Woah... really makes you think

woah... really makes you think...

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That's it, I am now a #cruzmissile

10/10 mental gymnastics

>It's OK if I use anecdotes but you can't point out facts.

Actually Muslims in general have a lot in common with white American Republicans.

Both have low IQs and support authoritarian governments. The only exceptions are the libertarians in the Republican party.

Her reply to that comment...
Afrocentrists are fucking stupid




It really made me think. I'm now a #RemainRocket



>Republicans support less government
>Muslims want a totalitarian secular government

A fucking leaf does it again

it says #fact and everything


He was a registered Hillary supporter tho.

Don't you just hate it when the terrorist turns out to NOT be a white Christian?

i know not all of Canada is this bad but we should have a temp range ban effective immediately it would weed off the retards

He was a democrat.

More like shitty analogy

The hard part about classifying fallacies afrocentrist morons are guilty of, is that even one of their 'arguments' usually consist of three interwoven fallacies.

>but he was a reigstered democrat?


How do you guys even read twitter? I try, but always come close to a rage induced stroke within 30 seconds.

except the fact that he was a shitskin democrat

>I said more in common!


>Republicans support less government

No they don't, except for libertarian Republicans. Saying you """""support""""" smaller government right before you expand it further and give it more power doesn't really count.


They're really pulling out all the stops with this one, aren't they?

Maybe because they know this will help Trump's campaign?


This. I feel like this board is all underage, and doesn't recall how much government expanded under Bush.

Well, that's just like her opinion man.

...that she needs to be buried up to the neck and have a paving slab applied to her skull?

any cunt who has "IN" in their profile picture or who supports the IN campaign is worse than the maggots on a dead pigs arse.

>g-guys, they haven't noticed our trojan horse yet, r-right?
>they aren't waking up, right?

Why do cucks like you insist on giving Canada such a shitty rep?

Thank you fellow leaf

wonder if she could name 3

Except for, you know, the whole murdering people in the name of Allah thing.

Calm down.
It doesn't matter.
It's too late anyways.

>in the Republican party
Because Republicans are totally pro choice and pro gay marriage. You are the reason A FUCKING LEAF exists.


The complete lack of self awareness. It's incredible.

>Mass murder is ok in certain situations

Maybe because Muslims shouldn't automatically kill Christians while faggots are total haram for them.


Bush left office over 7 years ago. The majority of Sup Forums is around 18-20. The oldest among them would've been 13 years old when Bush LEFT office. It's not surprising they don't remember the Bush years.

Oh, and in 3 years those born after 9/11 will be able to post on Sup Forums. Realizing that one really hit me hard.

Anyone would forget after what Obama's done in two terms

>and in 3 years those borne after 9/11 will be able to post on Sup Forums.
Why must you make me feel so old?

>that reply

Wow, that really make you tank.

>brown Muslim Democrat

This turned me over to the #HillThrill

Whoa.... Is anyone else really thinkin bout this one? Like, wow.


Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

>Woah so tragic, murder is horrible
>I only wish people who had nothing to do with this got mass murdered instead
These people are so about love that nobody dying at all doesen't even cross their minds, has to be the people they despise.

Republicans say they want less government but they give us more government whenever they're in power. Even moreso than Democrats.

Their "small government" is less regulation/taxes for old money industries. The rest of us get more government and regulations on how we can live our lives.

I dare someone to TRY to shoot up the westboro baptist church. I can guarantee that all those fuckers have their own guns, and while you take out two or three, the rest gun you down.

Was meant for