Anyone else else disgusted watching Euro football obsession?

Look at these motherfuckers: "Nevermind that your nations are being invaded on a scale not seen since the 1400s, goy. Never mind that your 12 year old daughters are being raped. Just watch this niggers kick a ball around..."

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holy fuck you need to go outside lol

If thee cunts cared 1/100th about the invasion of their nations as much as they do about this (the pricks even willing to go to jail for bullshit drunken fights with Russians)-- but all that's fine, just so long as you don't "sign racist songs" or show any signs that you are resisting the invasion.

We are well and truly fucked. And just wait for Dodgy Dave to nigger rig the vote to keep UK in EURO, and for Brussels to punish by sending a few million shitskins.

Ye instead of trying to fix their own homeland anglos travel to france, ravage some cafes, provoke us and get their asses handed to them in the end
I dont understand this behaviour at all, dont they have shitloads of shitskins to kick around back in london?
A fucking major of this town is a muzzie for fucks sake

>holy fuck you need to go outside lol
Habib, believe it or not, know how your Koran and prophet (piss be upon him) matters to you?

Our culture and history matters to some of us White people.

Gibraltar ist so eng wie 'ne Jungfrau. Wenn wir da durch wollen, können wir den Kahn mit Vaseline einschmiern.

Not taking sides, both groups are fucking assholes who could find plenty of subhumans to smash at home without worrying about fucking up one another.

Meanwhile, the poor prick cops have to worry about this bullshit while a sandbagger with nail bomb might be walking around a few hundred yards away.

Entire thing shows the state of Europeans and White people today, and what the Jews have done to us.

what are you even saying lol

>A fucking major of this town is a muzzie for fucks sake

Lavrov is a muslim. Moscow muslim mayor is 5-10 years away.

I agree. But with the BBC trying to start shit with the crusader costumes, alot of soccer fags are realizing how bad it is.

Habib, did you have to retune to the shelter for curfew? Get any wallets or ficki ficki?

Shit, now the German girls have been brainwashed into not even reporting rapes when you savages do it. How about you take that violin and ram a sausage right up in your brown?

>what are you even saying
It means if you don't understand, you're not fucking welcome here. Go back to your reddit hug box.

>BBC trying to start shit with the crusader costumes
Can you give me a link on this? Wish Katie Hopkins would have written about it, only way I usually find out about such things.

Have been reading Richard Spencer's "Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and The Crusades."

Spencer is way too ironist for my taste, but every point he makes is completely valid. The Saracens were attacking Europe 400 years before the first Crusade, but they never mention that part.



>mfw all these unfit, chubbyfat british drunks trying to fight russians and french and getting destroyed

how the mighty have fallen baka

This guy is soo fucking mad lmaoo. Look at this basement activist lol. You are right dude you are sooo superior those those pathetic sheep watching television and having fun. No one understands the world better than you since you are enlightened.

Since you are so smart and enlightened about what is truly happening you must also know what to do to stop it. What have you done about these issues that make you so upset? have you done anything other than complain on an anime imageboard?

i think we could literally cover your "country" with selfproduced fecal matter in a couple days max

Leaf go drink bleach, why are you even here?

Dude, weed! lmao! dude, south africans to "fight a fire" while our entire shitbag of a country burns to the ground! How very progressive!

Go look in your living room. You'll find your dead mother there in her burial dress witting on the sofa with a cup of tea in front of her and her lips still stitched together.

>R A R E

Dude, your flag! I'm insulting your flag! Bc people don't travel, you know!

have to remind myself it's summer and this place is 95% retards and to just stay away from here.

no but seriously name one (1) thing you have done to fight these evil jewish menace in the past thirty (30) days. Please don't tell me all you do is shitpost all day without ever taking action

Is upholding your civic virtues not enough?


Care to link me to some of Spencer's work?

I agree with you op, dont listen to the cucknadians.