With all the shit happening as a muslim, what would you do if you were me ?

With all the shit happening as a muslim, what would you do if you were me ?

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Burn a flag.

call for peace and not just sit back and let it happen faggot

I don't mind being muslim

Get out. Convert. Speak out against the bullshit that you know of that happens within your group.

Let it be known brother, if there is fucked up shinanigans happening, let the world know.

become orthodox christian because even the head of the catholic church is a zio shitlord as well

Prepare for the TrumpCrusades©

Convert to Christianity

Kill yourself.

>Posts bawww thread with a picture of Pepe sucking on a barrel
>I don't mind

Well then you should go ahead and pull the trigger already then

Kill self.

If he converts they'll kill im

Go bomb something in France

Convert to a less shit religion.

Your religion, like all religion, is shit. Join the 21st century and leave the goat fuckers.

Go fight ISIS

There is your problem.

1.) Get gay
2.) Join Pink pistols
3.) Join glorious armed fag resistance

1.) Get hrdcore Muzzie
2.) Join ISIS
3.) Defeat West
4.) Still get blown up

1.) Be fetishized by the left as a noble savage
2.) be vilified by the right as a sand raider
3.) alllu snackbar either way

1.) Separate yourself from pigslam
2.) be degenerate
3.) dank memes

Your choice Ackbar

Dont you see? Theedia is already apinni.g the narrative. You're a protected class free of criticism

Its guns!
Its far right hate speech!
Its homophobia!

But no one dare say its you savags muslims.

bomb some place, i wann laugh at you.

Convert to Christianity or fucking die, we're tired of this and I'm sure you are too.

Or atleast be a fucking deist with Islamic attributes.

We don't want to kill you in the end but it must be done in order for the world to be stable.

Extremism on the fringe is a small price to pay for being the only faith that can stand against the universal hegemony of liberalism.

Stop following the teachings of a warlord pedophile you stupid idiot. There had been thousands of Gods through human history but yeah no yours is the right one, you fucking retard. Just think about how if you were born in china you would most likely be a Buddhist if you were born in Bolivia you would be a christian. The fact that you asking this question makes me thing you are an idiot and you probably live surrounded by thousands of them.

Absolutely nothing


Convert man, I'm completely serious, you can read the Bible, and see for yourself, it's pretty good.

Stay in Algeria and quarantine myself.

There are literally only 2 options

1.) You are a chill Muslim who hates radical islam and sharia law as much as everyone else.

In which case just show people that you also condemn terrorism

2.)You feel aligned with the terrorists because of your faith in which case you should kill yourself

Immigrate to European Algeria and try your luck as french rapper or soccer player.

Then why make this thread you faggot?

Islam is the most regressive mindstate you can possess, a man infected with Islam is as a dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog.

So either get cured or get put down.

tl;dr go fuck yourself

>mfw the prophet of islam is your ancestor
wish i could stop here

Since I was born I literally never heard of the goat fucking meme

I've never planned to go anywhere else



Kill yourself. Take as many muslims with you as you can.

Meditate and reflect long and deeply about what you believe on, question if it's right or wrong and make your own conclusions.
Forget whatever you were thought about morality and think based on your experiences and feelings, what you've seen and what you have noticed.
It may take some time, but i hope you find your answer.

Remove yourself physically from society

Stay in my country


It depends. Where am I being a Muslim? Am I being a Muslim in Yemen or somewhere? If so, I marry a 9yo and live the life.
>if you were me ?
Fuck, didn't clearly read what you wrote before I typed that shit. Do y'all have child brides in Algeria?

I used to be a muslim but I'm from Scotland so I didn't get killed for it. PLEASE LEAVE ISLAM! IT'S TRASH!

Find an Arab Christian and ask about Jesus. Then keep safe from muslims wanting to kill you.
Bonus points: Build a Christian cathedral in Mecca.

Accept Christ as your savior

There is your problem.

Join isis then turn on them when they give you a gun


-stop kneeling on a carpet 5 times a day
-eat in the daytime like NORMAL PEOPLE

That would be a good idea, if i don't get killed until then

If you are able to, leave your country, stop doing Islamic shit, don't tell anyone you're muslim, keep minimum contact with your family. Drop Islam, if you have kids then don't mention Islam or any other religion to them.

You literally have to do one thing.. convert.

simple. Just stay there.

Just be a normal secular guy
It doesn't matter if you're muslim, what matters is you not being a fucking muslim and practice it every fucking day and claim to be opressed while applauding genocide done by your religious brothers.

Eat bacon

Go about living your life, just stay over there

No pedophilia her

i dont know, all I know is that ill see you on the battlefield

convert to Christianity
kill gay people like your fellow muslim brother did.

In all seriousness, no 1 is preference.

Stop being a Muslim. It's a choice.

Hi Dzeri user,
I got three words for ya,
Enjoy the ride

>convert to Christianity
Even going atheist is better than Shitslam.

Why not call is rabies?

I'm standing up for the muslim rights. Muslims are not a threat to the culture, ideals and values of the west. I truly believe this. Terrorism has no religion and I condemn ISIS with all my heart as well as the man who killed the 50 POOR SOULS today.

There are lots of people like me who have muslim friends and know that Muslims don't mean harm. Don't convert to something else. You are doing nothing wrong. Don't responsibility for the deranged rampages of the extremists. They would have been extremists no matter what religion they had.

Don't **take**responsibility

Ok i'm gonna rephrase the question : Is there any way to stay muslim and not being hated by half of the planet ?

That kinda what i wanted to hear, thanks user

Nice hat, enlightened one.

Hi there palestinian user

You have to fight the hate by telling everyone that you aren't a threat. Over and over again. Eventually it will get through. I'm sorry that most of the world hates you in this day and age and it won't change for a long time but don't lose hope. Everyone's alive for a reason. Just because you're hated doesn't diminish your value.

Stay in your own country and don't bother anyone with your Islamic bullshit.

You're in your country, then it's fine. Do you life and don't come here.

Quit being a Muslim.
It's clearly an evil religion.

Kill myself because all Muslims must die.

Get the fuck out of my country, either you're a radical or a muslim, which is worse I cannot tell, just get the fuck out.

Because I was semi-quoting Winston Motherfucking Churchill.


Convert to Christianity or kill yourself.

Hi Sweden

Convert to Judaism.

Vote for Trump, faggot.

cuck alert

Be Grateful that you killed off your islamists in the 90's and that you have strong and brutal secret service that keeps you safe.

Maghreb countries are still allright for the most part.

Well, that's disappointing. Then, if I was you I'd go to one of those Muslim countries what allows child brides and get me one and live out my days as a sand farmer.

Muslims aren't the problem, Islam is. The Bible has pretty much the same shit in, just corrupt and retarded sandniggers see it as an excuse to enforce a nation pretty much the way Sup Forums would if given a chance.

> Women treated as second-class
> Hate the other races
> Hate Jews
> Hate gays

The specific variety of nigger might be different, but it's all the same.

Just don't do terror and don't support the bullshit that is Sharia law. Go around and post about how Islam preaches anti-western values and that we shouldn't base nations off of book from thousands of years ago, nor kill in their name. Or at all, for that matter.

Read alot and educate your peers on Islamic jurisprudence and the various sects of Islam.

Good luck. I find that most peoples knowledge only goes so far as the sectarian rift between shia and sun is, but these are just as much buzz words to them as baathism was in the 90s.

For bonus points, you can shame white people for imperialism and propping up the Islamists. That's always fun.

desu senpai

Either turn into a Christian or just fuck off. Quit attention whoring you fag

American demonstrating his impeccable knowledge of geography once again

Luk nu din stinkende kusse. Hvad fanden er "muslimske rettigheder"?

Hor på dig selv, du er jo langt ude at skide knægt.

Preach Sufism

Muslim defending his cucks until he grows enough in number to kill them.

I don't hate any of them trust me. I'm confused when did islam encourage hate on other race

Let me be extremely serious here, there is nothing that wrong with being a Muslim in your filthy Muslim shitholes. The problem is that you take your filthy religion to our perfectly fine countries that, *blows mind* were even better without Islam and only get worse the more Muslims we have. You don't need to see the correlation to perfect societies becoming worse as more Muslims come, but you are free to. Be a shitty Muslim, fine, but do it in your own shitholes and don't bother us with it.

Han er jo helt sikkert en cucked radikal, de er jo ikke kendt for andet end landsforraederri.

Hi Danebro, our greatest ally.

t. Frisian

Islam is beautiful religion that safeguards the interests of women by making sure they aren't valued for their looks but the fact their personality matters more that's what it means when they wear the veil.

Muslims are allowed to marry Jewish women, how can you say Islam tells you to hate them? Just because it says "they'll never be your friends" doesn't mean you can't be acquaintances.

Islam is against open sexuality in public. It's not anyone's business what you do behind closed doors. Homosexuality is not proven to be genetic yet since people have been known to change their preferences as they get older. Islam doesn't want children to be warped by homosexuality and begin to prefer that to heterosexuality. It shouldn't be seen as something normal. Kids become overly precocious when they're exposed to sexual behaviour like kissing and groping in public and it ruins their childhood.

Islam is not allowed to impose the sharia in a country that Muslims don't rule. So muslims can't establish their values in the west. The ones that do are doing it wrong. However I don't believe their values are anti-western because they're so beneficial.

you cant really do shit
>converted muslims are known to reconvert and join terrorist cells

>be gay, practice all kinds of haram shit etc
>a gay rapper repented of his past and joined isis

>stay secular, dindu nuffin
>the guy who shot san bendinono posts enjoying bacon breakfasts and attending frat parties 6 years ago on his fb

once a muslim always a muslim

poo in loo

This though. You can stop being a Muslim but you will always be a nasty drain to every society.

Hold dig kæft din dansk folkeparti stemmer. Tulle man er en svin.

What country is op from?
>on mobile

islam is the religion of unity
there are no black mosques, white mosques, chinese mosques, gay mosques, etc

under islam everyone are blood brothers regardless of race

LGBT are degenerate but don't commit violence usually.
Islam is conservative but is linked with ISIS.

So which do you prefer? Yes you really do need to choose right now.
