/Brit/: Devilish edition

/Brit/: Devilish edition

Other urls found in this thread:


niggered up as usual
>trusting an american to do something right


>Saw Pole typing something on his computer
>Sent him 10petabytes of CP
>Called the cops on him

/D E V I L I S H/


in the spirit of the general i plan on squirting the couple outside with orange juice in a water gun


mate of mine is a """gamer""" but pretty much only plays MOBAs, really trashy weeb mobile games, and Overwatch

he got me to try it and I didn't enjoy it enough to buy it myself
I got a C&C complete edition with every game included which was pretty sweet, I prefer Red Alert to Generals though
and Warcraft RTS games/Starcraft 1

I'm going to keep posting until my thead beats out the other thread

Truly /D E V I L I S H/

>no subject
Are we using this thread?
I like ra2 but feel like ZH has better gameplay mechanics and mods for when you fancy a change. Stock ZH isn't without it's flaws though.

Average wank time is 10 minutes for me. If that's general average, there must be a lot of people wankin'

I'm so tired but I can't fall asleep

New fetish
>Teleport random, single, 7/10 girl from Facebook friend's list into bed with me
>Act all surprised even though I know I'm the one that teleported her here
>When she leaves my house, teleport her back into my bed again
>Just shrug my shoulders and say "it must be a sign"
>Sleep next to her and "accidentally" hug her closer to me and trace my fingers across her belly
>After an hour or so of this, drop all pretenses of this being "accidental" and just run my hands all over her thighs and belly until she makes little soft squeaking noises and squirms around in the sheets
>Trace a circle around her belly button and say "I want to put a baby in here"
>Force her to undergo hours of foreplay without any sex
>Fall asleep together like this
>Before she wakes up, teleport her back to her house and if she ever brings it up with me, act like I have no idea what she's talking about
>Repeat this over and over and over again until I've done so many friend request chain loops that I'm now somehow pulling in 7's from Israel
>Do this until I die

That is the first new fetish I have just created for myself.


I'm so lonely but I can't fall in love

I shall fight you on the beaches...

Taken to codeine, my dude. Makes me feel like I'm shrinking + gives me deep and dreamless sleep.

really need the shits for some reason

never played ZH only the base Generals game a bit, I only got it with the combined pack I mentioned. I mostly stopped buying C&C games after EA bought them out.
I played Red Alert and RA2 a lot though, as well as Tiberian Sun and C&C


Really think this is a comfy movie, 2bh. Want to watch it at night with my dog and a big bowl of popcorn.

we're all over here and yeh, EA the franchise, loved Tiberian Sun

ruined the franchise*