EVERYBODY GETTING BTFO - All out riot Russians vs Brits vs African migrants in Marseilles

They've all met up in the main square.

Livestream from RT:


Gonna be a long night.

those poor, defenseless, innocent brits didn't do nothing

Lol damn

the poor brit wielding something metal in a fistfight was backstabbed by an evil chair-wielding russian! The russian should be ashamed for bringing weapons to a fistfight!

how much die?

reports of one dead english guy beaten by 5 russians

>tfw its not based Brits and based Russians vs Nigs

>people literally fighting over faggots who kick a ball

This is why Britain needs the EU
National divisions cause violence and intolerance

>live stream

fuck you OP

what a great opportunity...

You better be ready for liberation, England.

We're coming for the Crimea Ruskies, beware.

It just looks like people walking around?

thats fucked up!

should have been 5 dead englishmen beaten by one russian

Someone explain wtf is happening?


From now on Russia - England is going to be one hell of a derby

Pretty calm now, any interesting matches coming up that will trigger a happening?

I want Russia to win so the butthurt can ensue longer

Confused americuck

Fucking filthy mongols.

I can't believe you retards are killing each other over fucking soccer. Its just a fucking. Its not even one of the manlier sports. Like football or hockey i can understand, but soccer is in the same category as tennis and nobody kills each other over that.

bunch of fucking English dindus or are they dildos

It was a faggot nigger movement.

Thats never going to happand our football team is shit.
We should give up on that sport.

Implying anyone there cares about football. Hooligans fighting is sport on itself and main reason for them to attend there.

You fuckers were warned when Ramadan started. You need to start killing browns.

Heated rivalries and long history.
Its more about politics and stuff than football.
Clubs are more than just clubs you see.

That guy deserved it for having a vuvuzela desu

I like the dude throwing chairs. I can really relate to him.

Soccer is so gay

What Bilderberg conference? There's football riots going on!

probably his grandgrandfather raped your nigger grandgrandmother long time ago.

I dont get this meme.
They dont even wear spandex.

I hope the Russian fans crack their chav heads open for them. Nothing of value will be lost. Why can`t the English be more like the great Irish fans visting our country

FFA mate

why are you so upset pablo?

also, have you ever been in a group fight or seen one

I hope a lot of british scum are going to be killed, by whoever. These fat pieces of shit full of beer deserve to die!

Love, France.



you have to understand that sport especially soccer basically replaced the most popular past time activity formerly known as "killing and raping shit"

now we could let the rowdiest parts of our society pointlessly be violent and disruptive or let them have an event where they can channel all of it for the sake of "patriotism" or whatever excuse they use

enjoy your carnevalesque football, your anti-athletic baseball or your black-dominated basketball

What the fuck Spain? Did you get attacked by chairs or some shit today?

>countries being destroyed by nonwhite invaders
>take it out on other whites after a football match
Europe is finished. See you lads in hell, we'll be about ten years behind you.

are they rioting about how their country is controlled by Jews? no. are they rioting about the mid-easterns invading their land? no.

they're rioting over


I am booking my Eurostar tickets right now you fucking arab

hooliganism is literally fight club. watching football is just something they do when they are not planning fistfights with other clubs

This is just a soccer riot. Who cares?

I mean it's something that developed over decades if not centuries to pacify testosteron filled thugs with bread and circus, Africans rushing in is a more of a recent development you're confusing the context here

There's potential for an akbar attack

It shows how shitty are our neighbour countries.

No wonder why we don't like foreigners.

>soccer fans wiped out

what's the problem?

>I can't believe you retards are killing each other over fucking soccer. Its just a fucking.
>Its just a fucking.
How do I fucking?

Europe`s shame. If the EU was a nightclub the the bouncers would have fucked the chav cunts out a long time ago and probably gave the English wankers a good kicking on the way out. Brexit? bring it on. The last fuckers you want to have free movement around Europe are the English.


>10 years behind Europe

How fucking delusional are you? We're going to get another million spics this year to add to our around 35 million. We're like 30 years ahead of them. Spics literally took over our most populous state and make it nearly impossible for anything remotely based to happen.

I'm so sick of these delusional hicks pretending we're any better.


>its just a fucking

soccer is fucking gay, man.

why cant they just unite against all the muzzies in marseille?

>It just looks like people walking around?

Well they're all in the stadium now.

Wait until they pour out into the pubs at dark.

Shit will hit the fan.

>Its not even one of the manlier sports.
>Like football or hockey i can understand
>Sports where a bunch of closet gays wear shoulder exntenders cos their shoulders ain't big enough
question: have you ever played """soccer"""?

>why cant they just unite against all the muzzies in marseille?

Keked hard. Holy shit.


I love how blue hat guy saved those poor innocent people

>Russian and English attacking each other instead of joining up against the arabs.

Hol Up.
There are shitskins to remove and you fight Russians?
Europe is doomed.

based RT vultures.

They are always broadcasting live when there's a chimp out on European soil.

Except if it's in Russia of course.

Football Hooliganism exists within single countries, where one British team will attack another British team

It's got nothing to do with national borders. It's human tribal nature

Then make a fight club you faggots and don't ruin a perfectly fine gay as fuck sport

>be yuro
>chimp out over poverty ball




I'd happily take spics of mudslimes. I mean at least spics mostly kill each other. Spics aren't the ones who shot up bataclan

How can Russians afford travelling there anyway?

live stream!......
it's the night now
one hour before the game started there were some mess between russians and english on the Place du Prado then the cops used water canons
and the crowd split
wait till the end of ghe game

Why do you faggots get so riled up about a women's game like soccer (kicksphere)?

>white people unironically care about a nigger/spic sport where you kick a ball around and feign injury when anyone gets near you

Like American handegg is manly? Really? With your helmets and shoulder braces because you might have an oowie?
Besides, these hooligans and club histories are things on their own, it's almost like it's just using the soccer as a sort of excuse to beat up other soccer-related gangs.

Sup Forums is badly informed, late and retarded
Sup Forumstards should be dend to Syria so terrorists will be too busy raping them and will forget, for a while, commiting terrorists acts in Europe

White people invented soccer retard.
The Aztecs played a game like soccer though, shit was brutal, the losing team got sacrificed.

>Americans unironicaly pretend football is a sport while suberbowl is three hours of commercials and literally 8 minutes of actual sports interrupted with a time-out every half minute because someone ran too fast

russians always fight dirty
they will literally always gang up on you

It's manlier than soccer where even close physical contact is exaggerated in order to get a foul on the other team. Also little manlets are soccer stars, football players are actually normal sized males.

They're both sports but at least football is fun to watch and party around.
Other than the World Cup, and only when the US is playing, soccer is never fun.

Stay mad manlet

A lot of soccer players are actually pretty fucking tall

Just because the best guy is a short little Argentine doesn't mean they're all small

>city is 90% muslim
>anglos instead attack the only white people left in the city

good luck russia, kill the anglos first and then the entire city

Isn't ths how the Yugoslavian War started?

Just watch what Ahmed does to your wife tonight trollollollolllollolollloll

>American education

Different cultures mate. I sincerely tried to watch last superbowl because I was trying out a new sport to maybe follow. I lost track of how many commercials and small programs in between the commercials there were. I had to ask people online if the game was actually still on.
That's the crazy way Americans are conditioned to be consumer pigs, you guys don't even realize it and are having genuine fun with it.
If you grow up here and know the club histories, the names etc you'd like it too.

Average height in Belgium is higher than in the US, so chances are you're the manlet but yeah. Be your American self..

A lot of soccer players are rather tall, and none of them are obese as opposed to football players. Secondly, if you claim you enjoy football then watch rugby, like, an actual manly version of it, with limited protection. But you don't actually like the manly aspect of football, you're just a typical American that needs to brag about his amazing country and is in denial as to how pretty much everything is better somewhere else.

Pretty sure the winning team got sacrificed. You didn't want to piss off your gods by offering them a bunch of losers.


This TO BE completely FUCKING honest

>Calling european football clans dangerous
I remember when the pseudo-homosexuals mommy-boys hooligans fight againts the Boca Juniors gang (which are involved in drug dealing, prostitution and burglary) from Argentina, oh boy they fucked them so good, they stole a huge english flag and they still have it, all that good quality life is turning them into faggots
This littles bitches don't know how actual danger looks like

>And whites say that non-whites are uncivilised...and behold, white European dindu nuffins.

Thanks for giving them reasons to write this...

OP any idea when the matches are over and these fun lads are out on the street again?