
Kittilän getsemane -painos

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eka cockille

Oisko tällänen kätevä parvekkeelle?
Ei tarvis viedä roskia niin usein

Olut saa minut niin kovin väsyneeksi

Ilmeeni kun teen töitä viikonloppuisin. Nyt menossa 9. työpäivä putkeen...

Sama mut juon kossua.

Oispa Compa.

Oispa neekeri nep


joo sori tarvitsin lisää rahaa. käytin jo ekan lottovoiton. otan samalla kelarahoja kun niitäkin tarjoavat

wtf her back is definitively broken

>WHO varoittaa parantumattomasta supertippurista – mitkään antibiootit eivät tehoa
Onneks en oo normo.


Nyt saatiin me nyymit se viimeinen nauru.

Pillunväistö on tulevaisuus.

Joo mut mieti että normojen takia jos joskus saat suihinoton joltain niin voit saada jonkun loppuelämän kestävän sukupuolitaudin

suihinotto ja anaaliseksi on jutkujen juonia
mällit kuuluu pilluun

>jos joskus saat suihinoton joltain

Pitää kyllä olla jo supernormo että suostuis johonki tollasee

how do I get a finnish gf?

she is not an actual human being


Rupeen vegaaniks ja hankin sen äs seiskan. /mämmi/ä en kuitenkaan voisi koskaan lopettaa

Animea ja alkoholia

voi kai sen terveytensä noinkin pilata, mut joisit nyt vaikka sitä viinaa niinku muutkin



Kato "What the health" dokkari niin tuut säkin toisiin aatoksiin. Mun koko kroppa on jatkuvassa tulehdustilassa (esim. naama ja kyynärpäät), koska vedän tätä vitun lihaa joka päivä.

juuh varmaan katoa kaikki väri naamasta kun vaihdat vegaaniksi

This enrages and confuses the Finn.


Jooh kannattaa aina luottaa dokumentteihin joissa on joku agenda taustalla

I´ve managed to do 64kms in under 5 hours, also, not on roads and on an mtb

This causes the norwegian oil baron to lose his sleep.

heräsin juuri. Menin nukkumaan neljältä päivällä.

hyvää huomenta

Sittenpä nukkumaan ilta yhdeksältä niin päivärytmi on jepa.

What do you mean by this? You think our electricity is from oil? 99.7% of our electricity is from hydropower.


what if everyone else stops using oil too?


This makes the norweigan to cross the border

Onpas kallis. Ja vielä paskaa olutta.


you mean the mountains?

Depends, are you talking a non-realistic scenario where everyone just stops immediately, or are you talking a realistic scenario like we have right now in which Norway is making economical gains whilst also phasing out oil slowly?

Don't say the m-word in their presence.

what is realistic is that in 50 years Norway will be surpassed by baltic countries since you have nothing else than oil and are colder than lapland so nothing even grows there

suuri harmitus


haluuaa olla


jättiputki vamma

why would dey h8 mounts ? it is tiring to get on top of one, but the views are quite rewarding


Blatantly untrue.

Norway has as good "human resources" as spurdoland. When their oil runs out, they just become more innovative.

You have much to learn about Norwegian economy. I'm starting to think you're stupid.

The flatness is really the most depressing thing about Finland

yeah and we know how well that went it the past, they started to rape and pillage their neighbourhood countries since they went mad on their since they are dumb as fuck barbarians

not an argument but an ad hominem, educate yourself and then grow up

>they started to rape and pillage their neighbourhood countries since they went mad on their since they are dumb as fuck barbarians

wasnt that many hundreds of years ago ?

yeah before they were told they could get wealth from the oil but when they lose that they will fall back to their tribal nature

Mitäs muiden nyymien iltaan kuuluu?

Not going to argue with someone who never took a real look into our economy, thus believes it to be some kind of saudi arabia economy. If you're interested then you should educate yourself desu.

>not recognizing the bants
>unironically thinks we're being serious and not just trying to trigger the norwegian lad

their current human resources are foreign and they will leave once the oil money runs dry

weren't Finns even more primitive at that time?


Meen nukkuun.

Huono lanka.


so, i get called evil all the time for trying to get funny triggeridoo replies but when ruskie swedes (f*nns) do it, they re not evil, huh ?

if Im so blatantly wrong then surely it will be very easy to prove we wrong

but Im not, which is why you are just running away from the debate, this weakness is exactly what will cause the fall of Norway, your people have never had to work for anything in your history.

Nope, Finland had many small kingdoms who were completely self-sufficient and never raided or attacker other countries and who the vikings actually feared which is why they sailed west and not east for easy pickings.

But we're proud of the rape and pillaging.

Excuse me?!

how's your gf btw?

is she open for threesome? I know you are ;)

Tytynyymi paikalla. Puhelin sitten teki jumit mut onneks sain sen kuntoon palauttamalla tehdasasetukset ja jumalauta kun toimii nopeasti. Ja luojan kiitos kun nykyään puhelimet varmuuskopioi kaiken pilveen niin ei mitään tärkeetä hävinnyt.

Finns are special.
They don't really know when someone is being literal or not, so they nearly always take everything literally.
So if they feel attacked they'll either go the 'lol I was joking' way (which is blatant bull) or get really angry in the most autistic possible way.

That or they're underage retards pretending to be masterminds by lying blatantly and using shit arguments like this user.

mitäs sitä polttelis tänään

Proving you wrong means I have to get into the technicalities which means I have to spend the next 20 minutes or more googling and reading and posting long posts which you will just ignore anyway. Instead I'll let go of the bait.

during june i visited her and posted here a bit under a binnish flag, but i still barely posted here, i want a bönde gfriend from costa del sol, but probably, since there are only 5000 fingols, most likely there are under 1000 bangable fingolese wimminz

post ass slut

Mee vittuun /__\

Hei huora, painu vittuun laskemasta langan tasoa

>ole työmatkalla
>istahda pitkän duunipäivän jälkeen hotellin sängyn reunalle
>tajua, ettei kotimaassa ole ketään, joka odottaisi paluutasi
>käsittämätön yksinäisyys.exe
Mistähän sekin potkasi. Koko seuraava päivä meni semmosessa puolihorrostilassa ja asia painaa vieläkin vähän mieltä.

beginner tier bait, but what can you expect from a creature with zero creativity
yes it takes actual work to do the research and educate yourself on the facts, Im not surprised you rather just run away tail between your legs

There is really nothing to prove. You guys rely on natural resources and are the least innovative of all nordics

t. different dood

>run away tail between your legs
damnit, are all f*nns dis much into furries (yis, i know, dis expression exist in spane too)

Who the fuck are you and why are you here?

ootko vähäm tyhäm?

bestiality is legal in Finland you know
inb4 samis are the only ones fucking reindeers

Sellasia tuppaa iskevän itelläkin. Sulla on nyt sellanen itsetietoisuuden aika menossa, sellasia kun tulee se tarkottaa vaan sitä että ite et ole tyytyväinen nykyiseen tilanteeseen ja haluaisit tehä sille jotakin.

Voitteko lopettaa ton huomiohuoran ruokkimisen.

Lukisin mielummin vaikka oispapostausta ku ton kehitysvammasen harhakuvitelmia.

isn't that quite self-evident?

you had a finnish bf after all

umm reindeers are cute as fuck tho?


habla en espiñol ¡¡¡¿¿¿

120/10 bant

repsis kopsis

more than many Finns, yeah, but you're not supposed to fuck animals, it's gross and harmful

how is it harmful if they enjoy it too? killing them for food is much more harmful and thats fine

Yes about 20% of our GDP is from natural resources and industries related to it. It takes time to phase oil out, but we're doing it successfully. Meanwhile oil and gas isn't going anywhere the next 50 years, so nobody is worrying about our economy except apparently you.

damnit, still amused by that great bant, also, colombians fug female donkeys

Lopeta beanerhuoralle vastaaminen

But reindeer pussy feels good around my thicc benis

lmao, good one

para qué, los finlandeses seguramente responderían con incoherentes alusiones a mexico

Maybe this is of interest