ITT : People who deserve biopics when they die

ITT : People who deserve biopics when they die

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>entirely CGI Dwayne johnson
>mocap by andy serkis
>15 academy awards

>Both WWE hall of famers






>It sure is


The fuck would warrant him a biopic faggot?

Andy Serkis mocapped the Scorpion King? Fucking how

why are you triggered?

is this a a bit? It's a good one, if slightly confusing.


How would The Rock's biopic be interesting? Where's the tragedy or conflict?


>college football hero blows out his knee
>decides to take up pro wrestling
>becomes the most electrifying man in sports entertainment
>meets moderate success in films, but blows his chance of being an Arnold level action star for kiddie shit
>makes his comeback in F&F

Vince seriously needs one


it would be worth it for the '99 rumble match against Mankind.

Shiwer, Weights, Sex, Clue

always liked him more than Stone Cold



this fag

Nah he lost starpower after Google

Who will play him?


Fuck off Carter

Edris Elbo


Eric Roberts.


This. He definitely would have been as big as Arnold, if not bigger, if he continued to make action movies like Walking Tall and The Rundown.

Bauer he's only famous for being a black guy with a deep and recognizable voice. By that admission James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Michael Clark Duncan, Lawrence Fishburn, and Bill Cosby are all in the queue before Idris Elba.


Daniel Craig.


Only correct answer I've seen. I guess Sup Forums really is a board of plebs.

Serious answer here.

Who should play him?

Actually unironically this

I think an in depth exploration of the fundamental lack of foresight of her campaign, as well as how her decades long aspirations ultimately ruined her, would be fascinating material.

>movie opens with the clinton presidency
>on top of the world
>cut to close up of hillary's face in the dark, we see the flashing of a TV from behind the camera over her face
>newsreel dialogue plays in the background, starting with dialogue early from the scandal before transitioning through to the very end of a reporter reporting on the impeachment proceedings
>we just see her face for a straight three minutes with the flashing light and this dialogue
>cut to hillary giving various speeches to bankers, political insiders, etc.
>show her setting up her future run at the office
>suddenly benghazi/emails/etc.
>Obama stomps her in 2008
>eventually get to 2016, her approval rating is at an all time low
>everyone reluctant to let her run
>she uses all the favours she's built up to force herself through as the party candidate
>bernie right on her heels
>"fucking get rid of this guy, he's not even a democrat, I've worked for years for this"
>her campaign decides to actually try and push trump to the nomination to make the GOP look dumb as fuck
>Trump secures the nomination
>media in her pocket
>everyone feeding her false info while secretly aware that her campaign is actually crumbling beneath her feet while she is unaware
>election day
>repeat the earlier scene of her watching the news but with "trump wins" reporting instead.
>fade to black

>It's a 13 year old Idris drives around to his adult girlfriend's house episode

Nobody from this era deserves a biopic because we already know everything about everyone in this era. People broadcast their life story to the internet so there's no need to compile that information anywhere else.

>muh deuce eckies guy guy

>movie is entirely about how shitty he treats kirby and ditko
>gives major credit to their contributions as creators of characters and stories lee has been riding on for years

could be cool, he'd have to be dead though, he'll never allow an honest story to be told about him.

Jay Baruchel kinda looks like a young Lucas.

That's not even the same guy

Watching something play out on screen with dramatic effect and offering insight into details of events of the subjects life that are often unknown or brushed over is far more interesting than reading or seeing a news report about it.

Larry David: Hair and Gone Again

He's black so he obviously deserves one. It's 2016 shitlord.

He just made a patreon

i'd watch that


>mandrama/B list actor deserves a biopic
>not some scientist or innovator

I bet you worship Arnold Schwarzenegger too