/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/

Imperial edition

A comfy general for the three main powers of Europe.

This is a place for friendly discussion on culture, history, relations.
Post music, art, feels, qts, have good banter and laughs

Other urls found in this thread:


it's what he would have wanted

>tfw no Empire anymore

Ah, THE thread!

Deutschland >>>>>>>>> Eternal Anglo > "France"



Hello britfriends
are there more band like this?

"If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have all been killed."

-Hitler to Speer in his last days in his Bunker

Finally. Comfy thread is back

Gott strafe England uezs.


Tu es mon amis
You are my friend
Du bist mein Freund

Known for its many scientific discoveries and being on the forefront of economic/financial innovation

Known for its high art and quite literally revolutionizing statecraft and global legislation

Known for two world wars and genocide followed by demographic suicide

We can spend hours debating which of these three powers is at the top, but there's no doubt about which power is at the bottom.

>britain is a major power in Europe
having a good laugh at this delusion
brits literally believe ANYTHING the daily mail tells them

how've you been lads?

Just come back from my holiday in Vienna with the gf

>Netherlands in charge of ranking nations


You are the Mexico of Europe.

That's Poland

ze tem

>three main powers of Europe
hmmmh, let me verify that:

Left Europe, so no

Poor country, no functioning economy, half black

literally controls all of the EU

Hey, one out of three right isn't that bad, Nigel.

>Left Europe, so no
the EU is not Europe you silly little globalist

you're americas little bitch. They took your empire apart and now you say you have a "special relationship"

19th and early 20th century Germany was the biggest powerhouse of innovation and scientific advancement ever known to humankind. until the nazis ruined everything
prove me wrong fag

>Germany was good until the Germans ruined it
That's the history of Germany in a nutshell.

Imagine being the bitch of America's bitch.


yank-admiration and the yank's eternal influence is to be despised

they are a country standing on money and nothing more. they have no roots, no true identity, no true culture. they are creatures of popular fads, and are trying to make the rest of the world the same

wtf I love Ireland now

we aren't we do much more trade with the EU

Good afternoon.

>We aren't
Imagine having to go to school to learn your own language.

>they are a country standing on money and nothing more. they have no roots, no true identity, no true culture.
I'm as critical as America as the next guy, but that entire line of text is a stinky load of shit and you know it.

Hitler was a Schluchtenscheisser though

without the mass exodus of scientists from Germany the US wouldn't be a global power today.

nazis didn't ruin germany, they reacted to the ruining of germany and because that reaction ended with them being defeated germany became further ruined

WW1 ruined Germany, the same way WW1 ruined us and most of Europe.

France was ruined by their Revolution

Niederländer gib a Ruh


With that logic, Germany is half turkic.



Austria is and isn't German depending on how convenient it is to the Germans.

>Without Germany sabotaging itself for the second time that century, America wouldn't be a superpower
What did you expect them to do, politely wait for the Germans to unfuck themselves?

>nazis didn't ruin germany
Oh fuck off.

Oh you were that user.
How was the holidays ? Was it as safe as we told you ?
But it is.

yes because attacking and oppressing a people who can't fight back is a sign of an admirable nation
I suppose ISIS would be the kind of country you'd like the netherlands to emulate?

Germany did well in the 20s. it even recovered fro mthe Global economic crisis, which is why the NSDAP actually lost traction and couldn't profit anymore (they were never elected). Von Schleicher underestimated Hitler and Hindenburg was a senile old fuck when they named him chancellor

>half black
ho!!! We av 32 millions of niggas in france.
Only in football and Paris

strongest countries in Europe in order

>yes because attacking and oppressing a people who can't fight back is a sign of an admirable nation
Who are you talking about?

I'm not arguing against the USA, I'm arguing against the Nazis
it's absolutely embarassing how Sup Forumstards believe they weren't the absolute worst thing that ever happened to Germany

Yeah it was lovely, the architecture was beautiful, grand palaces, lovely museums, good attractions all around. food was lovely, hotel was nice.

just hated seeing Antifa and Anarchist stickers and graffiti all around. made me repulsed

one street had a pale stone beautiful statue of some kind of maiden or an angel, and underneath it was a crudely drawn spraypainted A symbol. perfect contrast between classical and modern Europe i guess

well this thread was a failure

can we replace germany italy?

we used to have good Germans in these old /fug/ threads but admittedly a lot more Germans hate the Brits too much for it to always work

hmm I wonder who



Was schiert uns Russe und Franzos
Schuß wider Schuß und Stoß um Stoß
wir lieben sie nicht
Wir hassen sie nicht
Wir schützen Weichsel und Wasgaupaß
Wir haben nur einen einzigen Haß
Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint
Wir haben nur einen einzigen Feind

Den ihr alle wißt, den ihr alle wißt
Er sitzt geduckt hinter der grauen Flut
voll Neid, voll Mut, voll Schläue, voll List
durch Wasser getrennt, die sind dicker als Blut
Wir wollen treten in ein Gericht
einen Schwur zu schwören, Gesicht in Gesicht
einen Schwur von Erz, den verbläst kein Wind,
einen Schwur für Kind und für Kindeskind.
Vernehmt das Wort, sagt nach das Wort
es wälze sich durch ganz Deutschland fort:
Wir wollen nicht lassen von unserm Haß
Wir haben alle nur einen Haß
Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint
Wir haben alle nur einen Feind:

no one gave me a (you) for admiring british culture though

God heard the embattled nations sing and shout
“Gott strafe England” and “God save the King!”
God this, God that, and God the other thing –
“Good God!” said God, “I’ve got my work cut out!”

So you're basically mad we conquered you in the past and whining like a little bitch on an image board about it?

Italia best food than germany.

>this upset irish runt

i don't know many bands like that sorry friend

Russia is Russia. Saying the UK isn't a major political and economic power in Europe is preposterous and results of an inferiority complex. That's probably the reason you're always in these threads, shoving your red and pulsating butthurt in our faces.
That's why we wanted to anhilate Germany after WWI. You guys were too kind to them.
That's awesome user. Was the language a problem ?
Must be nice strolling around beautiful streets with your second half, without a care in the wolrd.
I loath antifa so damn much, and even more the Laissez faire of the authorities. It's stupid how much amplitude of action they have.
Remind me of those Antifa ruining with oil the front of a Swiss museum. The rock was very porous so you can't clean it ever. A black stain on a beautiful statue, from kids "rebelling" on a power trip
Russians can be nice. But Italians are top tier as well.

"G"B/"Deutsch"land >>>>>>>>>>>>France

I just read this trainwreck of a thread and don't post anything.
Maybe it's because all the friendly ones are at work

just stating that britain is not a good nation like france or germany

What does being nice have to do with being a major power?

Hitting the drink a little early don't you think Patrick?

Language wasn't really a problem, no. German-speaking people tend to speak good English overall, especially in their cities. Only needed to speak what little German I knew on the taxi ride to the hotel.

>great power
>has to do whatever boss america says
kek. At least france and germany have the balls to say no to america sometimes

Dieser Faden ist tot. Danke ihr dämlichen /deutsch/ Ronnys.

Are you seriously trying to imply that France never subjugated weaker nations?

Don't be mad at the players for how they play the game mate. Ireland would've done the same thing if it could.

>link this thread to a general where everyone has at least 20 "Gott strafe England" images saved on their disks
>why has this thread failed
it's a wonder it has worked out quite well many times so far

the lads

never with the cruelty britain did

If France had invaded Ireland rather than the UK you'd still be speaking French rather than Irish. On top of that Irish would be made illegal and you'd still be part of France and probably at least semi-civilized.

Such a shame the Brits got to you first, they actually allowed the vomit known as the Irish language to fester in a corner rather than ridding the world of it.

>Only needed to speak what little German I knew on the taxi ride to the hotel.
So basically you needed to speak German with Turks. Gave me a little chuckle.

Britain was ruthless and did what was necessary, never needlessly cruel.

Want colonial cruelty for the sake of it? Look no further than Belgium.

Macedonian actually

There were a shit-ton of Arab or Turk looking people on the metro service though

Even still, I reckon I saw fewer nonwhites in Vienna than in Manchester.


haha fucking vatnik very funny sweden

Actually, some (french) kings of England invaded Ireland, IIRC

How many people here are neo-reactionary monarchists?

>on the taxi ride to the hotel.
Ja mate, bring mich to der Hotel, bitte
This. How many languages were made illegals by the Third Republic (1870-1940) and subsequently dissapeared ? Now everyone is French and regionalism only exists when you have to insult someone in your car.

loving that image

I'm a Kingdom of Franceboo and I'm not completely against Monarchy.

Thoughts on Macron?

It's funny because everything is still true today.

>Belgium had a larger, more influential, more profitable and more lasting colonial empire than Germany

>Brit can't handle some friendly banter
Well, here's a new one.

I'm not for Monarchy. I liked the French Monarchy, but it couldn't keep up. The republic did absolutely shitty things however, because it was created on shitty values, not because of the actual political regime.

seething insecurity from hibernian runts=/=epic bantz

Shamefully admit I don't know much about pre-revolutionary france.
Seems to me to be the explicit example of degenerated "democratic" values and progressivism.

All you have to know is that pre-1789 France was Europe's big boss :^)

Democracy is a joke.

I mean how do you feel about the recent news about his admiration for monarchy, authority, his dissolving of democratic parliament etc.?

I'm still very doubtful of him because he is an EU globalist and on the race/Islam-issue he is bad for us, but in terms of his views in neo-monarchy regards, he sounds very appealing

I'll dump some copypasta if you've not heard of this stuff

we are still learning

Hell I'll dump it anyway because it is interesting

>Mr. Macron has already concentrated all the power, nearly by default.
>exceptional measures — particularly searches and seizures and house arrests — will now essentially be decided by Mr. Macron’s Interior Ministry, with little review from the judicial branch.
>The ministry can also decide to close down mosques if it does not like what is being said in them.
>France’s rigid labor code, which Mr. Macron says kills jobs, will be revamped by decree, largely bypassing Parliament. Much of the antiterrorism state of emergency, in force since the November 2015 terrorist attacks and opposed by civil liberties advocates, will be permanently enshrined in law.
> The latest demonstration of what some are characterizing as a Napoleonic style was Mr. Macron’s announcement that he would address both houses of Parliament in the regal setting of Versailles on Monday.
>Billed as a kind of French state of the nation address, the move is unknown in the Fifth Republic outside moments of severe crisis.
>Yet the choice was typical of Mr. Macron, even if the only direct precedent goes back to the mid-19th-century presidency of Napoleon’s nephew Louis Napoleon.
>“It’s a very personalized way of wielding power, very Bonapartist,” Mr. Savary said.


>Emmanuel Macron says France needs a King
And guess who he thinks would make a great one?
The genius who has thoughts too complex for the common man, of course

Democracy was a joke because it was wanted by magistrates in a highly centralized country. It was as much of a democracy as it was a bureaucracy.

>I'm a Kingdom of Franceboo
Explain to me how that's possible? When you look at how the Kingdom met its demise, you realize that they had it coming and bringing it back simply isn't worth the effort.

>The Third Estate, upset with the fact that the Second and First estates can overrule them in legislative processes, storm the Bastille and threaten to take over the country
>A compromise is reached where the king remains in power, but his competences are limited by a wirtten constitution and the nobility is abolished (in the sense that the law no longer acknowledges noble titles and the privileges associated with them, such as overruling the commoners in the legislative assembly)

>Louis XVI is found guilty of conspiring with foreign powers to invade France and overturn all the gains made since 1789, *after* having veto'd every attempt to raise a national guard and increase taxes to fight off an impending invasion by the Duke of Brunswick
>The king has a fair trial in which he is assigned a defense lawyer, found guilty and executed as the traitor he is
>Monarchists cry bitch tears because a king should be allowed to invite a foreign army to invade its own country

>Based Napoopan is gone, the kings are given a second chance
>Realizing that the people of France actually enjoy the liberties they have been given, Louis XVIII signs the Charter of 1814 which keeps the Napoleonic meritocratic elite in place and guarantees the liberties of the revolution
>However the Charter is no constitution, it is a "gift" by the monarch

>Charles X decides that the Charter can be repealed at any given moment
>It doesn't end well for him
>The French STILL want a king, so they appoint Citizen-King Louis-Philippe

>Louis-Philippe turned out to be just as corrupt and reactionary as all other kings
>They dispose of him and appoint Napoleon 2: Colonial Boogaloo

Yeah, /fug/ ist Back. I like it.

>His tough interior minister, Gérard Collomb, has refused to open a new reception center at Calais, where some 600 migrants have once again congregated despite the French government’s demolition of a 7,000-plus-migrant encampment there in October.
>Outraging humanitarian groups, Mr. Collomb called Calais a “fixation abscess.” He is one of President Macron’s earliest and most steadfast supporters.

>“There’s a little bit of mystery about him,” Mr. Savary said — perhaps an echo of the Machiavellian precept that leaders are not bound to reveal too much.
>“He wants to be both lion and fox,” said Jean-Yves Boriaud, a Machiavelli specialist at the University of Nantes. “Machiavelli said the two must coexist. This is enlightening. Authority and ruse.”

And he's treating his own globalist allies like shit
>Political allies who tarnish his reformist image, like the four tainted cabinet members fired so far, are tossed out “like an old rag,”
>With a solid majority in Parliament, Mr. Macron no longer needed the deputies who several of these affiliated-party ministers brought with them.
>Mr. Macron believes France cannot be reformed, but instead is “a country that transforms itself, a country of revolution,” as he put it in his one newspaper interview, last week.
>The ambitions are grandiose. His coming to power is “the beginning of a French renaissance and I hope a European one as well,” he said in the interview, with Le Figaro and other European newspapers. “A renaissance that will permit the rethinking of great national, European and international equilibriums.”
>The far-left France Unbowed movement and its Communist allies are boycotting Monday’s speech at Versailles, calling Mr. Macron “pharaoh-like.”

>I mean how do you feel about the recent news about his admiration for monarchy, authority, his dissolving of democratic parliament etc.?
Never heard of it this is news to me. But he's just an oligarchic for neoliberal capitalists though? They would never want to return to tradition and prevent Islam and non-indigenous people from taking over.

>Napoleon III is dethroned (by foreign intervention I might add, none of the Napoleons were dethroned by their own people)
>The French STILL want a king so they offer the throne to the Comte de Chambord
>He refuses over A FUCKING FLAG

The French monarchy was given FOUR (4) opportunities to get its shit together and failed every time. Why would you ever want them back?

Ah my favorite general. Infact the only general I like.
How's your day /fug/faces?
Also who invited the giga ronnies?

More, even the commies are turning against him
>With permanent state of emergency, Macron plans authoritarian rule in France

>The king has a fair trial in which he is assigned a defense lawyer, found guilty and executed as the traitor he is

So wanting to fuck traitors (the so-called 'republicans') = being a traitor?

>Kingdom of France is only 10 years before the revolution+the Restauration
Moron. It was limping since the end of Louis XIV's reign. Everyone knows that. You can only be absolutist to a certain point when you have a growing counter power like the one in Paris

I just said I was a Kingdom of Franceboo, don't piss me off.

just linking these Macron posts together in case they get slipped by unnoticed
