Why does American society accept antidepressant drugs

for kids, despite studies showing that using drugs on kids to fight depression doesn't work?

Who is selling this idea that kids' depresssion can be fought with the drug Juju?

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>Fuck off

Could it possibly be drug companies?


its a money maker, parents have problem with child, take to psych, psych say the problem and the solution is a lifelong supply of "medication" that really just sedates you

before you know it your hooked and if you stop you will go through horrible withdrawel and probably relapse with harder drugs

>people are greedy
>there is money to be made ruining peoples life


The causes are lazy parents and drug companies with money on their minds.

Because freedumb isn't free :^)

I don't know about traditional anti-depressants, but amphetamines like adderall are truly miracle drugs when it comes to relieving crippling depression.

>Could it possibly be drug companies?
Somebody knows what's going on and where the drug Juju is coming from.

As someone with severe anxiety.

I've been taking moderate doses of benzos for a year now and today I ran out (until I found some extras I stashed away). Benzo withdrawal is complete hell. Mentally and physically. I was sweating, shaking, legs felt like jelly while I was walking or they'd spasm if I wasn't walking. I wanted to crawl out of my skin while all I would do was lie down in my hot room with the AC and fan off, staring at the ceiling thinking about shit that I knew was making me feel worse.

TL;DR doctors should not be allowed to prescribe benzos long term. Even after two weeks of taking them and you get off your anxiety will be doubled. Terrible, terrible drug.

This annoys me so much.

Drug companies make what they think there might be a market for.

They aren't DEALERS. Those are the doctors. Doctors make the real money, while the pharmas spend all their time working hard in laboratories with the most stringent legal hurdles they somehow have to contend with.

severe anxiety reporting in as well, right now on first week of sertraline, does not feel too bad now that most of side effects are settling down, still waiting for it to start working proper tho.

>Terrible, terrible drug.
Then why are you still on this shit? You know you are destroying your body and your mind with it, right?

dude, don't do it. Instead of fucked up drugs, just do an hour of sport a day. It's the natural way to fight your fucked up mind.

You are at such a level of ignorance that it's dangerous.

The fact that Doctors receive billions of dollars in kickbacks and other incentives for prescribing particular drugs is common knowledge.

I am active, doing running and some light excersise every morning, my guess is that main problem lies in my self esteem and how things went in my life. right now I think that I need stability the most, but its hard to have it with limited funds. hoping pillz will let me secure a job so I will not need them long term once I am stable

>so I will not need them long term once I am stable

Good luck with that. But drugs are seriously dangerous, I hope you can get off them again.

Student professor in chemistry, worked in the business for 5 years before wanting something less stressful.

>You are at such a level of ignorance that it's dangerous.
Sweet fucking irony. You literally just say whatever you WANT to believe in. Reality doesn't matter one fucking iota to you.

you do realise pharmaceutical companies are some the the biggest companies in the world right? they also tend to have massive profit margins

When I was a kid I was sad because everyone treated me like shit and my parents had no respect for my privacy or reputation. You want your kids to be happy? Treat them like people.

Severe anxiety here as well, got diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. Basically my heart would never stop pounding and I'd have regular twitches and breakdowns.

My psychiatrist perscribed my Klonopin short term and Effexor long term and now I feel like a normal, happy person. I feel like how REGULAR people are suppose to feel now.

Basically, I feel like Benzo's are fine. A doctor should know how long you should be on it. If a person truly has a severe anxiety issue, then they need medication such as this to actually function.

I took paxil for nearly a year when I was young and it fucked me up




No, I deal in facts. There's a few sources for you as a courtesy because I know you're so dim you couldn't take any time to do a search of your own.

i think there are better alternatives.. there is most likely a cause to your underlying anxiety. a drug just stops your brain from telling you you are feeling anxious

maybe hypnotherapy?

That's the point, to make you dependent on a drug. They make the withdrawal so painful that you'll just take more to make it stop. Gets you to a) throw your money away and b) get the literal feeling that dependence is NECESSARY for function.

It's terrible.

When will people realize that prescription drugs, or drugs in general, are not the answer to personal problems?

>horrible withdrawel and probably relapse with harder drugs

Even pharma salesmen make more than some doctors.

Please don't. I've taken these drugs. You need to deal with your mental health problems without drugs. See a psychologist or just find a hobby, a craft, an art, whatever. You need to find goals and work towards them. I know it's hard, I still am trying.
I'm weaning myself off now. You don't just go off benzos cold turkey unless you wanna go through the hell I've described.

Maybe, I've feeled like I've tried everything. Ever since I was kid I've been jittery and nonsensical. I even started hitting the gym 10 months ago but I still couldn't stop getting anxious over nothing. Plus I tried quitting my previous meds and got worse.I just see it has a disease that I can treat, makes me feel better.

Severe anxiety as well. I exercise, i eat well (paleo diet), i have a great girl and a pretty good life. But i almost always have a tense feeling in my chest and every now and again or anytime I exercise too hard I have what I like to call level 10 panic attacks where i either need to take a benzo just to feel like im bot dying or drive myself to the hospital. These arent just mental panic episodes for anyone else reading. Blood pressure goes up to 140/105 and pulse goes to 130-140 resting. Ekg, blood tests find nothing wrong with me. Anxiety is a motherfucker. I take supplements to try replenish my gaba and seratonin levels but it just doesn't seem to do a whole lot. So to answer OP's question, of why do people take antidepressants, you would have to have severe anxiety or depression to understand. Nothing is worse than trying to describe a panic attack to someone and they try to relate by saying how shaky they got once when they drank too much coffee. I've tried counseling, meditation, sniffing lavender, supplements, changing diet, exercise, quitting video games, limiting internet/computer/tv, giving up caffeine/alcohol... Yet nothing works. I have not tried antidepressants but am pretty close to giving them a shot because anxiety starts to fuck your life up. I have to make sure i have a xanax in my wallet in case I have an attack when i'm at the grocery store or the gym. I get worried every time my heart rate elevates when i walk up stairs to my condo dreading it won't go back down and the adrenaline rush will start. Its a fucked up way to live and it you have t experienced it, its hard to understand.

Its different here in the US. Health"care" is really fucked up. There is a reason our country is going down in flames and health/education are the two big reasons.

I have no idea

I got all the antidepressants that I need in the form of a pure unadulterated village moonshine produced from the finest plums.


i used to take benzos recreationally. can't even imagine what it's like if you take that shit all the time and then have to quit

It's women's fault, they don't give a shit about facts.

There's barely any men involved in children's lives till high school, especially if they live with a single mom.

Women hate "difficult" kids and when they see one, they just drug them up so they fit in the mould.

Some people just have unbalanced neurotransmitter levels that they can't "fix" and need maintenance drugs. Antidepressants are for sure overprescribed but they are right for some people.

Right on, it's a hellish nightmare having your entire body in pain due to crippling anxiety. I even got to the point if biting myself to try to get my mind off of it.

There are some things that just can't be fixed without medication. It sucks, but I've come to realize that if I want to experience life as a normal person I'm going to have to take at least something to get to their level.

i've been under the impression doctors in the US will basically hand out prescriptions on request and not even bother to do any tests or anything to confirm if you actually need it

i think here it varies a bit because there will always be that doctor basically selling prescriptions but we do have far more regulation. my doctor won't give out a single fucking thing unless there's proof you need it

Have you tried spending extended periods of time in nature? It did wonders for me.

Cities, especially big ones tend to amplify anxiety.

And let me rephrase this. It's not a terrible drug. It's an amazing drug and a great advancement from barbiturates used in like the 60s. These just aren't meant for long term. If you're on them long term your tolerance is gonna raise until your doctor cuts you off or you run out. Benzo withdrawal is worse than heroin withdrawal, you can actually die.

>i eat well
>paleo diet
Don't always equate. Learn to think for yourself and get away from fad diets.

They do work.

The problem is 90% of people taking them don't actually have depression or anxiety.

Real anxiety keeps you in your house, keeps you from driving, keeps you from living a normal life.

These cunts just think being scared to stand in front of your class for a project counts as an anxiety disorder. Or "not being cool" is depression.

It's the secular replacement to religion.

People use to just pray to feel better or believe in god to try and behave. Now they got to be doped up.

Not my problem. People brought this on themselves.

Give people more drugs, don't give a shit.

>where i either need to take a benzo just to feel like im bot dying or drive myself to the hospital.

It is called drug addiction.

Guy gets depressed, goes to psychiatrist.
Gets prescribed SSRIs. Goes on killing spree. Many such cases!

>keeps you from driving

this so much, i don't know how I'm ever going to get over this.

>Women hate "difficult" kids and when they see one, they just drug them up so they fit in the mould

that's what happened to me. i was on ritalin by the time i was like 5 and by my teens i was taking like 6 different drugs. the only one i ever had that actually did help me was prozac which cured my anxiety and sleeping issues but i wasn't on it very long

>Or "not being cool" is depression.

Hold on, it's not? I forgot my sunglasses the other day and didn't feel cool... so you are saying, I should not have taken anti-depressants to remedy this feeling?

While I generally agree with you, the problem is not distinct to the US. The NHS recently banned officials in March from accepting gifts from pharmaceutical companies. Everything from monetary compensation to lavish trips.


relax, health and education are mostly going down because we've been flooding this country with fucking spics

sometimes its just shitty parents and the docs giving in because its easy. my mother had a "hard time" with me when I was in the 1st-3rd grade and kept taking me to places who suggested I get on pills to help since I was apparently fighting with her a lot and she coukd not handle it. Thankfully I never got on the pills, I was fighting with her because she would drink herself stupid every night so My poor attitude they wanted to cram pills in my mouth to correct was from dealing with that.

big pharmaceutical companies 'incentivize' hospitals who 'incentivize' doctors to prescribe these expensive addictive emotional poisons that turn people into zombies

While you'll be a good drunk uncle someday, it's just not that simple. Greed, corruption and incompetence play a huge factor in the abject state of these systems.

>my mother had a "hard time" with me when I was in the 1st-3rd grade and kept taking me to places who suggested I get on pills to help since I was apparently fighting with her a lot and she coukd not handle it.

What is a nice little slap in the face once and there?

When I was 5 or 6, I refused to eat certain things and bitched about "not wanting to eat" this or that. My mum started a regime of one spoon of cod liver oil each night. This shit tasted so bad, 10 days later I was prepared to eat whatever they handed me and didn't speak up about anything food related any more.

I have one of those doctors too. Real pain in the ass sometimes. Acts like i'm trying to score dope when i want codeine for a sore throat thats preventing me from eating or drinking anything besides warm water. But at the same time would write me a prescription for sertraline or celexa like theyre skittles.

No. i live in the pacific northwest north of seattle but I was raised on the east coast in NY. Part of me (paranoid anxious part probably) thinks that i'm like allergic to some pollen or something here and its feeding my anxiety so i tend to stay indoors and read, shitpost. Its really nice out lately so i'll probably take your advice and do some hiking. Carefully though because the slightest fucking breeze can trigger an attack. I do take my dog on walks and I seem to be fine then.

I'm not a paleo nazi or anything. Its in moderation. I couldn't live without cheese and yogurt.

But proper parenting actually takes effort, it's much easier to just drug them up and be done with it.

the drugs benefit so many people other than the actual child.
parents like drugs so they are not at fault
doctors and pharma gets profit from this
so just like the debt, kids gets the short end of stick once again

To make money

Big pharma, bro.
Erryone getting st8 paid.

Pill popping in America is obscene

Drug addiction when i only take as needed to alleiviate heart palpitations, sweating, high blood pressure, and a feeling of overall terror that comes out of nowhere.
Fuck off Akhmed. You have no idea what you're talking about. A 1mg xanax maybe twice a month is far from an addiction.

You shouldn't have withdrawals if you taper properly.

And really you should only use them for emergency and utilize CBT and have a support system from friends/family to control chronic symptoms and mild panic attacks.

Benzos are way over prescribed, but life savers for people who actually need them on an "as needed" basis.

Took me about 6 years of panic disorder / ocd to go from not being able to shower, eat, or leave my room to living a somewhat normal life and having a benzo and ssri prescription was a big help in that.

Because Jews.


What the fuck are you smoking?
>They aren't DEALERS
Yes, that's the fucking point.
Doctors are the dealers. Drug manufacturers are the suppliers.

You use using an analogy and completely missing the point of your own analogy.

>Greed, corruption and incompetence play a huge factor in the abject state of these systems.
And non-whites who use and abuse the systems set in place

The obese white trash Walmart/Nascar scumfucks are the ones who let it get this bad in the first place though. I hate wetbacks and niggers as much as the next guy but never forget the filthy, flat-footed, failures that brought this upon the decent man.

Good. Humans should use their dairy digesting goodness for their own benefit (as they had developed over countless generations to do).

It's good that you're eating your fruits, nuts, and other healthy things though.

Promise me that you'll never give up the brie.

people that have never experienced a legitimate panic attack will never understand. they think "anxiety" is panic. they literally have no idea what 180 resting heart rate / 160bp, all limbs numb as your body pulls blood from extremities to protect vital organs, and irrational thoughts of certain death feel like. I'd go so far as to say severe panic attacks at least as scary as actual life threatening events and panic disorder is at it's core severe PTSD.

yeah i have the same problem. she doesn't like to give me anything i actually need unless it can be proved i need it.

i get a lot of migraines which can often be bad enough to just completely shut down my day and she won't give me a fucking thing for them. there's no way to actually prove a migraine without getting scan which has something like a 2 year wait list to get AND they can really only see what's going on if you just happen to have a migraine going in

i've considered trying to find a new doctor but that's hard to do here. there's a shortage of family doctors(especially rural) and most won't accept new patients. besides for serious shit she still does the job pretty good such as when i had a cyst on my nut that turned out to be cancer

Never ever.

>2 year wait list
Is this how Canada's healthcare works?

That look people give you when you try to describe it. I always try to say
"Imagine your arm is flailing up and down when you're telling it not too. That is what my heart and mind are doing."
Not being in control of your body or thoughts is the worst thing I've ever been though. If someone offered me 10 million or to never have to experience an anxiety attack ever again for the rest of my life I'd pick the latter. Even the doctors give me "the look" sometimes.

Same here. With Obamacare and all the insurance nonsense going on finding a doctor that actually accepts your insurance and isn't a two hour drive is a miracle.

because the weak willed need to die so the adamant can bring about a new era

generally yes. for serious shit they bump you to the top of the list but anything else you wait in line. it's not ideal but it sure does beat having to take out a second mortgage when you break an arm. most major cities do have private hospitals similar to the US so there's always that for those that can afford it


totally. that's an easy trade. they could offer me all the money in the world and I still wouldn't trade it. with panic disorder you aren't living, just existing. it's one of the most, if not the single most, debilitating mental health disease in my opinion and it isn't taken seriously at all by the public and seldom by the very doctors pretending to treat it.

>doctor tells me to take meds in my adoleszenz phase
>only side effects and doesnt help
>later I found out he's jewish
Really makes you think huh...

As someone who took heavy doses of antidepressants and some of the most potent antipsychotics in the entire world for several of my teenage years, I can confirm that psychiatrists are mostly quacks who push dope.

They're (largely) responsible for my inability to relate to people. After so many years of this, I lost my ability to feel empathy. That's right. Psychiatrists turned me into a bona fide sociopath. The amygdala in my brain is fucked. This was added to my already existing Bipolar type II disorder. Now, I am a broken man who constantly struggles with mood swings, extreme impulsiveness, anger management problems, and an utter lack of compassion or care for others to make my way in the world.

tl;dr don't give your kid to a quack. He'll turn out better if you just beat him with a belt when he acts like a shit.

what happens here is doctors just fuck off to the US where they can make far more. the government offers all kinds of discounts and incentives for people to go to medical school on the condition that after graduating you have to practise here for 5 years or some shit but once that time is up a lot just go to the US.

due to the shortage it's easy as fuck for doctors to immigrate here. if it's from some 3rd world country we'll pay to retrain them but again many just fuck off to the US. really they just come here because we give them a free ride and easy access to the US since it's easier to go from Canada to the US and the US recognises Canadian medical degrees

I honestly wish they would call it something else. People always act like anxiety is like phobias or nervousness, they don't even realize there are terrifying, painful physical symptoms.

Because the parents would rather just shove pills down their kids throat rather than go fishing with them or build a computer with them or whatever.

Interesting. Shitty but interesting. Most of the doctor who jump ship there just end up sitting around at "urgent care clinics" fixing Jose and Jamal's gunshot or knife wounds while the taxpayer flips the bill. Fucked up.

I take Mirtazapine at nights, And it do help. It makes me fall asleep. Before I had insomia and could be up all nights and sleep on the days and it was really painful
Now I sleep all nights and wake up early

I dont care if it was long use side effects, its still better than suffering

Parents are doctors here in roachistan, the amount of """""""""""""""gifts"""""""""""""" is astounding, vacations, wining-dining, sometimes even straight up cash. Sadly both of them are bleeding heart leftists and refuse to take any bribe and write the cheapest alternative (since goverment stop subsidizing and even poor must buy them now). At least I have a lifetime supply of pen-pencils, thank you pzifer.

It might be the same in your country also, be careful when your doctor pushes a drug out of no reason or wants you to buy an overpriced one without being able to explain why it is better.

people will never understand mental illness sadly
ive been on 5 different antidepressants or so until i found one that works, but god damn the amount of people that told me "bro its just in ur head" is insane
unless they have someone in the family who has had problems, they really won't understand how serious of a problem it is
my mom was really fucked in the head, she was a great woman but, she was schizo, she heard voices, thought my dad was cheating on her, thought whenever he mentioned a certain word that it was someone he was cheating on her with, thought her mom was watching her from the woods behind our house.
they divorced when i was in 4th grade (im 21 now), and i've kept in touch with her since then of course, even though she was an hour away
she does much better now, the medicine helps, she has learned how to keep her problems in check
when i turned 15 i started to get very paranoid in school, thought my dad's gf was trying to spy on me, thought people were out to hurt me, thought random shit online was people i knew shit talking me etc
i ended up dropping out and doing online school, finally went to a psychologist, finally found a medicine that works for me after a year and a half of talking to this guy
lo and behold the medicine i was taking was the one that worked for my mom until she stopped taking it because she thought she was "cured" and tapered off of it
she's doing a lot better now, and im doing a lot better now, starting a job soon after constant thoughts of suicide for 5 years
people will sadly never understand mental illness in my lifetime, but maybe sometime they will
but for now i will deal with people saying it's all in ur head bro go get laid smoke some weed l o l

couldn't even wrote the company's name properly, meh fuck them

It would work, if those kids had actual clinical depression, i.e. a chemical imbalance in their brain.

Instead they just give it to absolutely everyone who comes to them with vague emotional problems. Their bad reputation comes mostly from the fact that they use it to medicate people who aren't actually sick, thus suffer from the side effects while getting none of the positive effects.

How do primary care visits work? About the same or is it easier to get an appointment?

>go out and smoke some weed
I've heard this so many fucking times.
If I smoke weed I get an instant level 10 panic attack
>say that to someone
You're not smoking the right kind then.
... Dropped. I tend to not bring it up or talk about it ever for this reason.

I was never a fan of weed either. It always made me paranoid and lazy (both feelings that I hate).
I can psychologically deal with fear (even punching my legs for shaking after doing stupid stuff that should have gotten me killed or just letting it go that the dumbass didn't look before switching lanes when I was ridding a motorcycle). My body was telling me one thing but my mind was telling me that it was ok.

I still can't imagine what a panic attack feels like but they sound like absolute hell. If my brain were differently wired in a random configuration at birth, I'd probably be the same boat that you are.

This thread is about to die but, please, don't let anyone get you down with them telling you to "just get over it" or "fear is just in your mind". You are uniquely wired to be who you are. Try to accept it. You can probably do things that I would be too scared to do, honestly.

Hope you find the right meds/therapy to help you and try to be strong.

An anxiety attack is fuel by neurotransmitters. You're brain is telling you body to be afraid, fight or flight is fully underway, and it could be triggered by nothing. Its impossible to describe. You know very well that you aren't dying but your actual brain is telling you that you are. Yeah, I don't get down about it anymore but it sucks that I can't do a lot of the things that I enjoy like working out with weights because I get panic attacks. Or eat sweets. Or drink even a glass of wine. Or stay up all night playing vidya. But there are still a lot of great things I can do. Finding the right drugs or whatever it is that finally balances me out will be fucking wonderful. I look forward to it.