Italian Newspaper selling Mein Kampf with today's Edition
>A discutible editorial choice that caused an upheaval, the one from "Il Giornale", that chose to inaugurate its series of eight volumes on nazism, beginning from tomorrow, with the Mein Kampf of Adolf Hitler.
>The book published in 1925 from the soon to be Fuehrer will come for free with Alessandro Sallusti's newspaper, in a critical edition edited by historian Francesco Perfetti.

Should I go out and get my copy?

For the record, 'Il Giornale' is the ultra-right wing newspaper owned back then by Berlusconi and founded by an actual fascist.

It often gets quoted on Sup Forums on some based article about immigration and stuff, and this is their newest and most E B I N provocation.

Problem: how do I go out to the news stand without being stigmatized as a nazi?

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bump for visibility

bumpity what the fuck cucks

>Problem: how do I go out to the news stand without being stigmatized as a nazi?
You don't, go there and look at him in the eyes as you buy it

Cosplay as a nazi.

Buy it and share with us daily.

Yes please

You'll be arrested.
Even Stromfront is banned in your country. If you manage to post there, you'll jailed for 5 years.

Next time, MAYBE with Italy.

t h i c c

>critical edition

Into the trash it goes.

Hey amico,burger who lived in Italy for 8 yrs. I know il Giornale was right wing but I thought Libero was ultra-right wing?
I mean I remember reading both sometimes but Libero seemed way more to the right


Worst girl

Pic related is best girl

You take that back, you dirty britbong!

This is what I'm talking about

that 'libero' newspaper seems to be amazing

>in a critical edition edited by historian Francesco Perfetti

>For the record, 'Il Giornale' is the ultra-right wing newspaper
>ultra right wing
come on now. It's a good newspaper but it's not ultra right wing

Libero's founder is openly fascist, Lega Nord and FdI tried to elect him as president of the republic last year

also this. Libero is way more right wing

Is it super mega rightwing?

No, it's more moderate right. "Libero" is a right wing newspaper

>implying that Berlusconi is not a center-leftist

I saw what you did rosso macaroni

Thick or nothing.

Is it an edition of the book without half pages of stupid corrections? If so just get it.

How based can one man be?

Hail king Berlusconi the First!
