What about the droid attack on the Wookies?

What about the droid attack on the Wookies?

First things first, rest in peace Ben Quadinaros.

But you posted a pic of Maggie Gyllenhaal.


same fag.

This can only mean one thing

Well what about them, dildo head?

>her ass was THIS big



>same fag
>7 replies 8 posters

fucking retard.

I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.

Wait, why wasn't the chair hologram too? Wouldn't that make more sense? I imagine it took a bit of time to calibrate it properly so he was exactly in the right position it looks like he's naturally sitting on the chair. Must have taken time on both ends. Lots of rearranging and going back and forth until it's exactly right. Could have just made the whole chair hologram and avoided the issue entirely. You'd think a civilization advanced enough to build a literal floating city in the sky and a blade runner high-concept scifi city with hundreds of thousands of flying cars and no car crashes would be able to figure this out.



Are you kidding me?

SKI be do ba pa da pa da doodeedoodalapblbpblbpbllbbpblblbpblbpblbpbprrrrrI'M THE SCAT MAN

this desu senpai

Jedi tech

Holocam and projector built into the chairs, chairs have exact same dimensions.

hey wait a minute this is a good point

What about it? They can fend for themselves

>You know what guys? At this critical moment in the largest space war ever, we need to send the leader of the Jedi council to oversee Saving Pvt Ryan featuring teddy bears and battle bots.

More like
> in the largest star war ever