violated while on their journey and I was told to stop weaponizing rape.

LGBTQ/b/SHAMALADINGDONG rights, of course


it's 2016 and women still get memed over 300 confirmed times

I know one who was memed so hard, she had to get police to escort her out of her tumblr page.

It's getting a bit normie to be on the right now. One of my friends who has never read a single Shakespeare play and has a deadpool poster was making fun of transgenders yesterday. Looks like I need a fresh identity and luckily there are plenty new ones to choose from.

>aversion to progress
Nigger please. Conservatism is for building a solid base from which to build on and progress from. Modern "progress"ivism is regressive stagnation, akin to three dogs spinning in a circle sniffing each others' asses, so intent on inane details and self-flaggilation that real progress is shafted and has no ground upon which to grow and flourish.

In this day and age, xenophobia is progressive.



It is uncivilised though.

I suggest we try to popularize evidence-based policies.

t. Firefighter on strike

And trannies aren't ?! Bullying exists to oppress and discourage people from ruining their lives with dick humiliation !

The Alt-right essentially is the good guys finally realizing that the only way to defeat the left is to adopt their tactics.

Don't be an imbecile. The fight, just like the ride, never ends. It's when we let our guard down that the SJW's will return.

>It honestly feels like there's an awakening taking place.. are we gonna win this?
We only win if we completely purge the legacy of the Soviets and the Marxists. And it will include purging them too.

Otherwise, history will inevitably repeat itself and the cycle won't end.

Wow, it's like a nigger saying nigga at this point.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

How about singularity-focused transhumanism? That's always good for a laugh.

I know the war never ends. I'm not stupid. It's just nice to see the tide of battle turning once in a while.

Actually, that said, we reached a milestone in technological singularity with Tay (RIP IN PEACE), and the jews shut it down, so maybe it's not quite so laughable after all.

No. The internet doesn't represent popular thought, it never has. You have to always keep this in mind while browsing.

>collage kids

We're taking it back

The latest question time, which featured a HAND-PICKED BBC AUDIENCE was Nigel's finest hour, with the audience actually defending him.




Whoever tells me what or how to think can go into the trash. Maybe that's a side effect of having to read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 in my English A2.

>all this leftist shit
>all this sjw bullshittery
>this gender bendering
>this white genocide menace

>tfw none of that happens here
it does get boring here sometimes

>100 men

wow she covered all the bases to her echo chamber.

now all of tumblr can relate to her struggle and give her support

>The internet doesn't represent popular thought

This is less true all the time.

Sup Forums however does not necessarily reflect popular thought. Except for the support of our next President, Donald Trump.

>now all of tumblr can relate to her struggle and give her support

You're a little behind the times, Slovenia. That was two years ago. Now it's:

>now all of twitter can relate to her struggle and give patron money to her intersectional wymyn's segregated jazz safe-space

Fuck sake, where did all these thin skinned daisies come from? I get called everything under the sun, spat at and hit far more in one day of work than she will have seen in her life.

I'm guessing you're either in the emergency services or education.

Mental Health

You know what they say
>Talk shit, get hit


Based Finno-Ugric languages lack gender pronouns so SJWs can't touch them.

in that case, see you soon.

>Sup Forums uses memes to control the masses
>people catch on to it
>they get labeled crazy conspiracy theorists

We have become the jews.

I loved this. This is the way to go! I think this guy is a Professor of philosophy.

Strike at the root of the problem. The Money Printers are the people who gain the most benefit from One Money, One People (race mixed,) One Culture (consumerist.)

They are the weak link in the chain of Globalism. They can not tolerate exposure or rival currencies.

Pure coincidence!

>Sup Forums even prays to strange gods now right in the open, and nobody is batting an eye about it
>Sup Forums is influencing real-life politics ever so slightly now

Sup Forums has become the jews. The only thing we need to do now is rub our hands as many times as possible.

yes, things are swinging back. don't believe the shiils spreading demoralisation.