Migrants in Germany committed, or tried to commit, some 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of 2016

According to the report, 29.2 percent of the crimes were thefts, 28.3 percent were property or forgery offences, and 23 percent were violent offences such as robbery. Drug-related offences constituted 6.6 percent, with sex-related crimes at 1.1 percent.
Comment: of course, none of those migrants will go to prison... just as a comparison, only 80,000 people are in jail in Germany... yet in 3 months alone 69,000 crimes have been committed, among them thefts, robberies, sex crimes etc. accounting for the majority of the crimes.


The same article reporting on the crimes, immediately quoted the Muslim "spokesperson" about the AfD saying the following: “For the first time since World War II there is a party again attempting to existentially constrain an entire religious community and to threaten it,” she said. “This reminds us of the times of Hitler.”
What this has to do with crimes committed by migrants is beyond me.

Germanistan is fucked up 100%.

Other urls found in this thread:


>that german policeman qt

There must be some statistics on how many crimes there were committed in total in Germany somewhere.


Doesn't Germany have an officel site where there is all kind of offical statistics?


Not that many crimes, desu.

We do lot of statistics on immigrants.

No you're right, it's not that many. But if your immigrants are anything like ours, the more serious crimes are on the rise.

(Danish ethnic population = 1)

>2.3 for all sexual offenses, including 4.7 for offence against public decency by palpation and 10.3 for rape.

>3.5 for all property crimes, including 3.2 for shoplifting, 7.6 for burglary in dwellings and 8.9 for robbery.

>4.6 for all violent crimes, including 7.2 for more serious violence, 10.1 for manslaughter and 15.1 for attempted manslaughter.

>6.9 for all other crimes, including 3.5 for the sale of drugs and 9.7 for crime against public authority.

>For both sexual crimes, property crimes and violent crimes is apparently that the more serious the crime is, the greater the overrepresentation of people with origins in the Muslim countries.

>Germanics and nordics are beautiful rare breeds of human
>yet they would be improved if they mixed with shitskins

why do they all think this?


Germany citizens 80mln, around 70k crimes in first 4months of 2016
Germany immigrants 1mln, around 70k crimes in first 4 months of 2016


I can remember a couple decades ago when Europeans used to make fun of Americans for having so much crime compared to them.

Guess what Euro bros? That's because you didn't have any niggers. Now you do. Enjoy your endless crime waves.

And it's only going to get worse.

Those are only the crimes that were registered by the police. It also leaves out the crimes they committed where no one got caught.

Remember the Cologne mass rape on NYE? It didnt even show up in police reports until after it went viral on the internet and the Lügenpresse had to pick up the story. Hundreds of sexual assaults that night alone in a single location.

Also, the german police is instructed not to register thefts where less than 100 euro is stolen. There's are entire organized crime groups ('Antänzer') that specialize on this kind of theft in the cities, modern day pocket thieves.

2015 had 160.000 burglaries, up 10% again from the year before. Less than 5% of the burglars are ever caught. All of the burglars that got caught were migrants. The other 95% dont show up in the migrant crime statistics.

The drug trade in the inner cities is now firmly in the hands of arab clans and african dealers, everywhere.

Reminder that of the 1.1 million 'refugees' that crossed the german border last year, only 500.000 even filed an application for asylum, the rest simply disappeared. They arent getting money from the state, so they need to have found some source of income instead. That income can only be from illegal labor, or crime.

Same shit as in Weimar. Hopefully leads to Vorbeugungshaft & SPD in KL again.

Break the conditioning.
Tell people:
Hitler doesn't matter, I have every right to my own life!

You can't even deport them, can you? 80% or so lack any documentation.

You cannot deport anyone who files an application for asylum even if he commits mass murder. They hardly ever deport anyone.

Even if your application for asylum gets denied by a judge, Merkel government will simply 'tolerate' them on german soil.

They're loyal as fuck too

No that would be racist

There is a crime report but surely nobody wants to talk about facts in this thread
We're here to vent and share feelings not observe facts
