National Anthem Thread

Post your country's anthem with lyrics. comment and rate others!

Sānmín zhǔyì wú dǎng suǒ zōng
Yǐ jiàn mínguó yǐ jìn dàtóng
Zī ěr duō shì wèimín qiánfēng
Sùyè fěi xiè zhǔyì shì cóng
Shǐ qín shǐ yǒng bì xìn bì zhōng
Yīxīn yī dé guànchè shǐzhōng

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Technically it's only the third stanza which is used nowadays, but that's the original text in it's whole glory.
I like the melody of yours. It sounds majestic, which is what an anthem should sound like.

I refuse, my anthem is shit. French have best anthem.

God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen!

It's pretty crap ngl. I like the Queen but it's such an motivating national anthem

I Vow To Thee My Country or Rule, Britannia! would be much better

The one we use:

And the one it should be:

* but it's such a demotivating national anthem

I prefer this version
When Scotland becomes independent, you should use this one, at least for unofficial events or sports games.

This anthem

yeah jerusalem is pretty good too, but I prefer I Vow to Thee My Country

>Post your country's anthem with lyrics. comment and rate others!
>with lyrics.

How am I supposed to judge lyrics if I don't know what they mean? Post a translation please.

USSR anthem best anthem

GStQ really only sounds okay when a full orchestra is doing it.

Jerusalem is great, nice lyrics too.

I like the 1992-2006 version

Jaralğan namıstan, qaharman xalıqpız,
Azattıq jolında jalındap janıppız.
Tağdırdıñ tezinen, tozaqtıñ özinen
Aman-saw qalıppız, aman-saw qalıppız.
Erkindik qıranı şarıqta,
Eldikke şaqırıp tirlikte!
Alıptıñ qwatı — xalıqta,
Xalıqtıñ qwatı — birlikte!
Ardaqtap anasın, qurmettep danasın,
Bawırğa basqanbız barşanıñ balasın.
Tatwlıq, dostıqtıñ kïeli besigi -
Meyirban Ulı Otan, qazaqtıñ dalası!
Erkindik qıranı şarıqta,
Eldikke şaqırıp tirlikte!
Alıptıñ qwatı — xalıqta,
Xalıqtıñ qwatı — birlikte!
Talaydı ötkerdik, ötkenge salawat,
Keleşek ğajayıp, keleşek ğalamat!
Ar-ojdan, ana tili, önege-saltımız,
Erlik te, eldik te urpaqqa amanat!
Erkindik qıranı şarıqta,
Eldikke şaqırıp tirlikte!
Alıptıñ qwatı — xalıqta,
Xalıqtıñ qwatı — birlikte!

On one hand I like our anthem, because it mentions a lot of historical figures and events, but on the other hand I feel like it's a bit too closely tied to very specific times which makes it a bit irrelevant today. The melody is nice though.

The best anthem of all is this tbqh

Here's Portugal:

Heroes of the sea, noble race,
Valiant and immortal nation,
Now is the hour to raise up on high once more
Portugal's splendour.
From out of the mists of memory,
Oh Homeland, we hear the voices
Of your great forefathers
That shall lead you on to victory!

To arms, to arms
On land and sea!
To arms, to arms
Fight for our Homeland!
March against the enemy cannons!

Unfurl the unconquerable flag
In the bright light of your sky!
Cry out to all Europe and the whole world
That Portugal has not perished.
Your happy land is kissed
By the Ocean that murmurs with love.
And your conquering arm
Has given new worlds to the world!

Salute the Sun that rises
On a smiling future:
Let the echo of an insult be
The signal for our revival.
The rays of that powerful dawn
Are like a mother's kisses
That protect us and support us
Against the insults of fate.

It's calmer than the socialist china one
An anthem should be about a country not their monarchy.
Rule Britannia is a better anthem

Both are good tho.The second one is too slow
I don't really like the Polish anthem,I can't put my finger on it,there are too many rhymes and the tune that plays didn't age well

Ho un problema nella testa funziona a metà
Ogni tanto parte un suono che fa

E ogni volta che mi parte situa imbarazzante
Come quella volta che stavo al ristorante

“Posso offrirti da bere?”
Lei dice: “Va bene”
Solo che quando le passo il bicchiere

É una malattia
È pericolosa
Statemi lontano, è contagiosa!

Non so se son pazzo
O sono un genio
Faccio i selfie mossi
Alla Gue Pequeno
Non mi fumo canne
Sono anche astemio
Io non faccio brutto ma…

Col trattore in tangenziale
(Andiamo a comandare)
Scatto foto col mio cane
(Andiamo a comandare)
In ciabatte nel locale
(Andiamo a comandare)
Sboccio acqua minerale…

Andiamo a comandare
Andiamo a comandare

Ho un problema nella testa funziona a metà
Ogni tanto parte un suono che fa

E ho la testa che gira come il kebab
Spengo la musica dentro il tuo club

Non so se son pazzo
O sono un genio
Faccio i selfie mossi
Alla Gue Pequeno
Non mi fumo canne
Sono anche astemio
Io non faccio brutto ma…

Col trattore in tangenziale
(Andiamo a comandare)
Scatto foto col mio cane
(Andiamo a comandare)
In ciabatte nel locale
(Andiamo a comandare)
Sboccio acqua minerale…

Andiamo a comandare
Andiamo a comandare

I also like the anthems of South Ossetia,Tajikistan, Udmurtia and Tibet

our true anthem

حماة الحمى يا حماة الحمى
هلموا هلموا لمجد الزمن
لقد صرخت في عروقنا الدماء
نموت نموت ويحيا الوطن
لتدو السماوات برعدها
لترم الصواعق نيرانها
إلى عز تونس إلى مجدها
رجال البلاد وشبانها
فلا عاش في تونس من خانها
ولا عاش من ليس من جندها
نموت ونحيا على عهدها
حياة الكرام وموت العظام

ورثنا السواعد بين الأمم
صخورا صخورا كهذا البناء
سواعد يهتز فوقها العلم
نباهي به ويباهي بنا
وفيها كفا للعلى والهمم
وفيها ضمان لنيل المنى
وفيها لأعداء تونس نقم
وفيها لمن سالمونا السلام

إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة
فلا بدّ أن يستجيب القدر
ولا بد لليل أن ينجلي
ولا بد للقيد أن ينكسر
O defenders of the Homeland!
Rally around to the glory of our time!
The blood surges in our veins,
We die for the sake of our land.
Let the heavens roar with thunder
Let thunderbolts rain with fire.
Men and youth of Tunisia,
Rise up for her might and glory.
No place for traitors in Tunisia,
Only for those who defend her!
We live and die loyal to Tunisia,
A life of dignity and a death of glory.
As a nation we inherited
Arms like granite towers.
Holding aloft our proud flag flying,
We boast of it, it boasts of us,
Arms that achieve ambitions and glory,
Sure to realize our hopes,
Inflict defeat on foes,
Offer peace to friends.
When the people will to live,
Destiny must surely respond.
Oppression shall then vanish.
Fetters are certain to break.
Really like that anti-frog feel to it

No.This your anthem

Our anthem has 6 strophes, before 2009 we used to sing the first strophe, but now we sing the VI strophe.

Somos libres, seámoslo siempre,y antes niegue sus luces el sol,que faltamos al voto solemne que la Patria al eterno elevó.
En su cima los Andes sostengan,la bandera o pendón Bicolor,que los siglos anuncie el esfuerzo que ser libres, por siempre nos dió.A su sombra vivamos tranquilos,y al nacer por sus cumbres el sol,renovemos el gran juramento que rendimos al Dios de Jacob.

I don´t really like it since it´s only about other countries except the Netherlands


please delete your post right now

Meh not the best German song I heard
Panzerlied now that was bretty gud

Portuguese anthem is nice, but seems a bit too peaceful to me. Unless it's just this version.
>And the one it should be