Man ticketed after handing change to cop posing as panhandler

>Cops don't have quotas, don't be ridiculous. It's offensive to police officers to call them fund generators.

This is some gre-he-he-eeasy shit.

Good trailer park boys meme there

People keep handing the "homeless" people here change so now we are flooded with all the beggars of Europe. Its idiotic. I wish our government would do this too.

Good. Fuck the homeless and fuck that guy for helping them.

Panhandlers only detract from those who are truly worse off.

The guy is indeed putting the safety of those around him at risk when he stops and gives a stranger money.

But this is another example of cops using a just cause to implement a system that generates more revenue than it does in lowering traffic accidents. If the cops really cared, they would focus on increasing awareness instead of staking out citizens and only informing a handful among thousands not to stop traffic. Signs that say slow down or those speed tracker systems do a lot better at decreasing speeds in that area than hiding behind bushes and ticketing the unsuspecting chumps.

dont cut yourself on that edge

You enjoy paying 50% income tax to pay for their healthcare when they give themselves alcohol poisoning or overdose on meth?

I enjoy higher rate rates in comparison to police officers trying regulate human behavior and decency.

He's standing at the intersection to watch for people on cell phones, rolling through stops and no seatbelts. The fact that one man gave him money is incidental and not the purpose of his standing there.

Nobody likes beggars, though, what's wrong with discouraging this shit?

Why does he have a fucking sign? He's posing as a panhandler you dingus.

>to watch for people on cell phones, rolling through stops and no seatbelts

Boy, JT must be really scraping the bottom of the shit barrel to drum up revenue.

From the article and I quote.

"The police officer’s sign was not soliciting money"

He's there to identify vehicles breaking the law to the officers behind cover further down the road.

Here, they would take your bank cards and empty out your accounts in addition to your change. I can't wait for the collapse.

Why does he need the sign exactly?

>Giving another person money out of good will,and faith is now considered bad.
>But the state and/or government taking money from your pay checks you had earned with hard work;,and giving it to rapefugees,illegal immigrants,immigrants,minorities,and women is considered good.

Being a Socialist by your own choice is an arrestable offence while being a Socialist by govt./state force is completely acceptable.

Canada has just split the down syndrome atom,and propelled itself 299,792,458 Autistisms per. second-straight into the retardhole.Canada has gone full quantum dodecahedral giga nuclear fusion reactor retarded.
This is pants on head beyond industrial grade Autistic,but is full dodecahedral giga nuclear fusion reactor retarded.


You see, in Canada we have healthcare. And healthcare costs a lot of money. Our money. The taxpayers money. Healthcare is there for people who get hurt. It's not there for people who get hurt doing stupid things like talking on a cellphone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt or disobeying the rules of the road. That's why we have laws prohibiting those behaviors. Because they increase your chance of hurting yourself or others and therby incurring cost to the system.

Never heard the term panhandler before

So he looks like a filthy hobo and not a cop.

I'm the retard now for repeating myself,and not realising before posting.

>Cop disguised as Bear tickets man for feeding the Bears


The article is sensationalist and by just reading the title it sounds like they're targeting people who give money when in reality the undercover officer is there to identity vehicles breaking the law.

>It's not there for people who get hurt doing stupid things like talking on a cellphone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt or disobeying the rules of the road.

It most certainly IS there for anybody who's hurt. Keep licking those boots clean, boy.

For what purpose? He could just be a dude standing at the intersection OR he could literally just be a uniformed officer sitting in his squad car. How is he going to catch somebody driving away without their seatbelts unless they have even more police officers wasting their time being paid more money than they're getting from tickets just by being there.

So do we and if I want to give a bum on the side of the street my pocket change, that's my fucking prerogative.

Take your snarky worded post, take your (You), and GTFO leaf.

This thing happened once in Montreal and the police said they won't be using this technique anymore. I mean I don't know, would you personally dress up as a homeless guy to make money for the city? I wouldn't, fuck them.

Why do you think we have laws that prohibit behaviors that increase the chances of causing harm to yourself or others?

How should I know? Maybe he likes playing dressup. Maybe they get more tickets when he is dressed like a hobo because no one (well one person) looks twice at him.

The honeypot should be an illegal tactic for police to use. Doing something illegal to catch someone else doing something illegal isnt really right.

By removing your seatbelt you are in violation of the law. The officers prerogative is to then ticket you and take your money.

kill all cops

I suppose it's going to take you getting a ticket for something asinine before you realize you're full of shit.

It's like jaywalking laws. I had some cop give me a ticket for that one time, I laughed at him. Paid my menial ticket, and have since prorated it to less than a penny a jaywalk.

t. Lt. Singh

nope. If you have an obsessive need to feel good about yourself, actually put a real homeless person up in your own home. Yeah didn't think so.

Really? I have p nly seen one beggar since I got here, it was in galway, I haven't been to any big city like Dublin however. Actually I had someone in limerick ask for change as well. Not nearly as bad as America from what I have seen though.

What? Why would I let a filthy drug addict into my home?

I don't get tickets. One of the many benefits of the shield.

cops are the most influential government group ruining this country.

they are nothing but thugs with badges and guns. cant wait until this civil war starts. going to kill everyone i see. im not even a nigger either.

when you pray to law biding citizens minding their own business or citizens helping each other out, you are nothing but trash; degenerates.