I have Jury Duty Monday morning at 8 am. How do I make sure I'm not selected as a juror...

I have Jury Duty Monday morning at 8 am. How do I make sure I'm not selected as a juror? Do I act like I know everything, or do I act like a retarded moron?

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Wear a MAGA shirt.

You will be given a sign with a number and they will say "Raise your card if.... and give a possible amount of traumatizing scenarios related to the case"

Just BS it. You were now raped as a child, have PTSD, and are extremely racist

Do your duty.
Demand capital punishment for MC Homeboy.

Is it a criminal or civil trial?

Just fuckin do it, be a good citizen

He won't know that until he's screened

I wish I would get called in for jury duty.

Do your duty you fool. This is another opportunity for you to be a civil servant and make a difference.

Also you can make libs suffer with your red pilled judgements.

Good point. If the defendant is black, take a hard-line stance that he is guilty and refuse to change your vote. At best, he'll be convicted and at worst he'll have to be retried.

If he's white, obviously take a hard-line stance on innocent.

>So uhhh can someone explain to me what jury nullification is?

just answer honestly. theres a very very small chance you'll be picked, especially if you're a white male.

Judges do this for a living, they can sniff out stupid answers and then slap you with contempt of court. I've seen it twice. Once for someone saying they are racist, and one for someone giving incoherent answers.

>selected as juror
>given particulars of case
>man entered snooker club, attacked another patron with a sword
>in jury box, I am greatly tickled by the idea of the guy going into the club with a cue case, opening it up and assembling the sword
>tell judge I should be recused as I "cannot take the case seriously"
>judge looks at me sternly for an uncomfortable amount of time "this is a very serious issue, blahblahblah
>get sent home

Trips have spoken. Do it!

Just don't hide your Sup Forums power level. If you say dindus are responsible for all the world's problems like you truly believe they won't put you on the jury for Tyrone's case.

tell them that all niggers need to be slaves...

This. I'd like to do it. I never thought I'd want to get a job in the civil service either but here I am applying because I want to do something small but beneficial to my country.

Dress like this dude

9/10 chances it will be for a civil suit involving an injury sustained during a wreck. You probably wont even be called. Have fun being on call all week

If you make it to te jury box, when the judge asks if you can be impartial, say no, you cant give the defendant the presumption of innocence. You will be dismissed almost immediately

>Just BS it
>are extremely racist
OP won't need to BS anything, senpai

This is one of the easiest opportunities one can have to make a change in the world around them. Whys that? Simple. If its a crime for drug possession or a non-violent SJW-tier meme-crime: "Not Guilty"

Last time I was summoned, the lawyers had us all introduce ourselves. The defendant was hispanic with gang tattoos on his face and neck. He was being charged with threatening witnesses in an ongoing trial. I started pointing out his tattoos and that it is highly likely he did it because of the way he was glaring at us as we talked. Before I could even finish my introduction the judge told me to be quiet and the defense lawyer dismissed me.

I heard if you're overtly racist you can be charged with contempt of court. Something about them knowing that people fake racism to get out of jury duty. Any truth to this?

When they ask if you can be impartial just say it doesnt matter as the jury we can just use jury nullification to pick what we believe is the right outcome. You'll get you ass tossed out super quick.

Only if you are blatantly disregarding evidence.

If it's any case like a Zimmerman or a Brock Turner case, they won't be able to touch your redpilled stances because those issues did not have enough evidence to rule out red pilled judgements.

Use this line op

>If the cops arrested him he must be guilty. Why would they arrest him if he didn't do anything?

Just ask the ethnicity of the criminal.

"jury nullification"

The jury system has to be the most retarded tenet of society

Look like you could be a type of criminal, I'm not even joking

I had to go watch a trial and observe for school.

We all thought it would be riveting speeches like in Law and Order, but it was just some turbo nerd forensics guy analyzing blood patterns for like 3 hours.

Shit is boring as fuck. I hope you find a way to get out of it.

>American jurors are interviewed by TV stations after the trial

Just be yourself.

Do your duty, you lazy fuck. If it's fake rape case or some other bullshit your redpilled opinion might be needed.

No its pretty based

No. Faking racism isn't going to get you into trouble nor is telling the court you "hate lawyers and think they help criminals get away with murder".

You don't even have to do this. The defense has professional lip readers watching everyone for conversations, they usually sit in a corner somewhere looking around. All you need to do is move your mouth as if you're saying shit like "hang that nigger" "fucking nigger" "he did it" "he's guilty" and you'll be excused. Of course most people can't do this without laughing but it will work, the defense will excuse you.

I got myself excused from a case because I'd worked the night before, was tired and didn't consider it a case worth listening to. It was some wetback who was trying to stay in the US and obama had been promising that bullshit amnesty crap at the time. He was obviously guilty of re-entering america illegally but I said "well I might let him go if he's cuban" which he obviously was not. But since I'm in florida and I said I might nullify the law in front of the 2 lawyers and judge, I was excused.

I find it highly disturbing that my fate is in the hands of random plebs.
The average person is, let's face it, stupid as fuck and nowhere near the level of intelligence as people on here.

I don't want the decision of whether or not I'm going to get 4 consecutive life sentences in the hands of a bunch of women who get their news from Buzzfeed and their idea of a good time is watching cat videos on Youtube.

>he posts here
just answer the questions truthfully and i guarantee you will be removed from any potential jury pool

>be one of two white males on a jury
>also be one of the very same two jurors who don't just go along with the prosecutor obviously tacking on some extra charges for something that can't possibly be proven and should be part of the same offence anyway

If you wise off to a judge or make it seem like youre aying him, you will be found in contempt. I saw it happen on JD one time. It shut ppl up and made them pay attention real fucking fast.

Courtrooms are not places to fuck around

>Do your duty, you lazy fuck. If it's fake rape case or some other bullshit your redpilled opinion might be needed.
I went in thinking this.
Turned out the guy wasn't a fake rapist, but a real one.

Is it true that the jury has to be unanimous like in that angry men movie? You could def fuck some shit up then lol.

You can tell the modern jury system was established before women were allowed in

not anymore
the UK in particular has been trying to install a majority verdict system on even the most severe of crimes

I've been to jury duty like, 3 times. Closest I got was being called back to wait outside the room and the defendant had settled.

I've never had a problem with going.

Yes. So 11 sane people can agree, but if there's one dumb cunt tumblrina on the jury, it fucks everyone else's shit up.
So you have to spend 3 days trying to convince her why she's wrong. And then when it's all done and you think you've gotten through to her, she just goes home and posts how she was "oppressed" and her opinion was silenced.

Look up Jury nullification
Mention that in any capacity and they will be on the fritz to get you out of there.
I got the card for the first time at the end of 2015 to be in the Jury pool. In the comment section I wrote
>Will Jury nullify a case
I never got called

Its like flagging your self as a sovereign citizen in a police arrest, they haven't even pulled you over yet and your already shouting AM I BEING DETAINED!?!!

Alright. Still seems fucking weird to have criminal cases decided by a bunch of random normies.

Act intelligent. They only want idiots for jury duty.

Do your duty. Don't mention jury nullification or anything stupid like that. Do what you like. If you disagree, disagree.

Could you be more obvious?

This. Except if it's a non-white. Then guilty every time.

In some ways, yes. But it's better than having the state handle it all with some anonymous goons deciding the fate of everyone.

>He hasn't voluntarily watched a trial
Jaffa calling.

Just claim that no matter what, you are sending the nigger to jail.

>Is it true that the jury has to be unanimous like in that angry men movie?
In the US yes.

>You could def fuck some shit up
You'd have to have balls of steel and nothing better to do.
When the judge hears there is a 5-1 juror division, they'll repeatedly send you back to deliberate.
At 5pm the courthouse closes and everyone involved has to come back the next day, because you wanted to be a fuck.

In reality most cases are going to be pretty obvious. Many, many people insist on going to trial even when they've effectively been caught standing over the dead body with a bloody weapon in their hands
There probably is a problem with lawyers bamboozling weak minded jurors with an array of witnesses that don't have much credibility, though.
It really struck me as a juror how easy it would be to get someone imprisoned, if only you could find a reasonable number of strangers willing to go along with it and risk getting new assholes ripped for perjuring themselves

Say that you are aware of jury nullification. Look it up.

Majority verdict is just as bad. Sup Forums should understand that, you're all contrarians. Often times the popular opinion is the wrong one, it's the opinion of the stupid majority rather than the genius individual

>come back the next day

I thought they locked you in there until you reached a verdict.
Leaving and going into the outside world can effect your decision of the trial.
Only under extreme circumstances do they let you out of the room I thought.

Or is this just more bullshit they teach you in movies?

>tfw ~3 week case
it could have been far worse, there was a terrorism trial here which had to have a special building constructed to be extra secure with long term accommodations, it literally took months

No wonder men get less favourable outcomes in court, none of you pricks are taking this seriously

The theory was that you were tried by your peers. A cross section of your local community, all working or established men from all classes, would sit on the jury and come to a conclusion.

It was far better than the previous systems we had. The problem is now that we live in a far more complex world and the type of people who are called to jury duty are far more "diverse"

I sat on a court martial when I was in the Army and it later went to civilian court, because the crime he was convicted for exceeded the period in which he would be held in a military prison and he was discharged for it. He was guilty, but it very nearly fell through when it got to the civilian stage. I was reliably informed the jury was made up of less than capable people who had no real understanding of the crime and basically memed at each other for a few days.

That honestly might work.

It's pretty shit, allowing an 11-1 verdict does make a fair bit of sense, but 10-2 is stepping into dangerous territory
Most holdouts are probably already bullied/pressured into giving up to get the trial over and done with, as it is

What was the crime and why didn't anyone understand it?

There's a selection process for a reason.

They aren't really random, the process of choosing people for duty is random but the final jury for each trial is selected through questioning. Also, a person has to be convicted by their peers and not an aristocratic class heaping abuse upon the citizens.


I actually wanted to serve, but our second family vehicle was dead at the time and I had a 4 month old at home.

they said I was good and let me go

>Or is this just more bullshit they teach you in movies?
It's bullshit.
You're told not to read the news or talk to anyone about the trial.

You're "locked" in the jury room until you've reached a verdict, but all that means is from 8-12 1-5

Was gonna say fake it, but trips too powerful.

>>tfw ~3 week case
I was lucky my case only took the day. I heard from the clerk that the jurors right after me were going to be in a month long patent case.

Without wishing to go into too much detail, it was a form of sabotage that also involved a large amount of insubordination and eventually blackmail.

The civilian court genuinely did not get the gravity or importance of what he had done and his lawyer attempted to present him as being incompetent or in the wrong place at the wrong time. One woman was convinced, for no reason whatsoever, that he had done what he did because of his (non existent and entirely invented by her) opposition to the Iraq War.

If they're dealing with Wayne the shoplifter or Rajiq the small time drug dealer I think juries are capable enough, sort of. Anything involving proper crime and they're just an accessory.

I think there's talk in many countries of getting rid of juries for a lot of civil suits, since the lawyers are supposed to make the points of contention as clear as possible, but it just gets far too complicated in some areas of law for an outsider to have a prayer

If youre in California, its easy. The judges do not charge truculent jurors with contempt.
I saw a mexican say he didn't speeky englee. Judge asked him how many years he had been in the US. mex said 15 years.

Judge let him walk out.

Another time a college student said he was in school. Judge said go see the court clerk. As for the calendar. Pick out a week you are not in school.

I enjoyed jury duty. One case was a mex who beat up his gf. Second gf he had beat up. I got selected. I made sure he got sent away for a looooonnngggg time.

>be American
>get called for jury duty
suck to be you

How about not being a worthless faggot and doing your civic duty?

Do your best to get on the jury, and if the defendant is nonwhite(protip, 90% chance of this, I'm a police officer on the east coast in an area where races are represented almost equally, more than nine out of ten criminal suspects are nonwhite), attempt to convince the other jurors of it's guilt.

The more nonwhites you put away, the more statistically safer you make the lives of myself and my fellow first responders, who are almost all conservative white people or decent nonwhite folks.

all of them must hang.

>>go full retard

I had case about some 30 year old Hispanic janitor banging a 13 year old Hispanic slut. I don't recall the charge, but the word rape was used.

I asked if it was a physical rape through force or coercion, or statuary rape, because the girl was deemed incapable of giving consent.

I got thrown out 5 minutes later.

kek, well done


I just didn't show up and heard nothing of it. Maybe the guy died or something.

american juries are pretty weird, sort of a throwback to tradition where juries actually knew the people involved and helped with the investigation

I was asked if getting married would be a big decision in my life. I said, lol nope.

They got revenge later, I'm in the jury selection pool yet again next year.

Watch this video

What if you get to be a juror over a black dindu. You can sit there and wait till they send him to jail

I got pulled off of a huge civil case because I was essentially an expert witness in the field. The plaintiffs lawyer asked me if I would use my knowledge in the deliberation room and speak with other jurors. I replied "why wouldn't I?"

He asked me "can you see the issue with having an expert witness in the deliberation room which I can't cross examine?" I said "yeah, it would make it harder to mislead the jury." He then requested that I be removed and the judge granted his motion.

Just have a strong opinion, but don't lie, they will see through that--who knows, maybe they want someone which racial bias in the jury, so be careful with that angle, you might get selected.

shout heil hitler and drop the mic

They only select retards, ie farmers and manual laborers.

Why? Because they want a quick trial without much individual interpretation.

No joke it is a law that will get you out of it

This. The jury can actually overrule the judge and throw out bad laws. It has to do with William Penn getting punished for his religion. The jury freed him.

>The jury can actually overrule the judge and throw out bad laws.

I think you have that backwards. A judge can throw out a jury verdict and issue something called a "judgement notwithstanding the verdict" if he believes that no reasonable jury could reach the conclusion that it did, given the evidence and applicable law. A jury can't overrule a judge.

Do your duty.

Or ask for clarification about the juror's right to annulment. Or do your duty and have your fellow jurors agree to invoke the right to annulment if appropriate.

I'm pretty sure from what I just read on wikipedia the judge can't say guilty if the jury said not guilty because it's against your sixth amendment.

Only if the judge says e.g. the guilty verdict is clearly ridiculous

dude go to jury duty! Tell all of the jurors about the law that you all are LEGALLY ALLOWED TO THROW OUT A CASE IF YOU DONT AGREE WITH THE LAW

Cite that the emancipation proclamation is nothing more than a bad rap album

It's both. A jury can say not guilty even if the guy is clearly guilty. A judge can say "he is not fucking guilty, you dumb fucks" if the jury tries to convict and obviously innocent man.

You can say youre moving, thats what i did

>Move cross-state from Phoenix AZ to Sacramento CA
>Dad forwards me a jury summons
> "Its okay you always get out of these if you opt out"
>Opt out and put in I live over 1k miles away now
>They order me to show up anyway or I'm in trouble
>Don't show

I wonder if there's a warrant for me in AZ.

>Black guy is accused of robbery even though he has a proven alibi and there are no proofs
>White guy rapes and murder 10 little girls with video evidence and everything

>Sup Forums's logic

Last time I had jury duty the case was on illegal possession of a firearm.

I told the judge I didn't believe in any gun control.

Pretty easy, desu.

can't you just invoke the 5th and just sit there not answering any of the questions from the lawyers?

Niggers can't outrun the arm of justice.