Björk and Yorke Rom-Com 3: Part Three

Finishing up what we started yesterday. Not too much left, I hope to finish quickly.
Previous thread:

>Thom as he and Bjork run along with Iggy and Prof. Bowie as they walk towards a nondescript car
"What do you mean we can't come? You said yourself, the man's hiding out on his own. How much of threat could he pose?"
"Yeah! And I need to make sure Thor is okay!"
"No kids! It's still too dangerous! You don't know this guy!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Exactly. Men like him are capable of anything. We can't risk taking you two along. We'll make sure you're friend is safe."
>Prof. Bowie
"That's enough! Now go back! Both of you!"
>Thom and Bjork stop dead in the tracks and Thom's mind races with possibilities
>But before he is able to think of anything Bjork steps forward and raises her voice
"Professor!! If you don't take us with you! I'll...I'll tell your wife you're still doing cocaine!"
>Bowie and Iggy both stop
>Iggy is the first to turn around, with a look of fright on his face
"Oh shit!"
>Prof. Bowie turns around slowly, trying hard to keep the fear off his expression
"B-but I'm not Bjork."
>Bjork, taking another step forward defiantly
"And who do you think she'll believe?!"
>Iggy turning to Bowie
"Damn, David if she hears of that..."
>Bjork lowers her voice to a more pleading tone
"Please professor, he's one of my closest friends..."
>Prof. Bowie's face goes stern again and he turns around, but speaks
"You drive a hard bargain Bjork. Alright come along you two! And hurry!"
>Thom and Bjork smile to each other and hurry towards the car
>Iggy, turning to Bowie
"You sure about this?"
>Prof. Bowie
"The man we're after is certainly dangerous...but nothing is more dangerous than my wife."

>The four get out behind Thor's house, located a ways out of town
"This is the place?"
"Yes, he's lived here all his life."
>Prof. Bowie
"Any family with him?"
>Bjork, as she shakes her head
"No. His mother died when he was young. Never spoke of his father."
>Prof. Bowie, as he and Iggy prepare their firearms
"You two stay here for now. We'll check the interior and tell you when it's safe to come in."
>Thom and Bjork stand by the car and watch as Iggy and Bowie walk carefully to the house, then go in the door which they find unlocked
>Moments later, Iggy appears at the door and motions for them to come in. They find themselves in a large open room with Thor tied up to a chair at the back of it with Bowie untying his restraints
>Bjork, rushing up to Thor
"Thor! Are you okay?"
>Thor, struggling to stand
"Yes, yes I'm fine. Thank goodness you're here. I don't know what that man would have done to me if you hadn't come!"
"Hey this kinda reminds me of that time that I got kidna-"
>Prof. Bowie
"Where's the man now?"
"He should be here any momen-"
>The five then hear the sound of an approaching car
"That's him! It must be!"
"Alright, you kids go hide in that kitchen! And don't come out until we say so!"
>The three do as they're told as Iggy and Bowie take up firing positions in front of the door
>The door then opens and the man walks in
"Freeze motherfucker!"
>The man suddenly sees the two and stops moving
" two. How? How did you find me here?"
>Prof. Bowie
"Lucky guess. Now get down on your knees and put your hands up!"
>Bjork and Thom inch out of the room to see what's happening, followed by Thor
>Iggy moves towards the man to search for weapons as Bowie keeps his gun focused on him
>But before Iggy is able to search, Thom and Bjork hear Thor's voice behind them
"Alright then, hands up you two! And you cops in the back! Drop your weapons!"
>The four turn to see Thor with a gun in his hand

hi user, how are you?

>"The man we're after is certainly dangerous...but nothing is more dangerous than my wife."

I'm alright, thanks. How're you?

I'm fine...where's op?

"Thor, what are you doing? Why do you have a gun?"
"I'm sorry Bjork, but there's nothing to say now. Just turn around and get up against the wall. That goes for you two cops too!"
>Bjork stands still, in shock, and Thom guides her to the wall
"Thor, you bastard!"
"Shut it and move."
>Bowie and Iggy drop their guns and follow Thom and Bjork
>Thor, as he moves towards the man on the floor
"Any movement and I'll blow your heads off!"
>Thor moves up to the man and helps him to his feet
"Are you alright...father?"
>The man
"Yes, I'm alright."
>Bjork, very clearly in shock
"Oh...oh my god."
"Dammit all! We were duped!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Wait, what did he say? I didn't catch-"
"He said father you idiot!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Just like class, always dozing off."
"Hey, be quie-"
"Well excuse me! I find it hard to concentrate with a gun pointing at my head!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Probably daydreaming about those schoolgirl outfits again, I imagine."
"I said be quie-"
"You know, he's been mumbling about them in his sleep! He's obsessed!"
"What! Are you serious?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Thom, you gotta tell me where you got those, man. I'd like a few myself."
>Thor fires a round off at the ceiling
"That's enough! Shut the fuck up, all of you!"

I wish I knew. Maybe he'll find the thread today?

>Maybe he'll find the thread today

Oh fuck. I'm sorry he missed it.

>Flashback to a few nights ago, with Thor entering his house and encountering the man
>The man lowers the gun and laughs
"I love role play."
>Thor rolls his eyes
"Yes father, I know."
>The man
"So, did you meet up with that damned Briton?
"Yes, I did. He gave me some papers to translate. Get this, it's his wife's diary. He's a real sick guy-"
>The man
"Who cares about that! Soon, my plan will come to an end. It was unfortunate I had to suffer that humiliation in the bar, but we needed to confirm their identities..."
"Yeah, about that, I still think we could've gone without you getting all beat up-"
>The man
"And soon, I'll finally be able to exact my revenge on those bastards who took from me my eye! HA HA HA!"

>Back in present day, the man stands up and dusts himself off
"So, at long last I'm able to meet with you bastards again! Finally, I shall have my revenge!"
"Is this about the whole eye thing? C'mon man, I said I was sorry."
"And If I may, I must say you look quite dashing with the eye-patch. Very debonair."
"Yes! Yes, very very handsome. I wanted to ask you out that night in the bar!"
>Bjork quickly steps on Thom's foot
"Ow! Uh, I mean, yeah! Mate, you look bloody fantastic! And trust me, I know costumes!"
>The man
"R-really, you think it looks good...?"
"Father! You musn't fall for their tricks!"
>The man
"Argh! You bastards, shut up, all of you! You are right, my son. These people can't be trusted! Now hand me your gun, and tie them up! I have waited too long for this moment!"
"But I've already got the gun, why should I tie them-"
>The man grabs the gun from Thor's hand
"I said go!"

>mfw my touchpad stops working
Thankfully the wired mouse still works. Back to writing.

bahahaha this is a thing now? neat

>Thor grabs Iggy first, takes him to a chair and ties him up
"You ain't gonna get away with this kid! Give up now and I might let you live!"
"Shut up!"
>Next, Thor grabs Bjork, but is more careful with her
>Despite that, she is able to get a knee into his groin as he tries to get her to the chair
"You bastard! I'll kill you!"
>Thor cringes in pain as he forces Bjork into the chair
>Bjork, violently struggling against her restraints
"You remember that time in high school we convinced you to ask out Eva to that dance and she said yes? Well we paid her to say that!"
"That's right! She never would've gone out with you otherwise, you fucking nerd!"
>The man
"Thor, get on it with it!"
>Thor stifles a sob as he moves towards and repeats the procedure with Bowie
"You always let your father talk to you like that? What right does he have, Thor? You're your own man! You shouldn't need to follow his orders!"
"Well, he is kinda mean sometimes..."
>Prof. Bowie
"I don't doubt it! Now let us go and we can help you get away from him!"
>The man
"Thor, need I bring out the belt?!"
>Thor, as he rushes over to Thom
"N-no father!"
>Thom, whispering
"Hey man, do what you gotta do, but just tell me, did you translate the diary?!"
"Thom, you're a real sick bastard."
"Hey, you don't know what I'm dealing with here!"
>The man steps towards the four, now all in chairs, and laughs a manic laugh
"Finally, the time is upon us. Now whose eye shall go first?"

What is this autistic fucking thread???

"But father, where's the knife you had prepared?"
>The man
"Oh, right! I left it in the car! Come, let's go get it!"
>The two rush out the front door
>A moment of silence follows
"Not so nice being tied up to a chair, is it guys?"
"Oh, shut up Thom."
"Damn fine position you've gotten us into David."
"Me?! How is this my fault, pray tell?!"
"You should've checked the boy for guns dammit! This is just like the time back in '77!"
"Oh fuck off, that was Eno's fault, and you bloody well know it!"
"Alright alright, but what now? How the fuck do we get out of this?"
"Worry not. I have a trump card. I made arrangements right before we left for here. And if the agency works fast enough then we can expect him to-"
>The door suddenly bursts open with the two men come walking in
>The man
"I told you to leave it in the glove box, didn't I?"
"No, you said trunk!"
>The man
"Trunk?! You don't need a whole trunk for one fucking knife! Oh, just go get a fork or something from the kitchen!"
>Soon, the man stands again in front of the prisoners, pacing back and forth
"And who shall I choose? Hmm? Perhaps you Iggy, the man who slighted me all those years ago? Or perhaps you, David, his accomplice? no no. I think I shall choose this one."
>The man stops in front of Bjork
"This lovely lady right here."
"You monster! Lay one hand on her and you'll regret it!"
>The man moves closer and raises the fork with a manic expression
>Bjork leans further and further back as the man gets closer
>Suddenly the door violently swings open and a man with a gun stands there with a gun raised
"Nobody move!"
"Fripp, just in time!"

I don't know what to tell you man. Things got out of hand.

"Shit, Fripp, is that you!"
"Indeed, it is I! I hope my gallant arrival did not frighten you gentlemen too dearly!"
"Enough with that medieval bullshit, Fripp! Take care of these two!"
"So these are the perpetrators, eh? You've eluded the agency for far too long!"
>The man prepares to run
"You'll never catch me alive!"
>Fripp, turning the gun on him
"Stop! Move and I'll be forced to shoot!"
>The man tries to run anyway and Fripp squeezes the trigger
>The man closes his eye anticipating the shot, but when he opens it, he sees Thor in front of him
"Father...s-save yourself."
>Thor falls to the floor
>The man looks at him
"Save myself? How do you expect me to do that, idiot?"
>Fripp moves in
"Enough! Turn around or you'll end up like him!"
>The man does as he is told but screams aloud
"Ahhh! Curse you all! This isn't the last you'll hear of me! I'll get you one of these days!"
>Fripp leads the man out of the house where the local police have now arrived and take him into custody
>Fripp returns to untie the captives
"Fripp, buddy, long time no see! And man, you really saved our asses there!"
"Nice seeing you two again too! How's your lady, David?"
>Bowie, standing up and rubbing his wrists where the rope dug into his skin
"About the same."
>Thom and Bjork stand up
>Thom, moving to Bjork and grabbing her shoulders
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?"
"No, no, I think I'm okay. But, oh, Thor, that poor fool..."
>Iggy walks over to Thor's body
"Looks like the bullet barely grazed him. Kid just fainted. He'll be alright."
"Oh. Well, in that case, let's get out of here."

>After reporting to and directing the local police, and saying goodbye to Agent Fripp, the four get into their car and drive back to the hotel
>Thom, as they all enter the hallway leading up to their rooms
"Well, not exactly how I wanted to spend the day."
"You're just too soft for Iceland."
>Prof. Bowie, lifting an envelope and handing it to Bjork
"By the way, Bjork, I found that at the house. Thought it of interest to you."
>Bjork, opening it and examining its contents
"What is it- oh my god! It's my diary! Pictures of my diary! How did these get there?!"
>Bowie looks over to Thom
"I haven't any idea."
"M-man, that Thor guy was bad news, huh? Even stole your diary. What a character!"
"Indeed...well, me and Iggy have to pack and prepare for our flight home. Our work here is finished. I'll see you two when classes start again."
"Bye kids, enjoy yourselves."
"Yeah, thanks for everythi- well, I guess you didn't do much. But thanks, it was certainly memorable."
"Yes! I had loads of fun! Thank you professor! Iggy!"
>Everyone heads into their respective rooms
>Bjork turns towards Thom
"Oh, I'm absolutely exhausted! Let's stay in for the rest of the day."
"Good idea. There's something I think you would enjoy doing here."
>Bjork giggles
"Good idea."
>Bjork goes over to the closet and brings out one of the costumes.
"Do you think it'll fit?"
>Thom, trying to conceal his excitement
"Y-yeah! I made sure to get the right size!"
>Bjork, as she lifts up the costume to Thom, judging it against his frame
"Hmm, might be a little tight. But worth a shot. Why don't you quickly dress up, while I prepare"
"Wait, what do you mea-"
>Thom's eyes widen with fear as he understands what Bjork is suggesting
>Bjork, laughs
"I have to say Thom, this was not a bad idea. Could be fun. Just try not to scream this time."

The End

Looks like I'm the author of a trilogy now. I think I feel a Pulitzer coming my way.
Anyhow, hope you guys had fun. Goodnight. And I'm sorry OP couldn't be here.

Oh no! I missed it again. Damn.. Guess I'll be going to be now...

Is that you, OP? Sorry you missed it. Hope you enjoyed reading it though.

what the fuck is this shit

this shit is great

Yeah it's me. I can't fucking believe it. Sort of pissed actually.