"oh you're Italian? I am like 1/4 italian!"

"oh you're Italian? I am like 1/4 italian!"

Other urls found in this thread:



i'm half Sicilian, i feel totally ashamed by that

I'd like to try your nonna's cannoli, if you know what I mean



>mfw unironically 1/4 italian

>tfw when i'm 100% italian

hello there, paisanos

tfw 0/4 italian

my grandfather killed her

>my grandfather killed her

>tfw you're from napoli and they call you Italian

wh*tes not allowed in here

nothing personal, whiteboyo

>tfw 0% Italian

>tfw you're from napoli

nice shitapasta

this is what Sicilians used to do no ? They are overly passionated.

>t. M'Dongo Biancavilla da Scampia

ma ha anche dei difetti


>t. Domenico "Domingo83" Mele



if i was any % italian dog i would kill myself


>non merda

>rural Czechs

i'm 1/1024 italian
cant wait to go to rome for my ancestors :)

I am Greek

It's not all bad, they allow me to enjoy fair approximations of Italian cuisine without having to leave this continent.

you are shitskin from USA




ciao bello ;)

"hey there my fellow italian, what's your name?"

Sono greco

Ce-ai spus bau bau micio micio despre mine, micule besugo? Vreau să știți că am terminat clasa mea la Kooly Noody și am fost implicat în numeroase tapiri secrete pe Sgarbi și am mai mult de 300 de confirmări su gei e tric e trac. Sunt instruit în războiul tricheballacche și sunt liderul Capitan Ventosa în toate forțele armate din Mediaset. Nu ești nimic pentru mine, ci doar un alt Romano Prrr ... Romano Prr ... Romano Prodi !. Voi să-ți dai birou-birou dracu cu precizie, cum ar fi care nu a fost văzut niciodată pe acest program, să-mi marchez cuvântul meu de di cui abbiamo una diapositiva. Crezi că poți să scapi să-mi spui rahatul ăsta pe Internet? E allora ??? E allooooora ??? Eh eh eh! În timp ce vorbim, contactez rețeaua mea secretă de inviați din Italia și IP-ul tău este urmărit chiar acum, ca să te pregătești mai bine pentru tapiro, besugo. Che roba! Che roba! Care șterge chestia patetică pe care o numiți ciapèt. Ești nenorocit de tine? copil. Pot fi oriunde, oricând, și pot farti accapponare i capelli în peste șapte sute de moduri, și asta e doar cu mâinile goale. Nu numai că am fost instruit pe larg în STACCHETTO, dar am acces la întregul arsenal al lui LE VELINE și îl voi folosi în întregime pentru a șterge bau bau mizerabil de pe micul mic, micul CERTO CHE E 'LUI ! Dacă ați fi știut doar ce sentimental SOS GABIBBO pe care ni-l povestea micul "inteligent" vroia să-ți aducă în jos, poate că ți-ai fi ținut limba. Dar nu ai putut, nu ai făcut-o, E aloră ??? E allooooora ??? Eh eh eh, blestemat, Pino .. Abete. O să-ți fac furia peste tine și vei fi într-o casă de sac. Ai atașat cu dracu, kiddo.


stupido eziu greggiescu poster

isn't that a Godzilla monster?

yes, it's angryfrogzilla

wen post papu

>tfw 4/4 cryptoitalian

>muh heritage is 50% italiano

>Driving down road
>Look to right
>Some bar surrounded by woods
>Letters on side say, "Italian American gentleman's club"
>Drive further
>See restaurant with two flags
>Italian and America
I go full "

>tfw 1/16 Ligurian


what are italian immigrants like in your country?

I myself am more than happen to go full German when the situation arises, such as when my parish hosts our annual Oktoberfest (in late September).

I don't actually know, I only have their children's children to judge.

Of course, the world knows all about what ours were like surely, you've seen the Godfather. Or watched the Untouchables maybe.

It's always people with Italian ascendants. Always. People with Spanish ascendants or others don't do that shit over here. Shit's fucking annoying.

If I had to choose I'd stick to Italian culture over hispanic.

I go full Irish in the presence of Englishmen.
If it's online I'll metaphorically murder them with arguments.
If it's in person I just act disgusted they exist.


are you for real?

so glad she escaped that basketcase of a country

I'm half italian, but its on my fathers side so I got the name and all that shit. Everyone wants to be the masterrace OP. I would never claim to be italian but I'm happy my roots, my surname, my entire paternal side comes from there.

I have shit like this saved how am I not for real

Also being grossed out by the English in person isn't FULLY because of Irish heritage. English people are disgusting and annoying.

that's too weird, you know this isn't the 19th century, if you want to be a fenian you can go back to ireland, they're not illegal anymore

I'm only a fenian when English folks are around because they act like everything they did was justified when they were the most evil men in human history.
As said, I'm only part time paddy, and Ireland doesn't have 2a rights.

I know a (100% white) cutie who's part sicilian

Good Lord.

Is that the truth?


>open thread
>google tells me this page is in Romanian and asks to translate it

I can't see how you'd come to that subject so often unless you weren't bringing it upon yourself to broach it.

You'd be surprised.
I do broach it sometimes though. But Brits on Sup Forums in particular love to sperge about MUH OIRESH SUBYUMANS

yes, he also harakiri'd

bun venit în Italia frate

Not their fault the Irish are subhuman

now he's going to think you're me

>implying you aren't me

How many English people do you bump into in the USA? There's what, one English background person per every million spic, Irish, Italian, and African lad.
You've probably never been in the same room as an English person.

Bonjourno putanas

Most people here are some sort of anglo despite the memes

this is true, however, sadly there are a surprisingly large amount hispanics in old mill cities in Massachusetts

ugly creatures

They're just being sociable, you autists.
I don't think anyone buys into actually being a part of their heritage's culture, until they get convinced by travel agency propaganda.

Vast majority of whites in the US have english ancestry. For some reason they think they're irish even though they're probably 75% english anglo saxon, but their great grandfather was irish or some shit. Yes Boston is very irish, most of the north east is but outside of that? English.

I'm 1/16 Italian です

>I go full "

>Vast majority of whites in the US have english ancestry

i am actually 1/4 irish and german
if i ever go to ireland of course i will feel irish, why not. wouldn't you?

>Vast majority of whites in the US have english ancestry
have you like tried googling that or something?

Yeah it's well known among people that study populations

Because in ireland you are just a mongrel to fleece money out of. Nigerians and indians that live there are considered more irish than you

>mfw unironically 1/2 Italian.

ITT: Kyle




what'd you have is a really good time, we have wagons of free beer

>That picture
Fuck I swallowed an orange seed

post feet and be my wife.

I think it's the huge monkey face that does it

I'm pretty sure I already showed you my (male) feet on /fr/ the other day

ffs, when I say cuties I mean girl (girl) cuties

I’m sick of you Irishmen telling us Irish-Americans what a real Irishman is. I’ve been to Cork and Dublin and you’re nowhere near as Irish as us in Boston and New York. In your bars I’ve witnessed you watching soccer games and listening to British bands, with not a pint of Guinness or an Irish Flag in sight. I think Ireland is too near to Britain, so come to Boston to be reminded of what being Irish is all about. It seems you’ve forgotten true Irish pride.

My grandfather is from Palermo.


I have, it was a mother's friend.
I was disgusted by her presence and accent.

Also as said, largely online.

Glad he isn't you

Irish culture isn't very much different from American culture so it's fine.

Is that from youtube or Facebook

i wouldn't mind spending a little money there as long as i feel irish and loved by the irish