Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack leaves fellow Republicans squirming (again)

Welp, Trump officially confirmed racist. He's just gonna keep saying racist stuff as the campaign progresses, even republicans don't like that he's racist, and no one is going to vote for a racist. It's over lads, pack it up, it was a nice try at least.

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>and no one is going to vote for a racist

Except all the people who already did, and because of whom he broke the all-time record for most votes in a Primary.

Doesn't matter. Latinos already outbred whites, she's got the gibmedat vote, and all women will vote for hillary because she's a woman.

It's over before it even began.

She's not fucking Native American and just pretended to be one to get affirmative action and oppress actual minorities who it was intended for. Isn't that actually racist? You know, white privilege and all.

Nice try Schlomo

It's pretty fascinating actually:

But that doesn't matter, in the mainstream media's world anything you say that relates to race, especially if you're a wealthy white male, is racist. No one actually looks into this stuff, they just hear "Trump said all mexicans are rapists!" or "Trump said to ban all muslims!" or "Trump said a judge can't be a judge just because he's mexican!" and don't actually look into the deeper context to find out that it's actually a falsehood, a gross exaggeration that cleverly leaves out certain words said to make it sound a hundred times worse than what was actually said.

This is the world we live in right now, unfortunately.

WTF? I'm a #Jebhead now!

Standard Leftist tactic. Shame and Bully the so-called hordes of their enemy into submission. It's worked so well in years past because the Right always lacked the spine to resist.

But they have a problem using this tactic now.

Trump is NOT of the Right.

The bantz tho :^)

I am now a social user of #KristolMeth


Amusing how an issue has been dragged out for decades and somehow still sounds fresh.

I think some republicrats need to grow some balls.

No their votes are being suppressed by barbaric voter ID laws, they're a non factor. It's going to be very interesting to see though how blacks are gonna vote:
>more gibs
>less Mexicans

trump is a racist
more news at 11

>trump officially confirmed racist
who gives a shit? If you're white and haven't been called a racist, then you're part of the problem.

It might have been racist if she actually was a Native American and not just a liar.

>john Mccain

>mitt romney

These were the best people the republican party had to offer over the last decade, and they were some of the worst candidates you could ever imagine.

The republican party has nothing left to grasp onto. it might as well grow some balls

If I call Hillary a chink is that racist?

Sen. Warren isn't a native, she used her "status" of 1/32 native blood to enter the uni.
She's pathetic.

How do people such as yourself miss the point so hard
>it doesn't matter, it's racist.
This is why trump is winning, because fags are ruining everything, you can't make a single harmless joke about someone actually damaging the United States by lying about their heritage without someone somehow being offended by the first and not the second. kill yourself my man

What is wrong with these cuckservatives?

What's more racist? White woman falsely claiming native heritage to get into university or someone calling bullshit on that?

>John Oliver confirmed racist for making fun of the name Drumpf

>Can't handle a little banter.
Everything is racist nowadays.



about charges of "racism" from liberal media outlets anymore. Not when the end-point of all this "racism" discussion is that white people are always racist for being white. Marxists jumped the shark with their meme word when they reached that territory.

Silly australia, you can't be racist against white people! Especially not when you are partially a sea lamprey.

>nobody cares about charges of "racism" from the liberal media outlets anymore.

That won't stop them from playing those claims on repeat, every day, though.

If you use the term racist in regards to a white persons comments or actions, or just in general, so as to evade actual facts and discussion, you admit defeat the moment you say it. It literally means nothing, it's a multicult shill tactic to buy time from the ignorant.

>no one is going to vote for a racist
how'd he win the nomination then? checkpoint, cuckservatives.

Look closely. He is not racist.

To an ever-dwindling choir.
I'd say easily 80% of people on the right who are within our age group do not give a shit about that word anymore.

Pocahontas is fucking racist for lying about being Native.

Calling Trump racist will only make him stronger. It's all liberals can do, call people names, and the average person knows it's bullshit.

Yea everyone knows he's racist, his natural skin color is white the orange is just a fake tan

>one of the senator's supporters
yeah, that's not a joke at her expense, it's just an extra level of irony bro :^)

>and because of whom he broke the all-time record for most votes in a Primary.


Republicans are pussies.

Me too, I still worry though. Whether it's warranted or not.

I mean I'm a staunch fiscal conservative and voted for Trump in the primaries, but I still listen to NPR every morning just to have a constant reminder of the bias they're spewing. I also listen to conservative talk radio as well and often switch between the two during commercials.

>I am least racist person there is

Well shit, I'm convinced. Hillary is now #Hillaryous

I'll never understand why you even have natives to be racist to. Jackson was too soft on them.

To be fair that's kind of the way Native American laws work here. It doesn't matter if you only have 1/128th ancestry, all you need is a line of parents that claimed Native American ancestry to claim it.

Democrats and their lapdogs in the media have been calling Republicans racist sexists etc since the 70's
The first candidate who ignores them gets record numbers of votes
why can't the idiot establishment GOP see this?

They've been a one trick pony this entire election. They have nothing to offer so they are bluffing on the racist and sexist cards.

Another neocon added his name to the pro-Clinton list on Thursday. James Kirchick penned an op-ed in The Daily Beast titled “Hillary Clinton Is 2016’s Real Conservative—Not Donald Trump.”

“Clinton is the candidate of the status quo, something that conservatives, by definition, are supposed to uphold,” Kirchick writes.

“Hillary Clinton is the one person standing between America and the abyss,” he says, seeing her as a mealymouthed centrist candidate with “better conservative credentials” than the alternatives.

Trump is “a brashly authoritarian populist,” Kirchick continues—a “charlatan, a gruesome amalgamation of the Monopoly Man and Elmer Gantry,” who is transforming “the Republican Party into an ethno-nationalist populist movement.”

On the other side, Kirchick pillories self-declared democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, hysterically accusing him of helping Trump and “risk[ing] the country’s future.”

“In the center remains Hillary Clinton, who, whatever her manifold faults, is the only candidate promising some form of economic, social and political continuity with the present,” Kirchick concludes.

Clinton is “the clear conservative choice,” he maintains, the only one who can preserve the status quo.

“Clinton would be far preferable to Trump,” Boot wrote, describing her as “a centrist Democrat who is more hawkish than President Obama and far more principled and knowledgeable about foreign affairs than Trump, who is too unstable and erratic.”

Fellow neocon Bret Stephens also expressed support for Clinton in May, in an op-ed titled “Hillary: The Conservative Hope.”

Nothing. They are conservatives, who like the Empire and war and impoverishment of the American people. THey like the way things are going.

Google it you lazy fuck.