If those men had respected his religious beliefs none of this wouldn't happened

If those men had respected his religious beliefs none of this wouldn't happened.

The LGBT community are the true bigots here.


Can we all agree that Homos>Islam?

sounds like omar was raped as a kid


did they go back in time?

Anything > Muslims


How about just love>hate?

I think that's probably something we could all get on board for.

I don't really care about homos, but freedom>islam and that's good enough for me. I wonder how long its going to take for leftists to finally work out that islam is not on their side?

yes. homos are much better than muslims.


I don't see what the problem with gays is anyway. Angsty fucktards up here scream and moan about them, but if you think about it, that opens up more opportunities for you to get laid.

Oh wait, that's right. Sup Forums is filled with beta bitches that don't know how to talk to women in the first place, because they spend all day behind a computer screen ranting and raving about negroids.

Homos=Liberals=Tolerance=more Muslims>Muslims

what a time to be alive

>We need to stop the hate by being compassionate and friendly towards muslims
>Lets continue spreading that whites are responsible for everything bad in the world

Pls gtfo, hippie.

He was probably growling with jealousy: "THOSE TWO MEN CAN KISS ONE ANOTHER BUT I CAN'T KISS A GUY? FUCK!!!". Kidding a bit, but it is proven that a lot of homophobes are homosexual themselves - especially the angriest ones (no, not just those who politely avoid homosexuality like buddhists, say, avoid meat due to religious obligation - but the nuts who freak out about it)

Won't happen, m8. These lowlives live for decades with this contradiction.

That includes those who shame gays too. True homophobes, not religious people: that's right! a lot of us christians just say it isn't for them and cast ZERO judgement on gay people or gay christians who haven't made that an article of their personal faith.

>Can we all agree that aids > cancer?

Well maybe?

Oh god Dave and John the guys I worked with are gay! No! They always say that I am gay.

gay here, not even joking I do feel partially responsible, but mainly because i grew up with a lot of self-hatred (didn't even come out til i was 23).

Or what? you'll shoot me?

We should start a movement to call the people who got murdered as racists and Islamophobic.

time to rev up some #islamicbigotry

No, i'll destroy your lava lamp and burn your weed. Peace.

Have you been frozen since the 1960's or something? You seem really out of touch.

>Willingly goes to a gay club
>Is surprised to find gays
A few kebabs short of a Jihad this one

> be compassionate and friendly
> trigger muslims even more because they are afraid of homo