I hope you realize these people died from starvation (because you bombed their food supply). Not gassing

I hope you realize these people died from starvation (because you bombed their food supply). Not gassing.

What is it that you wish to know?

Then why didn't the rest of the German civilians die?

Why were random civilians in camps?

Why were the guards of these camps not starving as well?

The people in the picture died of starvation, most certainly. death from starvation, disease and exhaustion were rampant in the camps (see ANY testimony of victims or persecutors).

>daily reminder that there is NOT ONE testimony in a war crime trial that denied the holocaust happened and that hundred of thousands of people were gassed.
Not Eichmann, not Göring, not Heß, not Höß, not Rosenberg, not Frank, not Frick, not Streicher, not one accused in the Auschwitz trial.

Just for the sake of argument, but can you really trust testimonies given under duress?

>Torture people
>See? It was all 100% true!

They all died directly from a profit racketeering machine that used war, terrorism and outright genocide.

Why is it always Americans that fall for these memes?

many were old, many were looking for death sentence for crimes on the Eastern Front anyways. Nobody changed their claims on the day they were hanged or their imprisonment was over? Why did Mengele talk about the extermination of the Jews and the experiments (inb4 Ausrottung doesn't mean extermination, explain me my mother tongue more please.) in his personal writings?

So not one. NOT ONE. thought, fuck the torturers, I won't lie?
Also, they didn't seem starved or extremely under duress during the trials.

We have testimony from people that were never under trial that came forth to fight holocaust denial retardation like Oskar Gröning or Oswald Kaduk.

We have quotes from leading Nazis on tape like:
"Juda must and will be exterminated, that is our divine faith!" - Robert Ley

"I am currently talking about the "evacuation of the Jews", the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people are being exterminated,' every Party member says, 'perfectly clear, it's written in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, and we do that.'" - Heinrich Himmler

You're talking to people from Sup Forums lad. Even if you brought Hitler to the grave and had him confess they'd still find a way to disagree with you

How could the prisoners at the Bergen-Belsen be starving to death when 3 km away the food stores for the camp contained "600 tons of potatoes, 120 tons of tinned meat, 30 tons of sugar, upwards of 20 tons of powdered milk; cocoa, grain, wheat and other foodstuffs."
Why was this food withheld from the starving prisoners?

I know, I know... It is just such a retarded claim + the claim they know more about the Holocaust without even being able to read the German original testimonies etc.

It's not necessarily true that the food was withheld. They were fed. But just fed very little, they wanted to keep some alive for slave labor.

But you can still starve even if you have some food in you. It's just called mal-nutrition in this case

>that picture

fucking saved.

Legst dich aber ziemlich ins Zeug hier Sören. Keine Lust meer auf Steine schmeissen in Hamburg oder was?

The narrative that they died because of allied bombing disrupted supply lines would be false?

Thanks, I made it a few weeks back

>impliziert ich bin ein linker Spinner
Nein, Ronny. Ich sehe nur einen Wert in historischen Fakten, weißt du?

maybe because their logistics were cut off

>Ich sehe nur einen Wert in historischen Fakten
Ja natürlich, darum zitierst du auch Aussagen von den Nürnberger Prozessen wo den Leuten und ihren Familien praktisch ne Knarre an den Kopf gehalten wurde.

Anstatt ständig über die 66.666.666 Juden zu heulen, solltest du dir mal lieber durchlesen was die Alliierten hier nach dem Krieg mit dem deutschen Volk gemacht haben. Die haben nämlich genau dasselbe gemacht für was sie uns beschuldigt haben.

Aber das interessiert den Sören natürlich nicht. waren ja auch alles duhme Kaggnadsies und haben das ja verdient.

according to Primo Levi, they received more or less the same rations from his arrival until the liquidation of the camp. And the main-aim of the Camp Buna where he was, was to build a Chemical production plant. If supplying food was hard, how did they supply the stuff for the building site? Steel, cement etc is a lot harder to transport.

If they had problems with supplying the prisoners, why not move the prisoners closer to the main land? Why were the forced marches to other camps done in the last days before the Red Army came and not earlier?

I'm not from Sup Forums, it's just that the idea of of testimony produced from torture being held up in court rubs me the wrong way. I would have deep misgivings about the way the Nuremberg trials were carried out no matter who was on the stand.

who cares, nazis are still borderline commies

Ich zitiere Aussagen, die vor 1945 gemacht wurden, idiot. (Ley und Himmler).
>Nürnberger Prozessen wo den Leuten und ihren Familien praktisch ne Knarre an den Kopf gehalten wurde.
[citation needeed] und ich nannte die Nürnberger Prozesse als EIN Indiz, das Schwächste sogar.

Mir sind die Zwangsvertreibung von Deutschen aus den Ostgebieten und die Vernichtung ethnischer Deutschen in der UdSSR ein wichtigeres Thema als den Meisten. Und meine Familie väterlicherseits wurde aus Schlesien vertrieben und mütterlicherseits aus Sudetendeutschland. Mein Großvater war Kriegsgefangener in Sibirien und hat Kohle als Sklave geschürft.

Schön, dass du weißt was meine politischen Ansichten sind, davon, dass ich keine Lügen über Geschichte (Deutsche oder irgendeine andere) aushalte.
Du bist offensichtlich geistig behindert. Geh sterben.

These work camps were strategically placed near rail lines and the output of the camps was war materials, textiles, etc. If the trains were able to take supplies for the war effort, I am sure they could have managed food to get to the camps. Consider the fact were able to send 600,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz and other camps in Summer of 1944 without interruption as a sign that they were quite capable of rail movement.

How often do show trials last 288 days? Stalin wanted every officer in the German military round up and shot.

>idea of of testimony produced from torture
Do you have any idea how many Nazis the allied intelligence personnel interviewed in a SINGLE YEAR after the war? (8 million). Wouldn't we have heard about these massive torture chambers that tortured hundreds of thousands of people into confessing to things and then in the 70+ years since we haven't had a single one of them recant and tell that what they said was isn't true?

>Mir sind die Zwangsvertreibung von Deutschen aus den Ostgebieten und die Vernichtung ethnischer Deutschen in der UdSSR ein wichtigeres Thema als den Meisten
Ja sicherlich, darum weisst du auch noch nicht mal was davon wie die Amis hier die Leute absichtlich verhungern liessen. Natürlich weisst du das nicht, weil du kein Plan hast wovon du redest, und einfach nur der Alliiertenpropaganda folgst die dir die Schule eingetrichtert hat.

> einfach nur der Alliiertenpropaganda folgst die dir die Schule eingetrichtert hat.
Nein, ich habe viele Fachbücher und Berichte aus erster Hand aus der Nazi-Zeit gelesen.

Aber netter Versuch.

Habe ich nicht gesagt, du sollst sterben gehen?

>Nein, ich habe viele Fachbücher und Berichte aus erster Hand aus der Nazi-Zeit gelesen.
Offensichtlich nur jüdische Propaganda. Merkt man ja schon dadran dass du jüdische Schimpfwörter benutzt anstatt die Sachen beim Namen zu nennen.

>g*rmans arguing in their destroyer language
ugh just destroy yourselves again already