The eternal Italian still stealing from other med people. Really makes me think

The eternal Italian still stealing from other med people. Really makes me think.

That means it is a low shit generic brand and the italian name is just to atract pigeons

cheap low quality non italian oil with italian name to pass as superior, good for dumb naive burgers, that's what you get for buying olive oil at supermarkets.

It says that it is bottled in italy

And who dare to buy olive oil in tin can ?

But italian oil is shit. Gr/tn/sp are all better.

Those big tin cans have more olive oil than the smaler bottles.

>muh oil t. medcuck

Who gives a shit
An Olive is an olive

checked quads, but
tin cans= no light= better conservation

Is this the reason they put an italian name on them?

selling tunisian oil for italian is the most common fraud, you are lucky it's written there.

Italian is written there because its bottled there and selling tn oil in italy is a fraud because of mafia propaganda

the shitalians buy Greek oil and mix it with their trash

shitalian oil has no quality

Yeah i found another tin can under an italian name with mixed Spanish and greek oil


a human is a human

>it's salsa
>it's Italian
>it's not made in Italy
>the name is Kaiser Franz
You haven't seen anything yet. You're only seeing the well from afar. I have seen the abyss of it. Stared into it

when i worked for big company
they imported parts from shitaly and china
assembled it
and wa la
made in shitmany product

as someone already said, at least it's written in the can, you're lucky because it usually isn't and by the way, having a can with a Botticelli painting and name should already warn you that it's a shit product.


That's true

>wa la

>wa la

because the Italian name is only there to make it more "Italian", always suspect of this shit, it's like if I made a BBQ restaurant in the middle of barcelona and called it "Texas steakhouse".

But in the end its med olive oil

mix abo with european and in the end its a human