Sup Forums BTFO. America depends on Indian technology for their cities. 2030 confirmed

Indian high end technology is used by america in their cities. India is now exporting cutting edge sewer hole covers so that americans can poo 2 the loo

mfw Superpower 2030 is not a meme

Don't you think its kinda Ironic?


Why so? Developed countries always export superior technology to poorer countries. I see nothing wrong.

the advanced foundries


Yet you buy from us. Does it not mean it is indeed advanced.

Donot judge a book by its cover burgerfat.

Which is the Indian sewer technology. The manhole cover or the asphalt around it?

Because 60% of our population doesn't even poo in loo.
2nd making a metal sewer cover is not a cutting edge high end technology.
3rd Selling sewer covers will not make us superpower, it will hardly be 1% of our GDP.

we only need you for technical support, you can leave the making of the technology you support to the japs

How is it cheaper to manufacture a manhole cover in another country that has to ship it half way around the world?

Logistically it makes no sense unless they purchased dozens of containers full of manhole covers.

>speaking facts
>commenting in pol

pick one. or are you a leddit newfag? then fuck off

The poo in the loo meme needs to stop, i've been to india it's a nice place. Also israelis love the indian technology over here.

Are you jealous that the burgers chose our country over yours to manufacture their shithole covers?

Pretty sure you need more than one or two manhole covers to build a sewage system.

fact: Each year more manhole covers are bought by the USA than people are born, worldwide.

I was just picking up a beer at the corner store, owned by Indians. Literally the highest career achievement possible from them here. I swear to God I could smell the shit through the shop keepers body, he was clean and all but I could smell the stank from inside his body. Indians are fucking disgusting. The physical appearance of Indians... just terrible... The third world mentality aswell. I honestly believe that Indians are part nomads part rats. Gypsies are perhaps the only race worse than Indians and they are Indians.

kek. A cumskin calling indians smelly. What a joke.

Just search for white men stinky. Youll realise you stink worse than a dead swine. Since you live with that smell for your entire life you cant seem to differentiate

it's almost as if there's an entire factory somewhere in India where people work for $5 a day which allows it to sell these manhole covers for little over the manufacturing cost and then ship them by the thousands on cargo ships straight to NYC

I couldn't give less of a shit. I'm just curious how it works out logistics wise. You can't sent thousands of manhole covers without incurring some rediculous fright charges. They are just too damn heavy to be transported while making the overall savings of production worth while.

Everything comes down to MONEY
For ex: a manhole would cost around $50 considering making cost+minimum wage and it will cost around $120 when it hits retail
Whereas in india they can be made for just $5 with all the cost including
When they ship, they really ship thousands at time through ships which is not even much when compared to prices they would have paid if they were made in US
So finally when they arrive in US, they can sell it for $60 with still making huge profits

>poos have never heard of a septic tank

I love the peaceful spirit of the Indian people. I am one American who will not kill Indians wtshf.


>Because 60% of our population doesn't even poo in loo.
And shoe makers working in sweatshops historically were barefoot. This is not irony this is how capitalism works.

Being proud to supply essentially slave labour and below-market value resources is peculiar, Poo? That's something the Chinese do too, it's nothing to boast about.

Not shitting in the streets, now there's national pride.