So how to does the Alt-Right react to the massacre? What are the priorities?

So how to does the Alt-Right react to the massacre? What are the priorities?

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Trump has won.

im gay so the choice is easy

first post best post


This is not a dilemma for the Alt-Right. The only way it could be construed as such is if you are working on the premise "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Which most right-wingers reject.
The dilemma is real for liberals though, as you can't simultaneously support both.

Not gay, but LGBT sympathizer here.

I do wonder if Evangelical churches across the nation will even make mention of this or pray for the victims.

4 billion years of evolution and the constant fight against nature to reproduce ends up with you

Fucking faggot

There's a reason there's over 5 millenium of human civilization telling fags to die

but if only one, fuck mudslimes. gays are often annoying degenerates, but muslims are literally killing the west

i have nothing against gays so yea,the right one please.

how many kids do you have?

Can confirm, mentioned it in mass today

Fuck Islam and no one deserved to die here.

But gays will on average happily support the dissolution of traditional social rules and nations in favor of borderless cosmopolitan hyper-individualism like all leftists. They really do bring it on themselves and they can't help but make that slope slipperier and slipperier and put us all in danger. I don't expect the lgbt community to learn much from this.

>[Buzzword] reaction
Trump will win, worldwide genocidal movement against muslims

But I don't wanna fuck either of them

muslims breed
gays don't
choice obvious

It's not a dilemma for them. You know they're just going to attack 'evil conservatives', the NRA, and gun owners.

>people doing harmless, personal things in a private establishment which pays taxes
>religious extremist comes in and kills them, taking away their right to life and threatening the freedom to live how one chooses provided it harms no one
Easy choice. Let the Middle East deal with Islam. Stop importing people from radically different cultures and then suggesting they don't even have to try to integrate into our culture and values because that would suggest that our values are superior and that's racist. If you can abide by American laws and values, I don't care if you're gay, Muslim, or even Australian, but we need to recognize the fact that those who follow Islam to an extreme will never integrate peacefully into the US, especially if we continue down a path of increased social progressiveness.

Alt-right already planned their attack. You retards are just stupid and get caught.

its not how this meme work

Same as always - main priority is to engage in rapid shitposting.


Who cares? Both of my enemies are fighting each and I didn't have to lift a finger. This must be what it feels like to be Jewish.

Mentioned in mine also

If you chose "fuck gays", wouldn't that make you a homo too?
reaaaally makes you think

No need to push any buttons my friend. Just sit back and enjoy the chaos.

Don't see many people telling retards to die, Edgy McMemester.

Bad guys killing Americans i slightly disagree with. I still want those Americans protected so I am voting Trump.

Stop letting these people into our country and deport the ones who are already here. It's simple

And (((moderate))) muslims would behead everyone in that pic.

The Huffing and Puffington Post, BuzzFeed, Gawker, Salon, and all other nu-media are harvesting comments from Sup Forums for hit pieces next week.

Salon's story has a tentative name of "Sup Forums Racists Celebrating Senseless Murders To Further Trump Agenda" and will be released on Monday. Look out for it friends.

This is all being done in association with Hillary's campaign but there's nothing we can do about it. Even if no one posted anything edgy they'd find something.

>tfw Trudeau was right about "if you kill your enemies, they win"
Attacking America only makes Trump grow stronger.

>Trump has won.

Hilldyke is done

There is no way the left can win on this. Omar was a MUSLIM and a DEMOCRAT who killed GAYS which typically vote democrat. If he was really triggered by Trump's rhetoric, he would have stormed a Trump rally.

Liberals lost big league today.

totally support the gays

we just want them to walk to another cake store

mudslimes want to throw them off building

>consenting adults having fun in the privacy of a private club v terrorist who massacred civilians because he wants islam to conquer the world

hmm who could be in the wrong here?

thus is the retardation of the """""alt-right""""" defending """""western values"""""

> if you are working on the premise "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
What about the premise "my enemy is exactly like me and if I ruled my country it would be exactly like theirs"?


Its ironic that islam is so evil because of its extreme conservative values.

Gays brought it on themselves, they are almost all liberal fuckbois

Yep. The Alt-Right and Regressive Left have a lot in common.

Non-PC leftist here.

>NO triumphalism ("TRUMP WINS!! WOO")
>A gentle, but firm, "I don't want to say I told you so, but.."
>Spread information - real information, not hardcore Sup Forums stuff - to moderates and fence-sitters

Remember, this isn't an opportunity to radicalize people into Internet neo-Nazis. This is an opportunity to make your well-meaning semi-liberal father, uncle, or friend, etc., realize the danger they're in.

Unchecked Muslim immigrations in the West are dangerous, whether you're liberal or conservative. Any reasonable person can see this, it's all you need. Focus on it.

Why not both

believe me, I would fuck gays

>let's make fun of liberals by pointing out how indistigishable we conservatives are from muslims
>most of us are so fucking stupid we'll keep reposting it without ever realizing it

Stop saying alt-right

Alt-right are degenerates.

I don't support homosexuality but anyone who supports this attack or would take the side of mudslimes over the victims is a treasonous piece of shit and should be fucking shot.

the comparison is in her mind

I don't hate gays. Fuck Islam though.

Fuck homophobes.
I'm not on the right though. As a leftist, I can hold a perfectly consistent position that homophobia is wrong, not Muslims or gays.
I know gays who are good people and I know Muslims who are good people. I have yet to meet good homophobes though.

We're certainly not fag-lovers but I rarely see posts calling for the slaughter of all faggots but I do see the call for the removal of all non-whites from white homelands. Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha issue for you resident shills on this board?

Trump is a Zionist plant just like the rest.

You're being played, the kikes are coopting the right (see Milo) and preparing it to bend over for a closet liberal Jew lover who will clear the Middle east of muslims to make room for Greater Israel.

Good goyim

Trump supporters have always been kind to me. The left always wants to use me to further their own goals.

I don't hate Islam. Fuck gays though.

easy secret option number 3, fuck jews. they're responsible for both anyway

nice try shillingberg stein

"Fuck Islam, they kill innocent Americans."

Mash the FUCK ISLAM button without thinking twice

push both

Remove kebab.

Hello false flag redditor.