Mass Amounts Of Muslims Converting FROM Islam?

>Muslims disillusioned by the violence and unrest in the Middle East are embracing Christianity at an unprecedented rate after experiencing the love of Christ and hearing the truth of the Gospel.

>A large amount of refugees who converted to Christianity in the United Kingdom are protesting their denial for asylum after authorities said they could not prove the authenticity of their Christian faith by reciting the 10 Commandments.

Let's talk about this.

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This is not a meme, a muslim can get baptized in some situations and still remaim a muslim

>le churches in saudi arabis meme

If you're not aware, Saudis don't even give a shit about their Arab neighbors. They have more wealth than they know what to do with and give nothing to poor islamic countries like they're commanded to.

Hard to request special status when you convert away.

Besides, this is how all religions effectively take hold. You either have genuine converts or those who do it out of convenience, but it's the next generations especially that delve in to and spread the faith.

I wouldn't trust em' either ways.

>I-I can stay if I convert to your dying religion, right?

No, and any church accepting you ought to be burned down.

I want to believe but

you really can't know since al-taqiyya is a thing

>religions commands that if someone threatens to kill you unless you "repent" from your false religion, you can fake it
>this is somehow seen as abnormal

that is fine, HOWEVER, the "threat" does not have to be a threat of dearh, it is interpreted differently by all sects of muslims.

Nice try, ahmed

I genuinely hope these are all sincere converts but a lot convert just to strengthen their refugee status because they would be killed if they were to return

There are muslim scholars who say this deception can be used when islam is attacked, and this could mean the USA getting mad over 9/11

Zyklon Ben never gets old

There has to be some kind of exemption to this Taqiyya thing: like defacing a Qu'ran, eating pig, insulting the profit, etc.

>Hey man, Saudi Arabia isn't just that big of a piece of shit-tumor of a country: IT'S EVEN A BIGGER PIECE OF SHIT-TUMOR OF A COUNTRY.

The fuck you trying to get at dude? Saudi Arabia has never done anything positive for the world and is an international cancer. I'm assuming we both agree on this, correct?


Are you implying the converts should be sent back and become martyrs for Christendom, cause i'm cool with it.

There are no exceptions...

>I genuinely hope these are all sincere converts

They're still shitskins and have no place in Europe, but if you're so accepting of them just because they had some water splashed on them, you can take them.

i don't know, would you believe whatever answer you got if you asked them?

There has to be some way.

Well, I'm hoping there's a theologian who doesn't identify as a Muslim on Sup Forums who can point out a loophole he found.

There isn't, im not making this up, a muslim can inject pig blood directly into his bloodstream. This deception tactic would be worthless if there were exceptions.

If there was a real loophole, the entire thing would become worthless

Nah, maybe send them to Lebanon the country used to be majority Christian

I never even wanted these guys to make it to greece let alone Austria these guys could have said in middle east at most I will give them Albania

Or what if, muds are genuinely converting because they don't want to worship a pedophiliac warlord?

*should have

then they can go live in Poland. How would you feel about that?

Its possible but rare, but i know arabs tnat are extremely christian, who were never in a family of muslims in the first place. Those you can trust

Egypt used to be too

not in living memory Lebanon was like 70 years and is 40% christian today and has active militia

I do not see a problem here, they would either fuck off to Germany, or get a shit job because they have no education.
Poland always was very tolerant country to those who shut up and do not try to steal/ live from gibs

>Poland always was very tolerant country

Based Poland meme BTFO

read this book about this subject:

They are told they have an easier path to citizenship if they convert to christianity.. there's nothing to stop them from going back to islam afterwards..

They do it so they can't be deported, they can argue that they will be persecuted if they're kicked out.

We are still based PseudoKrauts, we just do not have enough violence to beat everybody

I want to believe, I really really do but this is a thing so I'll stay wary. In germany many refugees also converted to christianity.

> When they say they turn the other cheek but they moon you instead
> When you want everyone to stop fighting and chill out but you're in a fuckin' sandy desert
> When you try to bust up illegal activities yourself and the police fucking crucify you
> When you say the meek will inherit the earth but the earth is a burnt out cinder by the time the not-so-meek kill each other
> When they inevitably betray you for "them programs" and "gibsdat"
> They wear t-shirts with your face on it but never get your face right

Martyrdom is best



Don't trust them, you will not change their culture and who they are with a bit of water on the head.

The moment they have asylum you can be sure they will go back to their cancerous religion.

>muslim arabs move in droves to christian countries
>eventually become christian themselves
>still violent sand niggers, so they turn on muslims
>second crusade begins

Taqiyya is only practiced Shias and literally every West-attacking terrorist organisation besides those that target Israel (Hezbollah) is Sunni. Shias are also only 10% of the world's Muslim population and they invented Taqiyya to avoid being killed by Sunnis.

Taqiyya is only practiced by Shias and literally every West-attacking terrorist organisation besides those that target Israel (Hezbollah) is Sunni. Shias also only make 10% of the world's Muslim population and Taqiyya was created as a tactic to avoid being killed by Sunnis.

Fuck off, sunnis have idtirar.


uh no hes right, unclean animals don't magically become clean with taqiyya. Eating pork would still be unclean.

Okay Ahmed.

Prove it by eating this bacon sandwich.

Problem solved.

The Koran praises Muhammed for lying to his enemies.

No it's not. The Islamic faith allows all forms of lying about being Islamic or not if it furthers Islamic interests in some way, shape, or form and had no repercussions for going against their true faith.

Religious people: mentally ill people who look for excuses in the sky while they slice you up.

>"One question they asked me was very strange - what colour was the cover of the Bible," he said. "I knew there were different colors. The one I had was red.

The fuck?

>They asked me questions I was not able to answer - for example, what are the Ten Commandments. I could not name them all from memory."

Meh, as long as you get:

>No God but God
>Don't kill people.
>No cucking
>No stealing

you should pass. You might not remember honoring parents and Sundays or false witnessing were apart of them and coveting and idols blurs into not stealing and one God.

Atheist: All they know about religion is from the Simpsons yet they insist on proclaiming to be the educated ones

>George Soros: Hey, stupid Musl- oh i mean poor refugees! Convert to Christianity and get more money in Europe!

>Muhhamood: Allahu akbar? Al- oh i mean praise the Lord! Deus Vult! (fingers crossed for Taqiyya)

You forgot Family Guys.

Religious people: i convert to anything i need to integrate, i mix with any race i need to integrate, i take any bribe i need, i cheat all the time, while talking about importance of race, my current religion and how honest i am.
Christians allowed Muslims in, Christians ruined Europe, Christians looted Europe, Christians invited every crook from USA to Europe, now Muslims will become Christians. What a surprise, no seriously, i am so shocked.

My point is that Saudi Arabia doesn't even follow Islam. The very fucking idea of a Kingdom is forbidden under Islam, the religion forbids it. How much more do you want to show you that Saudi Arabia isn't doing anything right?

They are primitive desert people who only care about their own tribes. Even their Arab 'neighbors', can be starving and in complete poverty and they will make zero effort to give any financial help.

what about nuking mecca? would he still be a muslim?

Matthew 7:16-29

Thats how you know if its real

This 2bh, but give them the sandwich first and then tell them it has bacon in it (whether it actually does or not). That way any imitation converts will be taken off guard.

As I recall taqiyya is only supposed to apply to cases of persecution (i.e. you can say you aren't a Muslim if you're going to be killed for being Muslim) but scholars decided it can be practiced whenever because infidels are enemies of Islam to begin with.

>They are primitive desert people who only care about their own tribes

Before the modern age, Arabia was marked on maps as uncivilized desert. The only other time they had their shit together was during the lifetime of Muhammad.

Saudi Arabia, just before oil was found.

They are converting to become a persecuted group in their home country and have their asylum be accepted, they're not converting at all.

literally a taqiyya post to portray taqiyya as conspiracy

They are pretty much the ones who fund building mosques in Europe
They also fund education in most of the Sunni world
And "coincidentally" happens to have a majority adhering to Wahabism(Saudi salafism)

Seems like alot like a plot by them to islamify Europe

You forgot the ""

[Taqiyya intesifies]

They only do it because they think it improves their chances of permanent residency. Jokes on them, my country is pissing over christian values since the 60's.

first post best post

>There has to be some kind of exemption to this Taqiyya thing: like defacing a Qu'ran, eating pig, insulting the profit, etc.
nope. they can literally do anything. "allah is deception!"

>insulting the profit

That's only a jewish sin.

yeah, that's it







>Christian Converts Denied Asylum in UK After Failing to Properly Recite 10 Commandments, Answer Bible Trivia

Holy shit, the UK is finally showing some balls?

The exact thing i thought of when i read the post. Kek

>what is kitman
kys, mudskin

So is the happening part over? is the shooter still active?

To be fair, most Christians would fail it too

I met an Egyptian in an Orthodox church who said his parents had been Jews but were forced to convert to Sunni Islam. He went from Muslim to Christian because he liked its philosophy better or something, and he came to the US because his life was in danger for apostasy. That's what he said.

Definitely this. I can't trust a Muslim anymore. They know what they are doing, and always have a smug smile put on. They must be laughing at how naive most people are.

This sounds like something someone practicing Taqiyya would say

The only way I'd accept a refugee into my home is if he proved he wasn't Muslim or switching Islam out for another crusty desert religion.

>Write a paper on why all 3 Semitic religions are bad. Single spaced, 4 pages.
>Another paper on why Islam is objectively the worst if one were forced to choose.
>Eat a meat lover's pizza directly off the table. No plates
>Disclose information that would jeopardize your country of origin's national security
>Watch one whole anime series of your choice
>Have pre-existing weed connections

I don't know much about the Islamic ideas surrounding Taqiyya, but it's an obvious behavior which a cult would exhibit, and which they commonly do.