Wake up

>Wake up
>These countries have left the EU to form the roman union

What do you do?

Feel good and then Make Roma Great Again.

If I ever am involved in politics I'll try to work towards this. It's one of my dreams.

celebrate then....celebrate again


>the gypo union

> France

may as well call it the Caliphate

>left the EU

Wishful thinking there, hans. We were never part of your shit show.

Piss myself laughing.

Wish them the best of luck and start kicking it with my northern german and danish bros.

Civis romanus sum

Continue life as normal al because American and this is irrelevant

Leave this shithole and move to Italy, of course.
Unless the Netherlands also left the EU, then I'd stay.

>Roman Union

You mean the Third French Empire Hermann.

I don't want any more unions. Fuck unions. And fuck you, germany. Long live little, strong and independent states.

Move to italy


Een roadtrip met alle Nederanons naar toscane? :DDDDD

I push the Caesar to retake the coast of Africa, Levant, Anatolia, Greece, and all the other lands of the Greater Roman Empire


>pic related

Time to reinvest in the Royal Navy.

My dream.
We could also get those vatican-II fuckers out and get traditional catholicism back.

Here's an important question

Who should lead this new Rome?

wait for a few years until they have rebuilt it then tear it down with germans and what not

Buy a pair of sandals, wear my drapes and go hang out there.

I don't want spain in there. Fuck iberians

Rome should be the capital regardless. We'll need to clean of any mafia first. Then we'll rebuild a senate made up of all the members of provinces.

ganger ja :DDDDD

Wew fellow Burdigala user. Hello.

omg are you me ?

Nigga wat? Spanish and Portuguese are the closest to Italy?

fight USA and its dogs (Germany&UK) in order to preserve our culture. Take Costantinopolis back.
We need Greece too.

No, are you guys me ?

Germany can be part of this.

And this is how the dream ends.

I don't know. Probably go back to bed.

Wonder why we didnt join

Indead, Rome is meant to be the capital of such an empire.

Northern Italians dont like Spain. Dunno why tbqh.

To me France always seemed like a globalism-loving country, but I guess it couldn't be any worse than now. It would be interesting to try.

Be angry they didn't take Wallonia.

Fuck off Schlomo

>inviting Germany
>the dickheads who constantly ruin Europe
A thousand times NO!!

Just no
fuck off germanics

We dont want nother italic genetically germanic cucks in the glorious roman union. gtfo lombardy

If we look at this from a realist perspective, then this new rome will be a socialist fest full of moors, I dont want to take part of it.

If we can dream, then Germany as the HRE can be part of it.

It's the contrary. Look at FN and it's popularity. We also have a lot of protection in place. We clearly are anti globalism in mind. I think a lot of French would support this better union.
You can come man.
Germany will never be accepted.

well that won't last. The swiss can't to all the work for the shitskins in france and lazy ass degos in the other countries.

Pay debts!



Daily Reminder that Spanish People and French are wannabe Italians, Swiss and Austrians are not humans

first, the frog-eaters will need to deport all the niggers and selfdetonating sandniggers tho.


Most of your decent emperors where from Hispania

Are we now ?

French people have always looked up to Italy I dont see what the problem is?

I'm not that north, middle Italy is best Italy.
Nothing personal, but i just can't stand the ayayay muchacho guapa latino dance and other shit you guys export

Uh, excuse me but we wuz romans n shit too

Wut? France and Spain have existed for by far more time than Italy.

>Italian wannabe

my sides. We are not the ones selling spanish wine and olive oil as italian products.

To Rome you mean. Because Italy is a cunt we created.

We're the black sheep of the family. But fear not! They can't get rid of us, we're like cancer.

Daily reminder that something like the italian race doesnt exist

move back to the motherland and Make Roma Great Again

You'll keep your special snowflake attitude even in that union so definitely you're not welcome.

They should make it relevant once more, it deserves to be.

>Make Roma Great Again.

The roma were never great

Swtich that shit borbonic flag for the actual flag and its 10/10

Neutron bomb the mountain jews also called "swisscucks"

wtf happened there? Blacks?

The only Emperor that matters was Caius Iulius Caesar Octavianus Augustus and His Father
the whole Louvre is italian, give it back to us
I'm not saying the Nations but the people

>He unironically approves of the HRE

italians are like the germans, multiple people on the same territory


Superior Germania when?

Based José, fuck barbarians

Tell me the story of your current flag Napolecuck

this is the shit bourgogne-habsburg flag u fucking dipshit.
this is the one and only correct flag

Thats Mex-Chicano shit

>French,Spanish and Portugese people pretending that they aren't celts and sucking Italys dick


no, italians.
left pic is in spain
right one is in shitaly

We don't want to come we want Wallonia to go.

Western civilisation spend last 1500 years sucking roman dick.

>Castile = Spain
Someone nuke Madrid already.

what do you have against glorious HRE?

>implying feel

Fool, we can't allow ourselves to lose the frogs. Any sacrifice is justified to save France from niggers, slimes and most of all from itself. French faggots and their great history are fundamental

thats why the germanic lombards need to fuck off and italy needs to be devided into sardinia, sicily, naples, rome, venice, tuscony and genoa.


Send all the mudslimes and roaches there. Fucking cucks

France is quite mixed: celts, franks, south europeans, etc...
It's more of a cultural union than an ethnic one.

>Madrid = Castile

fuck off catalan/basque shitblood.
noone wants you anyway

Shut up. Our current culture is based in the greco-roman culture. We can't deny this, also Hispania was full romanized, and enjoyed the pax romana.

The Romans were properly GAULED in their time though.

I think right one is in Paris. Also ignore that Italian faggot.

>germanic lombards
there is no such thing, only fanatics that end up being germanic niggers in a wider spectrum



>Only Castille as Spain
At least the San Andres Cross is accurate
Bet you're from Andalucia

is just healthy bants, dont dwell too much into it.

Would the capital be Tolosa or some shit ?


What? Hell, no. All that britain ever had to offer to to world came from romans first.