Why is Darth Vader projected as a nazi fascist dictator when he was the most human character in the entire Star Wars...

Why is Darth Vader projected as a nazi fascist dictator when he was the most human character in the entire Star Wars universe?

i hate sand lol

He's more machine than man.

>seven foot tall space cyborg with mind powers and a sword that can cut through anything
>most human

He was very human from a certain point of view

yes but he gave that up for his son

dude lets like, make him a nazi or something lmao

that's the pottery of it

oh yeah, because there was no Nazi imagery in Star Wars whatsoever. "Stormtrooper" certainly wasn't a Nazi term.

>Why is Darth Vader projected as a nazi fascist dictator
Because in general conduct and disposition he was. He was an intimidating murder-machine for the Emperor. He didn't start that way, and he didn't die that way, but he spent most of his adult life that way.

Perhaps the same could be asked about Hitler.

Because the happy merchant told me so without question

Why is he wearing a german helmet? That's pretty insensitive towards the tens of millions of german servicemen who gave their life to heroically defend evropa from the encroaching menace of judeo-bolshevism

because nazis and white males and current year, op

>inspired a nation to better itself and remove all negative aspects
Like a western Gandhi.


she is the hero we need, i guess

It's half samurai helmet though. And empire's officers have a british accent. And the death star cannon is a nuke. The empire is every modern imperial power.

Stormtrooper is a WW1 term.

The storm troopers used german weapons from ww2 in the movies and the naval uniforms are often said to be "nazi" in their theme. Looking at them from a position of someone with uniform autism I would say the uniforms are closer to ww1 Imperial German uniforms btw.

fuck you ben

he killed the younglings nigga

the empire never burned or gas anyone
