What happens here?

What happens here?

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It's just a shipyard.

a fucking nightmare that makes it a pain in the ass to travel up north by car

Not much after WW3.

A beautiful and historic German city utterly destroyed by Slavs.

It's a perfect example showing how Russians are talented at fucking up everything

Slavs happened

gay sex

What happens on the Isle of Man, that's what I want to know?

Red Ivan and his Bolshevik Clique must be destroyed lest they ever spring up again and bring ruin to the noble spirit of Europe.

Check google street view maps, the road from Lithuania is quite modern and maintained, the moment you pass into Russia it well....looks like a road you would expect in Russia

No idea but they like to travel into Poland. There are so many Russians the menus at truck stops in the area south of it are both in Polish and Russian. My driver taking me to Wolfschanze told me they went to shop in Poland.

Motorbikes and tax evasion.

pls no hate slavs we are glorious people :(

Pretty insane stuff


I'm quite certain the main road network in Poland has higher standard than the ones in Sweden. They make new roads everywhere and modernise existing ones thanks to EU money. I swear there is a "funded by EU" sign everywhere you go in Poland.

russian settlers turning a beautiful German Homeland into an ugly slav shithole.



Russians happen.

>Russian side of the border

>I swear there is a "funded by EU" sign everywhere you go in Poland
can confirm

thanks for sharing goyim

We get it, baltics are glorious nations while everybody else sucks.

But your dad was a Slav, son.

>wow I am so proud of our streets that we built with money from the EU

the expelled all germans and it turned to shit after that.

Russians wanted to sell it to germany in the 80´s but the chancellor said "hell no, we dont want your unemployed slav shits even though its ancient germanic clay. ok, praise Bismarck" (actual quote).

In hindsight it would probably have been a good idea considering you now have tons of unemployed turks, afghans and arabs instead. You could have filled the unemployed quota with slavs instead.

Germany has enough Slav genes, they don't need more.

Kaliningrad should return to Norway

- the only ice-free Baltic port of Russia
- military outpost to remain present in Europe
(which not really comfortable for us, knowing it's the most militarized area on the continent and it's right beside our border)
- cheap oil and cigarettes brought in by our drivers
- loads of Russians buying cheap food in our markets near the border

Turks are surprisingly not really unemployed to any extreme degree. More than Germans on average but not anywhere near the Niggers and Maghrebs in france. Germany doesnt realyl have arabs and afghans. All in all its about 600k or so.



>tfw Sweden has more Arabs and Afghans than Germany

What are you going to do when General Corbyn shuts down your tax haven?

>Arabic genes
>Slavic genes
pick one

Name of song? It makes me think of sailing to distant lands in my galley.

What's up with the legs and cowboy boots?

My cousin was adopted from here. My parents and aunt went there, it is completely war torn and still is 1/2 destroyed from ww2

Hey mann, hows it going?

If we're getting annexed, then I'm fighting for our independence.

bunch of russian army

Shit. Scratch that. embedding ruined my perception, I swear.

Didn't it used to be a prosperous cultural center before falling from Germanic and into Slavic hands?

Yup, and russians tried to offer it to Lithuania, which had some claim to it, but denied the offer since it would have been getaway to invade Lithuania (something like Crimea thing).

mostly for russian military bases
supposedly has nuclear missiles also stationed there. wouldnt surprise anybody

link pls

You forgot Plantations