Prep the bull. Meet Chewbacca's new buddy

han's being cucked.

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>we will never get one last Han Solo Luke scene

Fuck you Disney

So this confirms Rey is Luke and Finn is Han. Why do they think they can do better? Rey is a pile of dogshit. Maybe Finn will be as good as Han Solo by the end of the trilogy.

i'm actually not mad
boyega's cool

Why are we concerned about whats-his-name? What is the Only Important Character doing with her time?

>han solo cucked
>not main male
>two strong female

star cucks on suicide watch

Reminder we could've had this kino from breaking bad as finn. fuck jj.

How can he be cucked if he's dead idiot

The dude on the left?
That would be awful

How would it be awful? He was great in Friday Night Lights.

I like Boyega

Fuck off.

Meth Damon would have been awful

Boyega did fairly well seeing as he wasn't given much to work with from the script

that guy was shit and he looked downie
aaron paul's one character doesn't fit in star wars either

Rey is luke

Chewbacca is han

Finn is chewie

This. His character was shit but that was the fault of the writing not boyega who did a decent job with what he had

This. Finn should have been the MC.

I like the irony of chewie buddying up with a former stormtrooper, but Fin is such a huge bitch. He never even killed anyone as a trooper. He's needy as fuck and everything he does is motivated by fear. The only cool thing he did was manipulate Han into helping him rescue Rey

Wont be so cool when he's banging the white chick and thier half breef offspring are the future stars of new films.

whatever you say, kid. keep your cuc fantasies out of MY star wars.

did anyone keep the boyega thicc edits

Han's dead.

But we know he's banging the asian chick.

>the big fluffy dog thing gets upgraded to human status by the introduction of a nigger


You know he was just playing a character on BB right? He's not actually retarded.

care to share any interesting stories about him? i need to hear some to confirm if he's cool or not so i can feel like i'm not racist, really glad i was lucky enough to run into someone on Sup Forums of all places who knew him personally

he visites some dying kid on an hospital and played like 3 hours with him. Now compare this pic with the Ghostbusters bitches visiting that other dying kid. with his twitter and instagram posts he just seems like a normal guy.

>the kid doesn't realise his wallet is missing yet

cute pic tho

heh heh. epic joke.

>tfw you will never see Old Han calling Old Luke "kid".

So Poe is Leia?

He was best part of new Star Wars - prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't

"Ooga Boogayega is an ugly nigger, they should have cast this down syndrome reject instead simply because he's blonde"

Kylo's better

it wouldn't have fit very well with the story

there would have to be a confrontation over the fact Luke basically led his son to the dark side

I know hes supposed to be in costume, but who lets someone that dirty into their car?

This is called "Drama", kids...

>go on anti-american rants constantly for the last several months
>get rewarded with bigger parts in movies

but that gets in the way of the action scenes

you're right, it would've been too good an idea for the barely thought-out shitty narrative we're stuck with

>thinking han is dead

lando saved him

>tfw we find out in the prequel Han movie that he was impaled through the chest by a similar device thirty years ago
>tfw in episode 9 he steps out of Lando's ship and reveals he was only stabbed in his artificial gall-bladder, fell through an air duct, and landed out on the snow, next to a launchpad where Lando happened to be planning to take off in his ship

This would be very frowned upon in my country.

>he prefers action over story
Let me guess, you're one of those faggots who unironically think the prequels are kino?

Too bad that club didn't go up in flames too. Oh well, 20 or so dead degenerates in Oakland is pretty decent.

>Id rather have a white with down syndrome than a black actor

White pettiness everyone

I'm not saying i prefer it faggot, i'm saying its obviously what they're aiming for with goddamn Jewjew

I thought it was cute how the guy on the left kept saying "Harrison Ford is my best friend"

>boyega's cool
>the actor is cool
too bad his character is shit.