ITT: Oh yeah, that happened, 2017 edition

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened, 2017 edition

underrated album honestly. i'd take it any day over the soft bulletin, yoshimi, or mystics

Thaaaats what I've been saying!

The absolute state of "post-rock".

That cover looks like someone uploaded OK Computer to Google Images and clicked on the first result in the "Similar Images" section.


Nice contrarian opinion dude

contrarian opinion or not, the band only started to put out tolerable material from Embryonic and on.

It was good, but The Terror was better

this is complete bullshit and you know theyre material from transmissions to soft bulletin is the peak if thier discography embryonics quality is a weird fluke

I found this album to be kind of lame. Am I in the minority for thinking Attack On Memory was as good as it got for Cloud Nothings?

No, I think most people feel they peaked with cloud nothings and then took a nose dive into mediocrity.


uhh yeah Pet Sounds-lite and symphonic arrangements straight out of an overly-precious Disney film are a better era than the band reaching new adventurous heights with experiments in noise rock, krautrock, and space rock just to name a few genres

Attack on Memory had their highest highs (Wasted Days especially) for me, but i thought that Here and Nowhere Else was where they peaked with consistency

this new record was just a straight-up kick in the dick though

I remember being excited for this around January. When I came out I listened to it once and then promptly forgot about it. I don't remember it being particularly good.

This album sounds like it was made by someone with serotonin syndrome
I love Wayne but I can't stand this shit

I hated this too, but a friend told me to listen to Certainty and it clicked. The rest of the album is shit, though.

Psychopomp is definitely better than this but I got a deeper appreciation for songs like Machinist after seeing her live. She came out in a nightgown, she's an ace performer.

Certainty was the reason I was excited in the first place. The rest of it just left absolutely no impression on me, which is a shame. I liked their debut album a lot.

It's the Flaming Lips. Their strength is in being good by being bad.

Underrated for sure but that's fucking ridiculous. I'd put it on the same level as maybe HIT to Death In the Future Head, which was good. It is kind of like an amalgam of that and Yoshimi. You could maybe say it's like a good version of At War With the Mystics.


There was a new pere ubu album this year?
What the fuck
I still listen to that album, one of my aoty

I know right? There was practically no publicity of any kind for it unless you were a real active visitor to Ubuprojex or something.

Still haven't listened to it.

This album is great

it was painfully boring.

Have you listened to Embryonic???


>Pere Ubu: 20 Years in a Montana Missile Silo (Cherryred) As the nuclear Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight than it's been since 1953, David Thomas and a sizable contingent of old allies hunker down in a launch pad turned fallout shelter and bash out the most songful and physically powerful Pere Ubu album of our fraught century. Of course untoward noises abound along with the urgent tempos. But after the searing two-minute "Red Eye Blues," it ends with three more ruminative tracks, each a love song one way or another. First papa invites her out for a walk. Then a guest vocalist designated Roshi turns out to be female. And then begins the finale, crooned high and grainy: "Hold me close / I feel the time running out / I know you must feel it too." A MINUS

Honestly they shouldn't even put out new albums at this point and I'm saying this as a massive pere ubu fan. They were one of the most important and most original band of their time if not ever. The modern dancers and dub housing should be preserved as patrimony of humanity, it hurts to see band like them put out average and innocuous stuff and make their discography just more lenghty.
Also what remains at this point of the orginal line up? Only thomas I think.
Seriously, people should know when retire or admit they are playing in a tribute act at this point (looking at you andy gill)

Wait what it's actually good?
Last couple of albums were just a fucking shadow of what was once pere ubu.

>Wait what it's actually good?
Only one way to find out.

The Terror was like a slowed down and more drawn out Embryonic and I enjoy it, but the live version of Trying to Explain is so much better. The album needed another moment in the album with more drive.

Fugg. Torrenting in flac right now.

I'm not a huge Lips fan but The Terror is my shit. I only really like Embryonic and 7 Skies H3 otherwise.

Apparently Phoenix released an album.

Wasn't really anything new for them, it was just kind of "a new phoenix album".

Remember when Haim put out a second album?

I actually thought this exact thing yesterday. I still gave it a good score.

The live album version wasn’t actually that bad. More of an ambient thing.

>i'd take it any day over the soft bulletin, yoshimi, or mystics

Hey guys rememer Foxygen?
Me neither