Artist tries to shove political agenda down listener's throat

>artist tries to shove political agenda down listener's throat

Other urls found in this thread:

>listener listens with their mouth open on their knees like the whore they are

>OP gets upset because people have differing opinions

>t. Cuck

People like you really are some of the biggest pieces of shit on the internet. How you live with yourself every day is beyond me.

>consumer gets mad when producer creates something he can't relate to

I don't think you replied to the person you meant to...

Jesus fucking christ, just neck yourself already.

That is a lot of butthurt about a very modest sprinkling of truth. I'm surprised, but pleased.

what is the fascination with agendas being shoved down throats? that sound super gay to me.

Everything sounds gay to fags like you, its all you know.

Politics mixed with literally anything is a huge mistake.

when too many stupid people start repeating "subjective! subjective!" to defend their inane behavior it kind of retells us the story of the boy who cried wolf, y'know?

HEY MAN don't shove your agenda down my throat

This, it never resolves anything and only breeds conflict.

what's the objective reasoning for not wanting "political agendas" in music?

That's a lot dumber than you probably thought it was.


Prepare yourself, yes its real

you got statistics to prove the objectivity of "politically-charged music 'never solving' anything?"

He's from Sup Forums, so he has no decent artists making music that supports his opinions, therefore it's wrong to insert political opinions into music, since everyone who does it disagrees with him.

preference for absolute music over program music

american isn't my first language sorry

Typical no argument having fag

alright well now I need you to define "absolute music" and "program music" because now I'm just more confused....

>american isn't my first language sorry
Oh, my bad then, sorry.
>implying asumptions are automatically incorrect

alright well I guess if you absolutely cannot stand "outsider" influence in your music, good luck with that. I'm going to stay in the real world and read, listen and consume art that both reflects the real world and maybe doesn't. I'm not really sure how you can possibly consume any artistic endeavor with absolutely NO "outsider influence" but good luck!

lol prove the assumption wrong, are you from Sup Forums?

I don't mind this, but today it just boils down to "Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people" it's the laziest safest shit to do and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, even artists like Radiohead. It just makes them look fucking stupid because you know they do it to get publicity.


based tankie

Case closed gentlemen, he said "no."
kek, thanks for swooping in to show your support, fucknuts.

well at least you admit yourself

a good portion of people can't even be arsed to do that

we are all cut from the same cloth, brother

americans larping 20th century euopean ideologies with zero self-awareness is the funniest shit ever

please, do keep up

>user listens to music anyway

> Radiohead
> Looking for publicity

lmao altcucks are so delusional

I don't give a broken shit what a musician thinks about politics, I care about if their music is good or not because I look to them to make good music.
Protest music used to have a legitimate function - a bond between laborers who were a minority that couldn't speak up for themselves - that there's no use for anymore. American people in agriculture have the internet now. It could still serve this purpose in an oppressed country, but in America? I already know what Donald Trump is about, I don't need to hear about it in a song.

don't forget the ones who complain about "modern art" being shit while they're actually talking about contemporary art

dude don't you know that if they're doing something that is popularly "moral" but incidentally doing it at a time that other people are also doing it is it virtue signaling and SHALLOW not like my high forms of classic musicality

I'm glad you "don't need to hear about it in a song" and you're woke enough to understand that, now that they have libraries in the midwest with Internet access, we do not need any sort of uplifting. I agree that protest music used to mean something to all those midwest laborers. sucks all protest music now reflects inner-city ideologies. I cannot relate.

so what about you listen to artists who don't talk about politics? why do you think artists should do what you think they should do?

I don't need to be informed about politics by musicians, but that doesn't mean I can't find it entertaining. Entertainment is, in my opinion, a perfectly valid reason for some music to exist and be enjoyed.

Modern art and contemporary art are practically the same thing. What you are talking about is modernist art. Yes language changes and you are stuck in an early 20th century mindset as much as they are.

I don't _think_ they should do anything, they can do whatever they want with their platform. That doesn't mean I can't think it's annoying when they musically advertise what they think when I care more about the actual music.
Sure, "I'm With Her" or Goodnight Alt Right is pretty funny for a gag the first time you hear it, but then it's pretty useless to me.


>Modern art and contemporary art are practically the same thing. What you are talking about is modernist art

>musically advertise what they think when I care more about the actual music.

so do you think all pop music should have no words? I'm struggling to think of a song where the artist doesnt tell us what he thinks....


>even artists like Radiohead
Amazing how you people were juste recently "politically awoken" and think every artists taking a political stance has only started since Trump took office. Listen to OK Computer and Hail to the Thief or any of Thom Yorke's solo music, they've always been political.

>I don't _think_ they should do anything, they can do whatever they want with their platform. That doesn't mean I can't think it's annoying when they musically advertise what they think when I care more about the actual music.
Not him, but that's a perfectly fine line of reasoning and I accept and respect it, even if I don't feel the same about it. Too many folks who think something is objectively wrong just because they dislike it, these and all other days.

>OP is upset by
Woody Gutherie
Kendrick Lamar
...actually, fucking anyone

dude if your music has words they BETTER not imply any sort of social change. keep that shit out of my music.

Bottom part of this meant for Pop musicians aren't scholars. Why would I listen to Gang of Four rattle off some *reads Marx once* slogans when I could actually read Marx? I love Gang of Four, but people take them too seriously. I don't look to them for that.

this. words are inherently political

Not all topics are political.
Not so strange, teenagers are almost always dumb assholes who think everything started with them. Some of them retain that attitude a bit longer after becoming young adults.

instrumental music is fundamentally better than lyrics-driven music

>People mock or dismiss something they find stupid and tasteless

Why shouldn't you both read Marx and listen to Gang of Four?

If you're not an angry little anime poster you could have fooled me

>its another "musician makes an album criticizing the music industry while directly benefiting from the music industry" episode
First lana, then the nbhd. make it stop.

>Pop musicians aren't scholars.
gotcha, musicians are idiots and you are smarter than all of them. ok.
and it's not that I don't disagree with you that reading is more informative than any spoken music. It just seems meaningless to complain about "politics" as "too intrusive" when it's just their personal take on social activism.

>Not all topics are political.
sure, but I don't understand getting mad at that topic specifically. Like, all literature has some sort of viewpoint. you would have to listen to instrumental music only to fully escape any sort of "influence" done by the producers

probably but if everyone here only listened to instrumental music we wouldn't be having this thread

The crux of what I'm saying is that that's what you should do. Unless you think Marx was a retard, that's just the example I went with.

No music with political themes (left or right) is anything more than incredibly basic sentiments slapped down for automatic approval from those who share the opinion. If the music was any good it could stand on its own without being used as a virtue signalling tool. If I want to read about politics I'll read about politics.
It's one thing to touch on social issues, it's another to devote your entire album to #resisting Drumph's Amerikkka


Oh, alright, I agree, or rather, at least if one wants to consider themselves a Marxist. As a side topic, nobody should think Marx was a retard without having read The Capital, because then one's just parroting what others have said. Not accusing you of this, mind you, just in a genral sense.

Nice argument
I mean this in all seriousness: Leave this board for your own health if you're spending your time going out of your way to look for TRIGGERED DRUMPFTARDS to call out

But never mentioned or implied anything about Trump.

You all chose to listen to it lmao

It's almost as bad as dedicating your entire album to a breakup, or putting a burning monk as protest on your album cover, or singing about taking part in a revolution. How dare they pander to specific groups and not mine. fucking virtue signalling trying to help people. disgusting.

If you think political art can't challenge popular ideas from its own political preference then you haven't listened to enough, or you think politics are literally just left vs right with zero nuance.

You're an angry little anime poster AND a triggered drumpftard? It doesn't sound like this is your native board desu.

How do we know what it is if we don't

>No music with political themes (left or right)
>those two groupings are the only political opinions people have
Oh boy.

All boards have anime posters, newfag.

>gotcha, musicians are idiots and you are smarter than all of them. ok.
You have a serious gift for deciding that I'm saying whatever strawman you have an answer for. Also, a love song and a protest song have different levels of intellectual intrusion, even if you agree with the protesting.
I get that being apolitical is in itself a political stance because everything is political, and if you think 100 anti-Trump songs in 100 days is culturally valuable then you can. But for me, music is what has historically made me happy my whole life. They're entitled to use their put out an agenda through their music, and I'm entitled to do something more tangible that actually helps me. You feel?

Calm down buddy, go watch some anime before the libs brainwash Japan to weaponize American NEETs.

It's fucking lame

Anime site, newfag.

>i posted it again mom XD

>25 posters

>100 anti-Trump songs in 100 days is culturally valuable then you can.
i do not.
>But for me, music is what has historically made me happy my whole life. They're entitled to use their put out an agenda through their music, and I'm entitled to do something more tangible that actually helps me. You feel?

Sure, I guess. But there is no way to ignore the intrusion of politics or literally anything in music. Go listen to ONLY instrumental music if you really think that all "protest" music is a form of virtue signalling. Some people actually have a message that they want to share, and if that message is really "fuck trump" then that just reflects current political and socioeconomic climates. It's fine to only listen to music that exists in a vacuum but thinking shoehorning political agendas is a breach of musical morality or whatever just seems weird. If you think doing something "tangible" is NOT taking part in this collective resistance then you just disagree with their opinions.


Nowhere did I argue they shouldn't be allowed to do it (?), I just think it's incredibly self-important to think that as someone with no political knowledge (or worse, a multimillionaire celebrity living in a gated rich community), forcing a handful of Facebook-tier one-liners about "uhhhh police are racist" or "uhhhh Trump's stupid" into your music is going to bring about any sort of societal change. """Raising awareness""" is a cop-out that means nothing when everyone's already been aware of these ground-floor opinions since they're essentially universal.
>trying to help people
Tell me, who has Eminem's new album helped? The woke new Cardi B drop?
If people wanted to help, they'd donate to actual organizations instead of complaining as laymen.

if you care about politics you are gay and i dont listen to music by fags

more like
>OP gets upset he has no offspring


Go FUCK yourself Drumpfkinj

>thinking shoehorning political agendas is a breach of musical morality or whatever
He doesn't, he's already said this just how he feels about recent protest music, not all protest music historically, and that artists are free to do what they want: he'll just dislike when what they do is make another dull track about Trump. Don't get me wrong, I like many political songs, but saying "this is wrong" and "this is shit" are different things. And I think Trump is a dumb fucking buffoon with no business being a president, but most of these recent protest songs are pretty goddamn bad as well.

Lol fag

just because they talk about social change does not mean that they do not actively take part in it and that's an unfair assumption on your part. I also think that, just because you "benefit" from things you still can be upset at the injustices that it brings people. Also, arguing the superiority of "virtue signalling" by saying their opinions are "universal" is fucking bullshit since most people fundamentally disagree about that shit.

Not that guy but my problem is how tasteless most of it is.
Like, I enjoy comedy as well but I don't want to turn on the TV and get a shitshow of "DONALD TRUMP HITLER CHEETO SMALL HAND POOPOO PEEPEE". I didn't even vote for Trump but that doesn't change the fact that I'd rather laugh at comedy than not laugh at political commentary that thinks it 's smarter than it is.
From a musical perspective I generally don't even care about the lyrics, but overtly political albums usually suffer musically because they're more focused on lyrics than music. I can think of VERY political albums where music doesn't take a backseat to message.

>most people fundamentally disagree about that shit
The key demographic of pop music is upper middle class youth, almost exclusively mainstream democrat if you ignore meme shit like communism. No musician is trying to rally up rednecks or alt-righters because that's not profitable to them. Maybe I'm cynical but I don't think there's any reason for a popular musician to get political except for potential profit from people who enjoy having their opinions stoked.

Anyway guys, make sure to buy our latest album on itunes AND stream it on Spotify, we've also got a tour coming up so make sure to grab tickets before they sell out along with some new merch we've brought out. Also don't forget to buy the CD available exclusively in WalMart on the 20th

I hate your kind so fucking much. Soyboy. Does that hurt your fucking feelings? Cry some more, numale.

>Soyboy. Does that hurt your fucking feelings?
You have no idea of the pain inside.