The Rapist Bill Clinton: Bill Clinton is a Rapist

Why did Bill Clinton rape all those people?

Can't he get laid at home?

citation on rape convinctions please

Listen and believe.

>Listen and believe.


He gets raped at home
Then he goes and rapes women at work
It's not his fault guys

Because he was married to Hillary.

He probably gets off on taking advantage and dominating these women. Regular sex wouldn't cut it for him. I hope he dies.

>Man is accused of rape.
>Women: "Listen and believe! Won't someone think of the victims?! Rape is the worst crime ever!"

>Bill Clinton is accused of rape.
>Women: "Those women are clearly lying! This is a Republican witch hunt! Rape isn't that bad of a crime!"

I just hope he dies. I have no intention of killing him FBI desu.

or, neither of them raped anyone

>ignore reports

lol xD im #stillwither

$hill $hill git an stay git

>"Those women are lying! All 32 of them!"


Listen and believe... but only when you want to.

And got beaten too!
Hillary is the real monster behind all of this.

if hillary is the listen and believe position, and i'm saying that neither of them raped anyone, how does that make me a hillary shill?

this place really doesn't make any god damn sense

Hill Shills love rape.

>this place

Spotted the shill.

>implying Trump will win

but none of them were raped

again, shill for what/who

make up your mind already

>but none of them were raped

Except the ones that were.

>but none of them were raped

Blaming the victims, calling them liars.

These paid Hill Shills are real human garbage.

Thanks for reminding me to work out.

If $hillary couldn't satisfy Bill how will she satisfy a whole country?

>Except the ones that were.

so where is the citation on the convictions

>Blaming the victims, calling them liars.

so you are taking the sjw position but i'm somehow the hillary shill?

It's pretty clear Bill raped or at-least sexually assaulted some of them. There is more definitive evidence against him than Bill Cosby or the Stanford kid.

I kind of feel bad for Bill because Hillary was pretty cute when she was young and she turned in to that. Don't blame him for getting his fix elsewhere. Probably should have made sure they were a bit more cooperative, though.

Gotta post reaction faces to confuse Sup Forums, right babe.


>sjw buzz word
>calling Sup Forums "this place"
>using sliding tactics

Spotted the Hill Shill

You support a woman who is a murderer and her husband who is a rapist.

You have the blood of innocents on your hands.

Cancerous. Kill yourself.

>Hill Shill

and yet you've been unable to clearly explain how that makes sense when you are the one using sjw tactics and baseless feelings arguments