Damn... Sup Forums Drumpfbots BTFO hard

Damn... Sup Forums Drumpfbots BTFO hard.

SA when?

>Violence against black: OMG YOU RACIST!

>Violence against whites: BLACK POWER! TAKE THAT WHITE BOI!

>fascist tactics are okay to use if it's against people who we consider to be fascists

The hypocrisy is staggering.

After seeing OP's post, #ImWithHer now.

Trump is finished.

Wow... really makes you think

>words are bad
>punches at the right kind of people are good
what? how do they even manage the cognitive dissonance?

No, the white ones are the agitators goy, remember that

Why do you people support attacking children?

>pepe means

There is no indication that kid has anything to do with any of that.
It was an unprovoked attack, the kid got sucker punched in the back of the head and chased down the street just for being there and being an easy target.
>around blacks, never relax

β€œThe surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' β€” this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”

― Aldous Huxley

Damn... really makes you think.

Fucking hell I hate those antifa faggots so fucking much. Self righteous motherfuckers. Trump supporters need to start using their second amendment rights or their first amendment rights will be taken away by these "anti" fascist pieces of shit.

>9fag tier "memes"

Can't say I'm surprised

>don't even know what fascism is

My dad supports Socialists, yet he's "racist" (according to these faggots)

>the alt right is evil
>violently assault people because you don't like their politics

Fascism is specifically a right wing nationalist ideology.

amazes me how these people don't see any errors in their rhetoric.

I never get the second image. Are they running away or towards who they call nazis?

White army when? These commie fags need to be dealt with.

You would have to leave the comfort of Sup Forums first pussyboi

>I don't like what hes saying
>let's beat him up
nice one liberals.

So wait what did the guy say/do that was racist?

Pretty sure they are running away from the nazis Mr. toothpaste

are you saying shitskins are violent aggressive fucks who attack and harm our people on a whim?

who's side are you on?

I am also #mentallyhill


Thanks mr. Leaf


away, obv.

>liberals physically assault and attempt murder against conservatives for merely voicing their opinions
>this is supposed to make the conservatives look bad

I don't follow. What point is he trying to make exactly?

I bet no one from Antifa was actually involved.

Less than 6 months remain. I hope you buy lots of provisions, fellow burgers.

I would.

Antifa is the scum of the earth

Around here it's in fact gotten so bad they follow people home, intimidate small businesses, spray their facades and smash their windows.
These guys are so far out with their confused minds, they don't even realize they are the only fascists around.

The only thing you can really do is tangling them in a situation where they approach you aggressively (which is easy enough as you can imagine) and then push their fucking faces in.
It's the only language these (often rather noodle armed) brutes understand.

Still this week a major newspaper wrote we have a right wing extremist problem because some identitary group came into a lecturing hall with a banner.
It's really great around here.

My only advice to Ameribros is standing strong against these pieces of shit. Don't let it come so far as it is the case around here. Crack down on their rallies and expose them for the violent shits they are as soon and as reckless as possible.

> Left says something provocative
> Gets beaten up
>"Free speech-hating fascists!"

> Right says something provocative
> Gets beaten up
>"Well, they deserved it for such hateful speech!"

Why are they calling Trump Hitler when the leftists are the ones using Brownshirts?

Black dude tried to stab me on my mother's birthday when I went to get cake for her because I bumped into him and didn't have the audacity to apologize for three centuries of slavery. It's pretty much what I expected.

>In 1912 Mussolini was the leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI).

if you dislike it stand up for yourselves.

but you white people only run lmao.

you cant even protect yourselves, this is why youre losing your country

they are here in the states
luckily everyone and their mother despises them, and we have guns and a judicial system that loves to punish, so they don't pull bullshit like that

Pretty sure this is what happens, actually.

>if a crowd of 30 beaners is chasing you, you should stand there and commit suicide for the good of the white race

literal retard

>if you attend a Donald Trump rally you're a target
pretty disgusting people desu.

aww is that what your high school teacher told you?

did you get a gold star for getting the question right?

you can't be right wing and a fascist. It is impossible.

So, responding to words and facts with violence is good according to liberals? I'll never understand the left's complete endorsement of violence.

Let me tell you something son.The fire is rising.I'm actually happy that hese fuckers keep poking the bear.

>women working on a location that dangerous


the ultimate BTFO
Sup Forums on suicide bombing watch

>PePe means

I can imagine that.
It's funny. With all the strong opinion against gun laws in europe I still can't shake the feeling that people just wouldn't pull the same shit if everyone was potentially armed.

That's not to say that resolving everything with a pulled piece is a good idea, but I probably think twice about my shenanigans if I know that guy in front of me might be able to kill me if I assault him or break his shit.

I'm actually waiting for the day when one of the Antifa fuckers breaks in on some property of a gun owner, because technically even in austria you can shoot the fucker if he does that. It's a terrible idea to do it, but if in self-defense against some guy in a hoodie, mask and shades, that might carry a weapon himself, that shit's 100% legal.

It's probably met with massive butthurt from the media and leftist politicians but it's legal.

Overall a bad idea, but I'm just wondering what kind of a game changer that would be for those pansy ass antifa faggots it would be if one of them got a rough treatment.
Not even talking about shot dead. Maybe temporarily paralyzed? I don't know. Something that makes them think twice.
They must know they can't pull the shit they are pulling right now.


Ultra leftists every other day of the week:
>"Brrrr those scary white racists with their guns sure are scary and white. How many black children are they going to murder this week with their scary black rifles?"

The ultra-left that one time a peaceful protester gets chased and assaulted by a group of urban youths for having an opinion:

>"Durr hurr yall whitebois better know we be finna whuppin yo bitchasses FO REAL"

The amount of double think that goes on with these people is simply phenomenal.

>Waa someone hurt my feelings, now I have to hurt them physically >:'(

>the chins isn't a living hell


>antifascist news
>calling anyone else weak

Looks like that guy needs to have a wall between him and those aggressive plebs.


>Today was a massive victory for the massive right
What an undeserved sense of self importance

Thanks burgerbro, I needed a pick me up.

He's right in the way that we have lost solidarity due to the ongoing destruction of identity in the last 30-50 years. They rot together, blacks, muslims, hispanics, because they still have this group identity, whereas "white identity" has been defined as "being racist, xenophobic, chauvinistic" etc. Only"black pride" and "white guilt" is deemed socially acceptable. On a related note, praising "individualism" in the West has only furthered this development, everybody is alone, by himself.
We will have no chance to survive unless we, too, get together in large groups and actually act when we see stuff like in OP's pic happen. But we don't, for the above mentioned reason: fear to be called racists, nazis, fear to be alone when we step up and nobody else follows. This needs to stop, we need to get out of this mindset. To a degree, we need to stop fearing consequences, just like they do.


>PePe Means

I am now a #CruzMissile

I think he is implying not letting yourselves be genocided by shitskins results in those shitskins beating you up

yet he seems to feel he has the moral high ground, whilst supporting the geNOcide of his own people

not sure if reatrded or evil

retarded or evil

I'm surprised people still call the cops after shooting an invader, might be easier to just dispose of the body

liebereal = believe lies are real

doublethink is the only think they can do

no problem sausage eater

dude, why aren't you #MentallyHill?

>Pretty much what happens when antifa steps out online to the offline world
That settles it, now #I'mWithHerMissle

>Sup Forums: Non-whites are violent
>Non-whites: Go outside and we'll teach you not to say that by being violent
