What is some good music of Jewish origin?

What is some good music of Jewish origin?

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How far back must the Jewish origin be?

Well, let's set it on the time recorded music came to be. More interesting this way.

Bob Dylan

music is a jewish invention

my dad has a cassette of sephardic songs that sounds p cool
I can't find it online cause the name is extra generic (something along the lines of "sephardic songs") and it looks like a bootleg anyway
but yeah they make cool music

it's really funny and super jewish to the point of absurdity

Well, Jewish culture is absurd. I'm not even anti-Semitic or anything, but the fact that they've considered themselves God's Chosen People since the fucking Bronze Age is just way out there. I mean, I know many Jews just go through the motions, if even that, but the essence of Jewish culture springs from their religious exclusionism.

jewish humor is magical. this album is ridiculous. it's a whole other level of absurd

Jews do have a lot of culture to make fun of, that's true. I'll definitely give it a listen.

so fucking stupid, it's amazing

Jews considered themselves the chosen people.

The English believed God had chosen their king, and that God would always be on their side. The French also believed this about their kings and emperors. In other words, God's chosen people.

The Chinese believed that they were the center of civilization, and that whoever was leading them had the mandate of heaven, meaning the gods had installed them to lead civilization, and by extension, the world. Especially the Han, who were believed to be especially civilized and in tune with the Jade Emperor (the top figure in heaven) and the Tao.

The Islamic world, notably the Ottoman Empire, followed the Caliphate, which was directed by Allah, and had a special connection and special access to Him. The Iranians believe their ayatollahs still have this privilege. ISIS believes by acting as the most devout fundamentalists, they have gained this access.

Many in the religious right in the US believe that god has chosen America as god's nation.

In WW2, the Japanese believed their war crimes were justified because the dharma was leading them. Today the genocidal monks in Myanmar believe essentially the same thing.

Who doesn't believe they're god's people? I honestly chalk the Jews calling themselves god's chosen people as a way to cope with the fact that as a nomadic people, they often faced social isolation, so they needed a bonding concept to help their survival. This isn't uncommon - the Fulani are the nomadic people of West Africa, and they've been the easiest people for Al Qaeda to convert to Salafism.

Steve Reich RIP 2018

>those people weren't and aren't absurd
And even then it's just bullshit they inserted into their religion on their own to justify authority or actions, in Judaism it's the central tenet.

Guess you didn't hear of the Divine Right of Kings, Christianity, Islam, Manifest destiny, or just about any other power structure, especially pre-secularism.

damn every thread gets ruined by psycho bullshit. this was a fun thread about music, not religion

Of course they were absurd, but it was a way of basically justifying tribalism.

It may be a part of Judaism, but I don't think it being a central tenet is particularly meaningful. Jews were also many of the first atheists. It's notable that Russian Jews in particular were often anti-religious - if you look at New York Russian Jews in the 1800s, many, maybe even most were anarchists. By the early 1900s most were socialists.

The other thing is what being God's Chosen people means. Nowadays Israeli orthodox zionists use it to justify basically war crimes in taking Palestinian land. However, historically being God's chosen people basically just meant they were the ones who had to follow god's rules, and try to do god's work. It was an obligation, more than anything.

guess i can't complain that there's no discussion this board but motherfucking steer it back to MUSIC

Giora Fiedman is an unironically good clarinet player.


this Khazar thing only appeals to non jews really. its the forbiden fruit.

Lol Damnit brandon

>It's notable that Russian Jews in particular were often anti-religious - if you look at New York Russian Jews in the 1800s, many, maybe even most were anarchists. By the early 1900s most were socialists.
I know, I'm not anti-Semitic, I already said that I know many Jews don't believe any of that stuff. Zionists disgust me for their actions, which you mention, but those aren't nearly all Jews, not even in Israel are all Jews Zionists. I dislike all religion, and as you say, all religion can be twisted to excuse any kind of behavior. But what I find the most absurd about Jews is, as I said, just the fact that they, the strongly religious ones, have kept their tribal religion since the Bronze Age. That's a long fucking time to obsess over an ethnicity and a geographic location.
Post some Jewish music then.

oy-vey core

>their war crimes were justified because the dharma was leading them. Today the genocidal monks in Myanmar believe essentially the same thing.
>Who doesn't believe they're god's people? I honestly chalk the Jews calling themselves god's chosen people as a way to cope with the fact that as a nomadic people, they often faced social isolation, so they needed a bonding concept to help their survival. This isn't uncommon - the Fulani are the nomadic people of West Africa, and they've been the easiest people for Al Qaeda to convert to Salafism.
> Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)02:07:44 No.76852405▶
>Steve Reich RIP 2018
> Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)02:10:10
Because that's totally supported by evidence, not only textual (Which it isn't), and cultural (Which it so isn't, it makes you laughable).

You're not fooling anyone. Follow your leader.

What the fuck are you talking about?





I hear their bass player put le longe tongue in the roastie cunts of over 6 million shiksas.

Whar is jeff mangum

>Aaron Freeman
>Micky Melchazoulo
Those are jewish names?

Sup Forums in 2017: 8% music, 92% disguised Sup Forums posts

Sparks IIRC

Gene Ween (Aaron Freeman) is Jewish.

Aaron's jewish. He's talked about it before.