Rate my girlfriend. Be nice!

Rate my girlfriend. Be nice!

Very sexy.

manly chin, pig cheeks, yellow teeth, dry hair

>Good ass
>Nice hips/legs
>Her face is too fat tho
>Her chin too proeminent

desu ugly

Do you have a picture of her in panties? Maybe one that shows her ass in some tight pants?
Any high heel pics you can post?

Id rail that but I'm thinking about my cousin and shes just nicer then this girl so I cant get myself hard to her lel.

nice ass
horrible everything (hair, smile, eye color, nose, chin)

>Be nice
I'd spit on her asshole before fucking it.


I think that girl you're stalking on facebook is looking good.

she looks familiar
She looks average, i dont know what is she like in reality.

Would inseminate



Would not smash.

not finno-ugric enough. you bring shame to our clan

She is QT

She looks like an unbearable soccer mom twenty years younger
I imagine her talking on her cell phone at the checkout counter while her two children run around the grocery store unattended.
I fucking hate this cunt already

Looks almost exactly like the math teacher I had in HS, she had a big ass and boobs. Fapped to death for her. Good times.

Would ask on date and try to handhold her.

Didn't know Jay Leno had a daughter

Post more pics of her ass, fucking worthless OP not delivering and not even replying to his own thread

why are you dating a wood horse?