German Secret Service: Snowden is a Russian FSB Agent

/poltards will defend this


Honestly, which high profile personality is NOT a Soviet spy at this point? They all are. Jews chooses who you get to listen to.


In Soviet Russia? jews are you.

What did he even do anyway? Release some powerpoint slides and do some GOOGLE hangouts? Really? This shit has been obvious from the beginning.

No dumbshits like you always go, "lol this was obvious" and yet before it happened, you same dumbshits were going, "That's just a retarded conspiracy theory stfu"

Fuck morons like you.

The secret service chief actually said this, Armin

So why is he against a Trump Presidency?

Check-mate, shills and niggers.

I thought that since day one, I should work in intelligence...

I speak several languages and have several nationalities already...


What did he reveal? Spying? Oh shit not one person knew about that. Not like we didn't pass the patriot act or reup it multiple times or anything. Snowden was a bullshit PR job from the start and everyone who wasn't a retard saw that.

German intelligence is Americas whore.

MAD is doing good work.
BND and Vschutz are the problem

noch mehr anti russland propaganda hier
Der Deutsche michel soll doch schön die scheisse schlucken und sich für denn grossen bruder usa gefälligst als kanonenfutter hinhalten

Nette falsche Dichotomie Bergjude

Dumb krauts still haven't discovered our main agent.

Napoleon Bonaparte
"Es gibt kein gutmütigeres, aber auch kein leichtgläubigeres Volk als das deutsche. Zwiespalt brauchte ich unter ihnen nie zu säen.

Ich brauchte nur meine Netze auszuspannen, dann liefen sie wie ein scheues Wild hinein. Untereinander haben sie sich gewürgt, und sie meinten ihre Pflicht zu tun. Törichter ist kein anderes Volk auf Erden.

Keine Lüge kann grob genug ersonnen werden: die Deutschen glauben sie. Um eine Parole, die man ihnen gab, verfolgten sie ihre Landsleute mit größerer Erbitterung als ihre wirklichen Feinde."

the BND chief is US agent spying against Germany and not even hiding it

The German are greastet selfhating People
First,they broke the good economy deals with russia because their Master Usa order them.
And they take all proxy war refuges from syria iraq afgahnistan

I don't really get what he did anyway.

He showed the people something the people already knew. We didn't change anything and the specifics are meaningless to us. They only helped those looking directly to subvert them. It did nothing.

Assuming Snowden (lol snowed in in russia) was genuine he represents unthinking moral action perfectly. He assumed the problem was that people just didn't know. He assumed the problem was a lack of information. The problem was and is a lack of care. The problem is apathy and complacency. Reliance on the government. It's not that we didn't know it, it's not that we didn't know how pervasive it is that matters, it's that we don't care. That we just accept it.
He didn't accept it. But he wasted his position and knowledge on a solution to a problem that wasn't the real problem.
He saw the problem as the government but, like with all goverments, the problem is not the government but the people who allow it to do those things.
The problem isn't the NSA or the CIA or the FBI or what ever other alphabet groups there are. The problem is us.


Snowden is so based get rekt fuds

Just move to Russia already.


Who let you back in?

You are supposed to be a rare flag now.

>He saw the problem as the government but, like with all goverments, the problem is not the government but the people who allow it to do those things.

The problem is the technology itself.
If it weren't the government it would be (and already is) private companies doing it.
I've been saying for years that the NSA doesn't scare me but Google does.

the guy is afraid of his job and is doing everything in his power to divert attention from the fact that he fucked up our Secret Service beyond repair

and whats better than throwing the Journalists a nice fat bone since the bulk of them and their bosses are in the Atlantikbrücke?

Germany has been lying about the spying shit since the beginning, whats the surprise here?

I think that falls under what I said.
Call it corporations then if you will, but as the average person or head of major organization we aid and abide it.