Movies women will never understand

Movies women will never understand

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B-But we men are so privileged!

I saw it when it was in theaters and I'm still frustrated over it.

Maybe you're just upset that girls have sex but not with you

Just a couple of guys in the wilderness having some fun.

Pic related

What's it about, I just watched a western with his guy, Eva Green, and leans back man and it was pretty good.

I wasn't a huge fan of the salvation, the hunt is pretty good though. It's about a school teacher who is wrongfully accused of child abuse and he is basically guilty until proven innocent

Mass hysteria. Basically mads is a chill teacher and one kid says he touched her (which didnt happen) and all the sudden the whole town is on his shit

>Watch it with girlfriend
>she's absorbed and furious by the end of the movie
>Expect her to be angry about the unjust community and the futility of his plight
>"Omg that little girl was such a bitch! I HATED her!!"

Women for you, folks!

The way I interpreted the ending of this movie was that even though the massive misunderstanding was cleared up between him and his friends, the rumor/lie spread too far that now more than just his friends are aware of the rumor and outside of his circle nobody knows the truth, so they take the rumor as truth.

Basically his life is fucked for good even if the rumor was false. Scary shit man.

>but muh korean version
Women are plebs

I thought it was about how his innocence or guilt was never relevant to the group, only that he is the outcast and the people will continue to hold that opinion of him privately for the rest of their lives.

literally me

But at the end when he's teaching his son to hunt, another anonymous hunter shoots at him and (most likely) deliberately misses him so as to scare him. This is likely where the title of the movie derives from because now he's being hunted due to a massive misconception.

Why would his friends try to shoot him even when they know the truth?

I'm saying the anonymous shooter is aware of the fact that he has reconciled with the family and been 'exonerated' to an extent, but that knowledge doesn't effect his primal desire to threaten and intimidate the pariah. The instinctual loathing of those who have irrevocably lost face overrides enlightened values such as justice.

His very presence is a blemish on the community's reputation, so people with egos deeply invested in the integrity of the group's self-image will want him shunned and cast out for good.

"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place. They come to a ranch an' work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they're poundin' their tail on some other ranch. They ain't got nothing to look ahead to"

This. The movie tries to push the point that once you're accused, you'll always be a pedophile in everyone's eyes. Look at MJ for example.

Tens of thousands of men have been killed over false accusations over the centuries. No one wants someone tarnished by a serious accusation, that just may be true, to be a part of the community.

It could happen to any man. For no good reason. False pedophilia or rape allegations will kill a part of you, if they don't outright get you killed

>Of Mice and Men

Just post any film adaptation of literature it will always be the same.

The only book adaptations women like are of their dimestore Nora Jones-tier smut rags.

my english teacher(female) likes this book though

Is she a female (male)?

if you liked jagten you should try out I just didn't do it

no but she is old

Liking and "getting it" is something entirely different though.

Liking something isn't the same as 'getting it' in this context. People make the point all the time that their girlfriend/sister/mother/wife's daughter love some movie that has a heavily male-skewed fanbase, and invariably their reason for enjoying it is either shallow or based on a complete misunderstanding of the movie.

we had to analyze this book and shit

Come on now, that's not just females, it's stupid people in general. My idiot friend had the same reaction.

Pretty much anything that involves a concept of honour, women can never seem to understand that.

Jagten was one of the best comedies ever made in Denmark

Of course women aren't the only people who do this, but this thread is specifically about movies which ALL women do this for.

marry that bitch, faggot

that little girl is the villain of the decade

No she's just a loli experiencing her first gushers. The women who orchestrate the witch burning and their sad men they have as their thralls to mete out the punishment are the true villains.

she's not a "loli", she's a fat ugly little creep.

fags like you are the reason women grow up the way they do. that little creep is the old hags

She's a product of her environment bruh. She is literally just a pubescent kid that had a crush on her teacher. Functional societies would recognize that this is natural and discourage children from acting out until they are actually mature, but that's not the society she was living in.

The presumption of male guilt whenever a girl has regrettable sexual desires is exactly what creates the population of old hags propagate the cultural sinkhole into the future.

yeah somewhat agree, but i think it goes deeper and i cant articulate now bc im drunk

but to hell with her, she should be kicked in the head to grow up and know her place and never become those old cunts

Watched it with a friend yesterday, he blamed the girl as well.

is it that absurd?

remember all the times you were horny from a older woman as a kid. Could you ever conceive of going to other adults and going "she raped me boohoo"?

>watched with my gf
>she couldnt finish watching it because she just felt too bad for Mads and too angered by the community and Mads' gf

Is my gf woke, Sup Forums?

yes she's not like other girls, literally treat her half decently

>spike lee
i sometimes forget I'm not on Sup Forums

Sup Forums here and bamboozled and 25th hour are bretty good

you nigger

Just because some men don't get it does not mean any women ever will.


Any samurai movie, as another user points out in every thread that women don't understand the concept of honour.

But especially Seven Samurai. The 3 remaining samurai are shunned by the village after they're job is complete, but its even more depressing for the young Katushiro. Though his love for Shino is shown as mutual, she doesnt decide to leave the village with him because he's a dirty ronin with no future. But while the samurai are kings of the village, she's more than happy to mingle with Katushiro and tease him along. In the end, all the samurai can do is grin and bear it, because thats "man's lot in life."

My mom ragequitted halfway through, I think she understood it pretty well.

male pain: the movie