Trump supporters will defend this

>trump supporters will defend this


What's there to defend?

He should really delete his account

>Oh look, it's another Liberals Suck at Reading Comprehension thread

but he said he doesn't want congrats

Not a big fan of him but at least he recognizes, and more importantly, publicizes the serious problems with Islam.

Yes. What seems to be the problem?

liberals are SO butthurt

He's right? He was being congratulated by Fox News for being "right" at the time of the tweet.

He's right?
What the fuck are you gonna do about it?
Did it hit a nerve?
Fuck your feelings.

>He wants more dead gays

Dude that's not very PC of you...

damn... makes you think

learn to spell before you insult someone else's english skills nigger

Lmao get ready for a Trump presidency you limp wristed faggot.

He is essentially saying because he was getting tweeted a lot telling people "hey look let's be smart about this now is not the time"



t. hillary

>We must be smart and vigilant
>Liberals will argue against this

he literally said he doesnt want the congrats

>Dead spic homos
>All Hillary voters
>Trump being right will get him more votes from people who were on the fence.

I fail to see how this is a tragedy.

>Trump: "We must be smart against terrorism"

>Obama: "I will use this terrorist attack to push my laws against guns"
>omg he's so right look he's crying...

What the fuck are you talking about? He didn't misspell anything, faggot.

>50 people get killed
"Congrats Trump"
t. Trump supporters

Honestly keep making these threads I think op is the one that needs to defend himself

Oh my God what a racist, this tweet is the worst thing to happen in America in the last 24 hours and by a wide margin, like, delete your account DRUMPF you fucking racist Islamophobe Orientalist xenophobe. Like, my sociology professor told me Trump helps ISIS because he makes ordinary loving Muslims who are just like you and me magically become radicalized when he tweets about Islam and then they join ISIS. Like seriously, it's 2016 for fuck's sake, I mean I can't even.

